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• Everyone loves chocolate...
But not everyone knows where it comes from. To hear the story of how
cacao is harvested, transported, and transformed is to know the wonder
of chocolate — its science, flavor, and art.

• No matter where is the origin of the cacao beans, whether it’s a blend
of Latin American and African cacao, or a single-origin chocolate bar,
the process for making chocolate is essentially the same. And it starts
with the tree, pod, and bean
Making Chocolate — Step by Step:

1. Cacao Cultivation:
• Chocolate begins with the cacao tree (Theobroma cacao), which grows within 20°
north and south of the Equator and thrives on a mix of hot temperatures, rain, and

• Each tree bears oval fruits, or pods, which are about 5–12 inches long. Each pod
contains 30–50 seeds, and it’s these seeds the world knows as cacao (or cocoa) beans.

• What is the difference between cocoa and cacao? The tree, pod, and bean/seed are
typically referred to as “cacao,” while the word “cocoa” is reserved for the bean after
it has been fermented, dried, and roasted.
2. Harvesting:
• Cacao pods are ripe when they turn a vibrant yellow/orange color. Hanging
from the trunk and largest branches on small stems, the ripening pods are
typically harvested twice per year, though they can be harvested continually.

• After being chopped off, the pods are opened and their seeds are removed.
Each seed is about the size of an olive. The seeds (or “beans”) grow in five
columns surrounded by a white pulp or pith.

• In Latin America this pulp, called baba, was used to make a fermented cacao
wine as early as 3,000 years ago.
3. Fermentation:
• Beans are cleaned by hand, with the baba left on to help develop flavor.
Exposed to light, the cream-colored beans turn a purplish color.

• Then they’re ready for fermentation via one of two ways: the “heap method” is
popular in Africa, where beans are heaped in piles on the ground; and in Latin
America, a system of cascading boxes is favored.

• In both methods, beans are covered with banana leaves. During the 2–9 days of
fermentation, beans begin to take on color and some of the flavors you would
recognize as “chocolate.”
4. Drying & Shipping:
• Fermented beans must be carefully dried. They are placed either on
wooden boards or bamboo mats for anywhere from 7 to 14 days under the
hot sun, and are continually raked and turned over for consistent drying.

• Once dried, the beans are graded, packed into sacks, bundled, and checked
for quality. They are then shipped and traded on the international market.

• Or, in the case of direct trade (for craft, bean-to-bar chocolates), the beans
are exported directly to the chocolate maker.
5. Preparing Cocoa Mass (a.k.a. “Cocoa Liquor”):
• Once received by the processor, beans may be blended with other origins and
estates for desired characteristics (or kept separate as “single-origin chocolate”).

• Beans are cleaned, then roasted at low temperatures to develop flavor. Shells are
separated from the nibs (the “meat” of the bean) by a process called winnowing.

• Nibs are finely ground into cocoa mass (a.k.a. cocoa liquor), which is solid at room
temperature. Placed under extremely high pressure, this paste yields two products:
cocoa powder and cocoa butter
6. Producing Chocolate:
• Or, cocoa mass can simply be combined with more cocoa butter and sweetener to
make chocolate. The first steps are to mix, grind, and knead the various raw
ingredients into a paste.

• The ingredients used are dependent on the type of chocolate being made.
Dark chocolate requires only cocoa mass, cocoa butter, and sugar. Adding milk
powder makes milk chocolate.

• White chocolate is made with cocoa butter, sugar, and milk powder (but no cocoa
mass/liquor). Because it contains no cocoa mass, some do not consider it a true
7. Conching:
• “Conching” is a careful process of rolling, kneading, heating, and aeration. A
conche is a large agitator that stirs and smooths the mixture under heat.

• This is an important step in the process of producing consistent, pure, and

delicious gourmet chocolate — and it is here that the final aroma and flavor
are defined.

• At this point, soy lecithin and cocoa butter may be added for required fluidity.
Chocolate is then refined until smooth (and the longer a chocolate is coached,
the smoother it will be).
8. Tempering & Moulding
• The chocolate is now finished and ready for final processing. To be delivered
to a chocolatier, it must first be put into blocks or drops (also called

• This method requires “tempering” — whereby chocolate is slowly brought to a

certain temperature. Tempering chocolate is something any aspiring baker or
chocolate maker can try at home.

• During the tempering process, the cocoa butter reaches its most stable form;
this gives well-tempered chocolate its “snap,” shiny surface, and smoothness.
9. Never-Ending Creativity:
• Of course, “finished” chocolate doesn’t always stay in this form

• Around the world, chocolatiers, bakers, chefs, and pastry experts use
this highly versatile, delicious food in countless applications and
preparations, from simple to elaborate.
•250g cacao butter

•200g cacao liquor or cacao paste

•1/2 cup maple syrup plus an extra 2 tbsp

•1/2 tsp vanilla powder

•pinch salt
• To prepare the chocolate:
• Prepare two pots – one for the cacao butter and the other for the cacao paste.
• Finely chop the cacao butter and paste.
• Add the cacao butter to the top of your double boiler (the pot with hot water),
let it melt and set aside.
• Add the cacao paste to the top of the double boiler, melt and set aside.
• Tip the melted cacao butter into the cacao paste, add the remaining base
ingredients and mix well to incorporate.
• Combine the chocolate base with any of the flavour combos above.
• Pour into your mold or ice cube tray and place in the freezer to set.
• Pop the chocolate treats out and enjoy!
• Prep time: 5 minutes
• Cooking time: 2-5 minutes
• Serves: Makes 28 chocolates per batch
• Freezer friendly: YES

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