D Texture Classify Materials Into Groups Based On Final

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Grouping Material Based on

Property Grade 4
II. Learning Objective

• Understand the concept of grouping materials based on

their properties.
• Identify different properties of materials such as color,
shape, size, and texture,
• Classify materials into groups based on their properties.
III. Discussion of Concept

Each object around us is made of a specific materials and we

encounter many different materials everyday like
Plastic,metal,woods, and Glass the materials from which it is made
determine many of it’s properties. Some are hard and soft,
transparent, and opaque.
Property of Matter
1. Buoyancy- Is an ability of material to float in water and some
materials that can float or sink exibit the protery of buoyancy
and density.
• Density- Is a measure of the amount of matter in a given
volume of liquid.
• Density formula: (D=m/v)
2. Porosity- Is a property of materials that allows it to obsorb
water and other Liquid materials.
A materials of prous like dishwashing
Sponge is an example of Obserbent materials.
• Obserbent- Having power or capacity or tendency to absorb or
soak up something liquid.
• Porous- Something that is porous has many small holes, so liquid
or air can pass through, especially slowly. Example this
materials is cotton balls, gauze, planket and pillows.
• Non/absorbent Or Non-porous- Materials are those that do not
obsorb water like plastic bags, canisters, cans and ceramic
3. Decomposition- Is a property of materials to break down into
simpler or smaller forms of matter. Example a ripe fruits like
banana which easily decays after a few days.
• Organic Matter- In these parts of the plant are returned to the
ground and become part of the soil.
• Biodegradable- Materials that is decay
• Non-Biodigrable- Materials that do not decay
Factors affecting Decomposition
1. Presence of organism or decomposers that cause decay-
Decomposer can be detritivores, fungi and bacteria.
• Detritivores- An earthworm breakdown plant and animal
material and feed on these.
• Fungi- Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that include
microorganisms such as yeasts, moulds and mushrooms and
the same time feeding on the decayed materials.
• Bacteria- Are microorganisms that we cannot see but there
action can be observe on dead animal bodies when these are
under going decay.
2. Temperature- The warmer the temperature the faster is the
decay process, just like foods that rich in Carbohydrate is easily to
• Placing food in the refrigerator Slow down the growths of
3. Moisture- With water available the plant parts easily crumble
and decompose, The water present in the soil is responsible for
various physiological processes of microorganisms present in
the soil.
• Decomposer are also in moist place so the decay process fast
4. Exposure To elements- Remember when our mother remind us
to cover the food after meal. Air may contain bacteria. Covering
the food it prevents bacteria from growing on the food and to
start decay process.
5.Salt content of the material- A salty food usually decay slowly,
because the decomposer cannot grow well in a salty
IV. Defenation of Key Concept
Substances that can be used to create objects or
products. Materials can be natural, such as wood, stone,
or cotton, or they can be synthetic, such as plastic or
metal. They are the building blocks for creating various
items and play a crucial role in our everyday lives.
Materials can have different properties, such as color,
shape, size, texture, flexibility, transparency,
conductivity, and more. Understanding the properties of
materials is important for grouping them based on their
shared characteristics and utilizing them effectively in
different applications.
Examples of Grouping Materials based on Property:

1. Grouping based on color: Sorting materials into groups based on their

color, such as separating red, blue, and green objects.

2. Grouping based on shape: Categorizing materials based on their shape,

such as grouping round objects together and rectangular objects together.

3. Grouping based on size: Sorting materials based on their size, for

example, separating small, medium, and large objects.

4. Grouping based on texture: Categorizing materials based on their texture,

such as grouping smooth, rough, and bumpy objects.

5. Grouping based on flexibility: Sorting materials based on their flexibility

or rigidity, for example, separating materials that are bendable from those
that are stiff.
6. Grouping based on conductivity: Categorizing materials based on
their ability to conduct electricity or heat, such as grouping conductors
(e.g., metal) and insulators (e.g., plastic).

7. Grouping based on transparency: Sorting materials based on their

transparency or opacity, for example, separating transparent materials
(e.g., glass) from opaque materials (e.g., wood).

8. Grouping based on magnetism: Categorizing materials based on their

magnetic properties, such as grouping magnetic materials (e.g., iron)
and non-magnetic materials (e.g., plastic).
9. Grouping based on density: Sorting materials based on their density or
heaviness, for example, separating lightweight materials (e.g., foam) from
heavy materials (e.g., metal).

10. Grouping based on solubility: Categorizing materials based on their ability

to dissolve in a solvent, such as grouping soluble materials (e.g., sugar) and
insoluble materials (e.g., sand).

These examples illustrate how materials can be grouped based on different

properties, allowing for better organization and understanding of their
V. Enrichment (Virtual
Laboratory Experience)

The properties of matter that are explored include buoyancy,
density, porosity, absorbency, decomposition, organic matter,
biodegradability, and non-biodegradability. Factors affecting
decomposition, such as the presence of decomposers,
temperature, moisture, exposure to elements, and salt content,
are also discussed. The definition of materials is provided,
emphasizing their role in creating objects and products.
Examples of grouping materials based on different properties,
such as color, shape, size, texture, flexibility, conductivity,
transparency, magnetism, density, and solubility, are given to
demonstrate how materials can be categorized and organized
based on their shared characteristics.

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