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O By

M Prof Bapu R. Thorat

Dept of Chemistry,
Govt. of Maharashtra,
I. Y. College, Mumbai 60
Bapu R Thorat
A name atom is comes from Greek word ‘atomos’ mean uncuttable
or indivisible (smallest indivisible particle of matter) i.e. something
not divided further. An atom cannot be broken down further without
changing the chemical nature of the substance.

In 1913 Niel’s Bohr 5th and

electrons were present
quantized orbits defined
6th Century
Indian &
Greek Philo

1805 John
Dalton law
of multiple
J J Thomson proportions
in 1897
discovered 19th and early 20th
electrons centuries subatomic
Bapu R Thorat
The atom is a basic unit of matter that consists of a dense,
central nucleus (called atomic nuclei) surrounded by a cloud
of negatively charged electrons
 Nucleus is the center of the atom.
 An atom retains its identity during chemical
reactions. Electron
 Atoms are made up of majorly 3 types of particles
electrons , protons and neutrons .
 Electrons are tiny, very light particles that have aProton
negative electrical charge (-).
 Protons are much larger and heavier than electrons (a
proton's mass, is nearly 1836 times that of the electron)
and have positive charge.
 Neutrons are large and heavy like protons, however
neutrons have no electrical charge.
 Each atom is made up of a combination of these
particles. Bapu R Thorat
Particle Location Weight Charge

Proton Nucleus 1.0073 amu Positive

Neutron Nucleus 1.0087 amu Neutral

Electrons Electron Cloud 0.000549 amu Negative

Bapu R Thorat
e.g. Hydrogen atom

Nucleus (proton)

Atom made up of one proton and one electron, is called hydrogen (the
abbreviation for hydrogen is H).
The electron is constantly spinning around the center of the atom (called the
The centrifugal force of the spinning electron keeps the two particles from coming
into contact with each other much as the earth's rotation keeps it from plunging into
the sun.
The hydrogen atom is look like-

Hydrogen: a proton surrounded by an electron cloud

Bapu R Thorat
e.g. Helium atom

 Helium is the 2 nd simplest

 Two protons in its nucleus and
two electrons spinning around the
 Neutrons have no electrical
charge on them and act as a sort of
nuclear glue (sticky particle used Electron
for joining protons together),
holding the protons, and thus the
nucleus, together.
 By adding electrons, protons and
neutrons, the size of the atom
Bapu R Thorat
Nucleus (proton)
 Atoms are electrically neutral i.e. no positive or negative charge on
Atoms, however, can have electrical charges. Some atoms can either
gain or lose electrons (the number of protons never changes in an
If an atom gains electrons, the atom becomes negatively charged.
 If the atom loses electrons, the atom becomes positively charged
(because the number of positively charged protons will exceed the
number of electrons).
 An atom that carries an electrical charge is called an ion. Listed
below are three forms of hydrogen; 2 ions and the electrically neutral

H+ : a positively H : the hydrogen atom H- : a negatively

charged hydrogen ion Bapu R Thorat charged hydrogen ion
 Neither the number of protons nor neutrons changes in
any of these ions, therefore both the atomic number and
the atomic mass remain the same.
 When the number of protons for a given atom never
changes but the number of neutrons can change.
 Two atoms with different numbers of neutrons (having
same atomic number but different mass number) are called
 E.g Hydrogen & deuterium.

Hydrogen Deuterium
Atomic Mass = 1 Atomic Mass = 2
Bapu R Thorat
Atomic Number = 1 Atomic Number = 1
Bapu R Thorat

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