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Tiktok: Beneficial and Educational

Instrument for Universidad De

Manila’s Senior High School
Students S.Y. 2021-2022
*Francine Margareth Delos Santos *Eunice Belarma *Victoria Hailar

*Michelle Parungo *Genesis Chido *Janna Raymundo

*Carl Harvey Cuaterno *Norhan Lumangka

Chapter 1



This study tackles about a specific application to be used as a tool for educational

purposes. It conveys the function, advantage and disadvantages of the specific app along the

study. Samples, instruments and data are based on reliable sources.

In this study, it will give u clearer information about the use or utilization of the app as

well as its limitations. This study will also show the significance and its purpose. It will also

display the benefits of many people especially students and teachers within the school campus.

It is conducted throughout the S.Y. of 2021-2022 with the setting at Universidad de

Back ground of the study

In today’s situation, people are doing their duty to strive and cope up with the new normal. The

Department of Education find new ways to teach the students without interacting personally and safely. Online

class is the learning set up that’s chosen to continue the education that has been stopped for months. It’s one

advantage is that you can be present on your class wherever you are. (Gautam, 2020) Basically Tiktok is a social

media app which entertains many people around the world and did a huge impact to everyone especially to the

teens and students. TikTok is one of the social media apps that is utilized by the teachers to set up digital

schoolwork. (Edwards, 2021) Through tiktok, students are engaged to do more creative works either an individual

task or a group-interactive task. (ibid. section 1) Education, on the other hand, as well as social media is

revolutionizing educational contexts, and online or blended education is becoming more prevalent. As a result, the

TikTok application may be utilized as a powerful instrument in the field of education.

On TikTok, the “happiness of learning” is that the content proposes a directive tips and
takeaways in a creative way, teaching something functional and motivating users to find out more
information in a way that is fun and fascinating. (Heick, 2020) Teachers can use TikTok to create
short videos on specific subjects that students can watch. This is a good way for explaining lesson
concepts. Not only does it mean a short and to the point video, but one that can be watched
multiple times so students are able to revisit the guidance when working on the task. (Edwards,

Since TikTok is very prominent among teens; 13- to 24-year-olds make up to 69 percent
of TikTok's user base, and the app plays an important role in young people's social and cultural
lives, both reflecting and developing nowadays learning (Kale, 2020). It is becoming a source of
education in addition to being a source of amusement and entertainment. This research,
therefore, aims to prove that Tiktok is a beneficial and educational tool for senior high school
students at the Universidad de Manila.
Statement of the Problem

The primary objective of this study is to determine if Tiktok can be utilized as an educational tool

for Senior High School students studying in Universidad de Manila, S.Y. 2021-2022

1. How would you classify the profile of Senior High School pupils in terms of:

1.1. Name;

1.2. Age;

1.3. Gender;

1.4. Grade level and strand;

1.5. Estimated hours of using Tiktok per day;

2. What specific subjects can Tiktok cover in terms of learning?

3. Is using Tiktok as an educational tool advantageous to senior high school pupils from Universidad

de Manila?

4. What are the benefits and drawbacks of using Tiktok as an educational tool?

In this study the researchers will explore four possible hypotheses. To begin with, if students

respond positively to the questionnaire and interviews, then we conclude that Tiktok has proven to

be a beneficial tool for senior high school students and that this platform can be used for

educational purposes. Next is, Students who said Tiktok was a big help in their academics are

more likely to get better grades; as they are learning beyond the "schooling hours." Furthermore,

since not all videos and tutorials on this platform are credible and accurate, therefore we can say

that Tiktok cannot be classified an instrument in the field of education. Finally, Tiktok does not

provide any assistance to the pupils in their studies at all; rather, it is used solely for

Significance of the study

This research shows how the Tiktok app can be used as an educational tool for Senior High

students at Universidad De Manila. It has a significant impact in the educational environment

because it is rapidly gaining popularity. We are all aware that the new normal in education is one

of the issues that each student is now facing, particularly those who are slow learners. As a result,

the purpose of this research is to determine how the Tiktok app can be used to assist students in

learning various subjects. This study could be beneficial to the following:


Senior High students at Universidad de Manila will benefit from this research simply by being

encouraged to use the tiktok app as an educational tool. Modular students benefit from this study as

well, because it can help them study on their own and guide them for a specific topic. It is especially

beneficial to slow learner students, who can simply re-watch the video if they didn't get it the first

time. Tiktok can also help them with their activities; they can use it to record and edit videos.


