Age 3.12

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Infant Toddler Pre-Teen

a baby or a very young a young child, especially one relating to boys or girls bet
child who is learning or ween the ages of about 9
has recently learned to walk and 12 years old
The difference
between Teenager
and Adolescent
Teenage is literally just the
ages of 13-19 (thirTEEN to
nineTEEN), but adolescent
is a scientific term referring
to the period of
Teenager Adolescent development before
becoming an adult
a person who is 13 through a young person who
19 years old is developing into an adult
Middle aged Pensioner Elderly
a person aged about 45 to someone old people considered as
65 years old who receives a pension, especiall a group
y from the government, when
they have retired
Grumpy To settle down
generally in a bad mood, to stop seeking adventure
unhappy and instead focus on home
and family life
Retirement home To age gracefully/with grace
a place where many old people live and to accept getting older in a dignified
where they receive the care they require way, to not fight the aging process in
Being an adult
Rank these words, put the best things about
being an adult at the top.
● Money
● No parental rules
● Driving a car
● Credit cards
● Getting married
● Working
● Independence
● Having children
Being a tenageer
Rank these words, put the best
things about being an adult at
the top.
● Energy
● Time
● Happiness
● No responsibilities
● Discover new experiences
What do you think is the ideal age
for each of these stages of your life: (Explain)

1 3
Marriage Have a job

2 4
Having a child Retire

I’m a bit worried about my old age.

I don’t really want to get old. I like being young. On the other hand, if I do get old, I want
to live to be over 100. I’m hoping old age will be nice. It seems a time when you can relax
and slow down. If course, you have to slow down because your body wears out.
There are two things I’m worried about. One is money. I think if you are old and poor,
you’ll be miserable. No money to enjoy yourself. Maybe not even enough money to eat,
pay bills or go to the hospital. That’s scary. The other thing I worry about is being in good
health. Especially my mental health.
I imagine I’ll be happy in my old age. I have so many hobbies and I know I’ll enjoy doing
them all every day.
Correct the spelling

I’m a bit dioerrw about my old age.

I don’t really want to get old. I like being nyguo. On the other hand, if I do get old, I want to
live to be over 100. I’m ponhig old age will be nice. It seems a time when you can xearl and
slow down. If course, you have to slow down because you’re body esarw out.
There are two things I’m worried about. One is money. I think if you are old and poor, you’ll
be sreelamib. No money to enjoy yourself. Maybe not even enough money to eat, pay bills
or go to the hopatlis. That’s rycas. The other thing I worry about is being in good health.
Especially my eatnml health.
I imagine I’ll be happy in my old age. I have so many hobbies and I know I’ll eynjo doing
them all every day.
1. What age do you want to live to?
2. How do you feel about your parents growing older?
3. If your parents could no longer care for themselves,
would you let them live with you or put them in a
nursing home?

sc u ss io n 4. Are you afraid of getting old?

Di 5. What is your ideal old age to live to?
u e st io n s
q 6. Do you prefer to live in the retirement home or live
with young people?
1. Should parents continue to finance their children after
the children are 18?
2. Where do you wish to live when you are old?
3. Where do you see yourself when you are 70 years

sc u ss io n 4. Should older people spend their money on

Di themselves, or save it for their children to have after

u e st io n s they die?
q 5. Where do you wish to live when you are old?
6. What advice would you give to an older person who
wants to feel young?
Discussion questions
1. Who is the oldest person you know?
What do you know about their life?
2. Are you friends with anyone who is
much older or younger than you? Does
an age difference make it difficult to be
3. What is your earliest memory?
How old were you? Why do you
remember that moment?
Discussion questions
4. Our tastes in many areas change as we
get older. What did you like before that
you don't like now? What did you
dislike before but now enjoy?
5. Do you respect the elderly? How do
you show your respect?
6. Do you ever give advice to people who
are younger than you? What advice
could you give to a teenager?
Discussion questions
7. Have you met any grumpy old men or
women? What makes them seem
8. When is it okay to ask someone their
age? Do you mind telling people your

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