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1. Asking opinion (FİKİR SORMA)

What do you think about….?: … için ne düşünüyosun?
How do you feel about ...?… için ne düşünüyosun?
What’s your opinion of ……… ? ... hakkında ki düşüncen ne?
What’s your point of view about….?... hakkında ki düşüncen ne?
What about….?: …. için ne düşünüyosun, ne dersin
Do you think ……….. ? sence...?
2. Expressing opinion (FİKİR BELİRTME)

For me/According to me/In my opinion/In my view/From my point of view: bana göre

Actually: aslında
Personally: Şahsen
My personal view is that...: Şahsi fikrim…
I believe /I think/I feel / I suppose: inanıyorum ki
I know: biliyorum ki
I expect / I hope: umarım
To be honest: Dürüst omak gerekirse
If you ask me: bana sorarsan
It seems to me (that) : bana öyle geliyor ki

I agree with you.

I couldn’t agree more.
You're right.
That's right. Doğru
That's true. Katılıyorum
I think so too.
I’m of exactly the same opinion .
My view about this is positive .
Absolutely/ completely
I guess so = sanırım öyle, galiba
It is possible. = Bu mümkün.
That's a great/good idea. İyi fikir
That sounds good/ great.

I don't think so.

Not at all.
I don't agree (with you).
I disagree with you. Bu doğru değil.
You're not right.
You are wrong.
That's not right.
Of course not.
I am afraid I have to disagree
I am not sure about that

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