They can use it to educate their students by posting videos on Tiktok that are related to a

specific topic. They can also go live in Tiktok for more in-depth explanations. They can use it to

provide guidelines, ideas, and so on.

Future researchers:

They can use this study as a framework, basis and a pattern for their own purposes. The

findings of this study can help them about the research that they are conducting. It may also inspire

them to develop platforms that will benefit the majority of students, particularly those with special

Scope and Limitations of the Study

TikTok is the fastest-growing application today, attracting a vast audience of 1.5 billion active

users, primarily children, and teenagers. This study aims to prove how Tiktok can be used as an

educational tool in Senior High School and how useful it can be in the field of education.

The scope of this study is limited to the senior high school students of Universidad De Manila

during the school year 2021-2022, who will be contacted through the class presidents of each class.

After we gather volunteers, they will be asked to complete a short questionnaire to evaluate how

helpful educational videos we compiled on TikTok and how such a study affects their student lives.

After the questionnaire, they will be asked to complete a survey that will determine the rankings of

each field of education in TikTok.

The findings of the study must be seen in the context of some limitations: First, the TikTok
'For You Page' Algorithm recommends videos to viewers based on their platform interactions (Olson,
2020). As a result, our study is restricted to students who interact with educational platforms.
Second, we have a shortage of respondents since our respondents are limited to interacting with
academic creators. Because we're conducting this research online, finding people willing to
participate in surveys and interviews is challenging.

Third, there are many content makers on Tiktok; however, there aren't many informative ones.
Fourth, because the fields we'll collect are those connected to subjects HUMSS students study, it's
conceivable that we won't be able to cover all educational topics in TikTok. Finally, the credibility of
Tiktok. There is no previous study regarding evaluation and credibility on this platform. TikTok, social
media, and the internet, on the other hand, were not considered reliable sources of information by
the participants (Manangon, 2021)

Theoretical Framework
This study is supported by the theory of Mayer’s 12 Principles of Multimedia Learning.

According to this theory, students learn more thoroughly from words and pictures than just words

because they may draw significant connections between them. The human information-processing

system contains three memory stores: sensory memory, working memory, and long-term memory

(Richard Mayer's Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning | McGraw-Hill Canada, 2019). The

current study aims to provide insights into the TikTok application as an educational tool in learning,

based on Mayer's principles in employing multimedia for e-learning.

Richard Mayer’s 12 Principles of

Multimedia Learning

1. Coherence Principle
Richard Mayer’s 12 Principles of
2. Signaling Principle
Multimedia Learning
3. Redundancy Principle
1. Coherence Principle
4. Spatial Contiguity Principle
1. Signalling Principle Fig.1. Mayer’s 12 Principles of
1. Temporal Contiguity Principle 1. Redundancy Principle

1. Segmenting Principle 1. Spatial Contiguity Principle Multimedia Learning

1. Temporal Contiguity Principle
1. Pre-training Principle
1. Segmenting Principle
1. Modality Principle
1. Pre-training Principle

1. Multimedia Principle 1. Modality Principle

1. Personalization Principle 1. Multimedia Principle

1. Personalization Principle
1. Voice Principle
1. Voice Principle
1. Image Principle
1. Image Principle
Six of the 12 principles are in line with the findings of this study.
1. Spatial Contiguity Principle
The Spatial Contiguity Principle is about the space in between text and visuals on the screen,
stating that humans learn best when relevant text and visuals are physically close together. In the
context of this study, the TikTok application is more convenient. It gives the best learnings because
the text and visual presentation are physically close together and easier to understand.

Fig.2. Spatial Contiguity Principle

Fig.3. Spatial Contiguity Principle – A
Sample of User’s TikTok
2. Temporal Contiguity Principle

The Temporal Contiguity Principle states that humans learn best when corresponding

words and visuals are presented together instead of in consecutive order. Within the

context of this research, using words and visuals together or simultaneously gives the best

learnings to us because it is easy to understand what is being presented in TikTok. TikTok

as they believe this will enhance the viewers’ comprehension.

Fig. 4. Temporal Contiguity Principle

Fig. 4. Temporal Contiguity Principle – A

Sample of User’s TikTok
3. Pre-training Principle

According to the Pre-training Principle, people learn more quickly if they already know

something. Before beginning the learning process, it is essential to comprehend fundamental

definitions, words, and ideas. This technique helps students develop more complex thinking as

a class or course progresses. Even before it was launched as a learning tool, TikTok was

actively utilized for entertainment. As a result, they already knew the foundations of TikTok,

making it easier and more entertaining.

4. Modality Principle

The Modality Principle states that humans learn best from visuals and spoken words than

from visuals and printed words. This doesn’t mean that you should never use text on screen; it

simply means that if there are visuals and too much text, learners will be overwhelmed. TikTok

gives more relevant learning visuals and spoken words that are easier to understand than

written or printed words suitable to the viewers and even Users to express their feelings or

ideas most understandably.

Fig. 5. Modality Principle
5. Multimedia Principle

According to the Multimedia Principle, people learn better from words and visuals together

than simply words alone. This idea that visuals plus words are more successful than words alone

underpin all of Mayer's other principles. Users may think beyond the box using TikTok. Users may

add additional features to their TikTok presentations than only photos and words, such as their

films, animations, narration, music, and sound effects, to make them more lively, instructive,

engaging, and enjoyable. This made it easier for students to learn because of words and pictures

than from words alone.

Fig. 6. Multimedia Principle
Fig. 7. Multimedia Principle –
A Sample of User’s TikTok
6. Image Principle

The Image Principle asserts that while talking head films are popular in eLearning and

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), they do not always aid in the learning process. The

premise is that if important information must be learned, relevant graphics on the screen will be

more successful than a talking-head video of a teacher or instructor. On TikTok, users may

make themselves visible in the video using a function. They can still use special effects to

convey their messages without speaking anything. Students do not always learn more from a

multimedia class when the speaker's picture is projected on the screen.

Fig. 8. Image Principle
Fig. 9. Image Principle – A
Sample of User’s TikTok
Paradigm of the Study

Fig. 10. Paradigm of the Study

The research paradigm for this study is shown in Figure 10. The IPO model, which

stands for Input, Process, and Output, was utilized to demonstrate the concept of TikTok's

educational benefits to UDM senior high school students. The data obtained is displayed in the

input, which will be utilized to answer the study's objectives. The empirical process that would

be employed in the study was a part of the study's methodology. The researchers interpret the

study's output, which comprises the benefits of TikTok as an educational tool among UDM

senior high school students, as an indication of response to the study's objectives.

Definition of terms

Beneficial- The meaning of beneficial is producing good results or helpful effects:

conferring benefits.

Bite-sized- It is something small or short enough to be easy to understand, remember,

or deal with at one time

Contiguity- It is the sequential occurrence or proximity of stimulus and response,

causing their association in the mind.

Generation Z- Generation Z, colloquially also known as zoomers, is the demographic

cohort succeeding Millennials and preceding Generation Alpha.

Inquiry- To seek information by asking a question: inquired about prices. 2. To make an

inquiry or investigation: inquire into the extent of the corruption.

Leisure- It is the use of free time for enjoyment.

Live Broadcast Technology- A live broadcast, also called a live transmission, generally

refers to various types of media that are broadcast without a significant delay.

Media- the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the

internet) regarded collectively.

Micro-learning- Microlearning deals with relatively small learning units and short-term

learning activities.
Mobile terminals- Every apparatus light enough to be humanly transported and with embedded

computation power

Multimedia- It is the use of a variety of artistic or communicative media.

Nano-learning- A Nano Learning program is a tutorial program designed to permit a participant

to learn a given subject in a ten-minute time frame using electronic media and without interaction

with a real time instructor.

Online Learning/E-Learning- E-learning is learning based on information and communication

technologies with pedagogical interaction between students and the content, students, and the

instructors or among students through the web. (González-Videgaray, 2007).

Online/Digital Repository- A digital repository is an online archive for the storage of digital

objects; these can range from digital archives, moving or still image galleries, manuscripts, anything

that is in electronic format and needs a place to be stored either in the short or longer term.

Pedagogical Methodology- A pedagogical methodology is a set of procedures that a teacher

can develop to help all students learn.

Pedagogical- The meaning of pedagogical is of, relating to, or befitting a teacher or

education. It is relating to the practice of teaching and its methods:

Perceived- It is to become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand.

Self-serve- It is serving one's own interests often in disregard of the truth or the interests of


Service- Service is the action of helping or doing work for someone.

Technology- Technology is the sum of any techniques, skills, methods, and processes used

in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific


Teenagers- a person aged between 13 and 19 years.

Utilization- is the action of using something, i.e., making practical and effective use of it.

Put simply; the term refers to the use of something or the process of using it effectively.

Research Design

The research design focuses on the TikTok application, which is utilized for educational

purposes. Since the implementation of pandemic lockdown, TikTok has become the most popular

app (TikTok Named as the Most Downloaded App of 2020, 2021), allowing educators and content

creators to use TikTok as a teaching tool. The makers of this study also include the need for learners

to apply their learnings in TikTok to their academics and daily lives to get better academic

performance, using theory to determine how TikTok is an efficient method of learning.

This study will be using a Qualitative Research Design that allows the researchers to

find information by gathering the data through open-ended questions, which will then be

analysed and provide accurate and reliable findings to examine the advantages and limitations

of TikTok as an educational method. This design facilitates the collection and analysis of

qualitative data relating to students' TikTok experiences and learnings. Researchers will also

accumulate information on the impact of TikTok's educational disciplines on student

accomplishment as well as rankings of academic areas found on TikTok that may be useful to

The research focuses on two major questions:

1. What impact does TikTok have on students' academic performance?

2. What are the benefits and drawbacks of TikTok as an educational tool for students?

The sub-questions to be addressed under each overarching question for the research project are

listed in the table below.

Main question 1: What impact does TikTok have on students' academic performance?
Sub questions:

1. What impacts does TikTok have on students’ participation in class as an educational tool?

2. How does TikTok affect the students’ achievements in class?

3. What TikTok features can be used to increase student involvement in class?

4. What does affect daily uses of TikTok have an attention span of Senior High School?
Main question 2: What are the benefits and drawbacks of TikTok as an educational tool for


Sub questions:

1. What is the proper way to use TikTok as an educational tool?

2. In what ways can TikTok be an effective educational tool for students?

3. What are the effects of regular TikTok use on the students’ attention span?

4. What are the effects of TikTok regular usage on the students’ time management?

5. What are the good effects in using TikTok as an educational tool?

6. What are the bad effects of TikTok as we use it as an educational tool?

Research Locale

In this part of the chapter the setting, respondents and assurance will be showed.

Universidad De Manila (UDM) was formerly identified as City College of Manila. It was
established in 1995 in accordance with Ordinance No. 7885 by the Council of Manila City. Mayor
Alfredo Lim is the founder and was renamed on the year 2006 by Mayor Lito Atienza.

In the center of Manila is where the main campus located at along Bonifacio Shrine, Mehan
Garden, Light Rail Transit Central Terminal Station and SM City Manila.

The study will be conducted inside the campus. This place is chosen to know the beneficial
purpose or use of the TikTok App specifically and mainly in Education. Since the face-to-face
interaction is strictly implemented, the conduction of the survey will be in various online platforms.
Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study will come from Universidad De Manila to make it precise and
more specific. Selective sampling or subjective sampling is a way in which this technique relies on the
judgement of the researcher when choosing who to ask to participate. (Shantikumar, 2018) The
respondents are carefully selected to take part in the survey. It is decided that every strand in Grade
11, Senior High School specifically given; STEM, ABM, HUMSS, ICT, H.E and GAS will be the samples
of this study.

One hundred (100) is the certain number of responses that is aimed in the survey. The
survey will contain the students’ classification profile (profile given stated in chapter 1) as well as the
permission to take part in this study.

It is assured that all the information and data that are gathered from the respondents in the
survey will remain confidential
Research Instruments

For this study, the researchers will use a questionnaire, with a series of open-ended

questions as the research instrument. This only employ that the given instrument- questionnaire;

will serve as a survey and a reference for the whole research. There will be three components

that will make up the research instrument. The first section consisted of items that will collect

demographic information about the respondents, such as their name, age, gender, their strand,

and grade level. The second part of the research instrument will be composed of questions with

multiple options. This section intends to collect data regarding on the estimated number of hours

a student spends on TikTok per day and other predetermined choices. The last segment of the

questionnaire will include open-ended questions; that will sum up the whole research instrument.
This questionnaire will be answered completely online. The research instrument will be

prepared using Google Forms and will be disseminated through different media platforms like

Telegram, Facebook, and Messenger. Respondents can use their Cellular phones, Laptops, and

any other device with internet connectivity to complete the survey. This will make it easier for

the researchers to acquire data and receive feedback from the selected students.
Validation of the Research Instrument

The word content validity indicates how effectively a survey or test assesses the construct

it is designed to measure. The measure's validity and reliability are directly related (Zach,

2021). As a result, the researchers decided to assess the research instrument using content

validity. The problem statement, hypothesis, and literature review serve as the foundation for

the formulated research questionnaires. An expert will then evaluate the research instrument to

verify the measurement.

Data Gathering Procedures

Initially, the researchers conducted brainstorming where they planned the steps or procedures

to be used on how to gather data that is necessary for the study. It is agreed upon those three

methods would be used. Such methods are questionnaires, survey interview and group interview.

For the first method, we formulated a set of questions regarding the affectivity of TikTok as an

educational tool. These questions are answerable by yes or no and will be used for the

questionnaire. The data collection instrument must be organized and pilot-tested to obtain

reliability. It is disseminated online via Google Forms.

As for the survey interview, the set of questions are designed to be more objective. The purpose

of conducting a personal interview survey is to explore the responses of the people to gather more

and deeper information. These are not only answerable by yes or no but are also requiring the reason

to such response. Prospective participants were reached through Messenger.

Lastly, a group interview is also formed. Group interviewing is the systematic questioning of

several individuals simultaneously in formal or informal settings. The mode for this method is through

a virtual meeting. The researchers prepared questions for the meet participants that will also be

assessed and compared to the responses received in the questionnaire and survey interview.
Statistical Treatment of Data

The quantitative aspect of this research will be only for the demographic profile of the

respondents and statistics on the projected number of hours a student spends on TikTok every day,

while the qualitative component will be for the remaining part of the research paper.

Frequency- the number of times the data value occurred or was recorded in the research is

known as frequency.

Percentage- Percentage is a relative figure that represents one hundredth of a quantity. It's also

a different way of expressing a percentage.

Data Analysis

This study will conduct variety of open-ended questions. It will be given to the selected senior high

school students from each strand. The collected data will be based on the students' perspectives and

responses to the questionnaire and interviews. The data obtained from the findings through several open-

ended questions will be analysed using content analysis, and the data acquired from the profile of the

respondents and the number of hours a student spends on the app will be subjected to statistical analysis.

The researchers have agreed to use this technique of methodology to interpret the respondents'

feedbacks and construct the results, as well as to establish the study's conclusions, which are meant to

assess if TikTok can be used as an educational tool and can help to improve academic performance among

UDM SHS students.


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