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Will TV

Succumb to
the Internet
Muhammad Figo
4132211075 Pratama

Muhammad Fauzi
1. What competitive forces
have challenged the television
industry? What problems have
these forces created?
1. The main challenge for the television industry is the internet
which has made people easier to access the entertainment
programming on their mobile devices, at home and on the go. With
the constrained time factor people trend to plan their entertainment
methods in their way, not according to the TV broadcaster's

With the use of high-speed Internet access, powerful PCs with high-
resolution display screens, iPhones, iPads, other mobile handhelds,
and famous file-sharing services have made downloading of video
content from movies and television shows faster and easier than
television. even some TV shows are made available on websites
such as Youtube, netflix, meet a cafe, etc.

Though free and often illegal downloads of some TV shows are

abundant, the Internet is also providing new ways for television
studios to distribute and sell their content, and they are trying to take
advantage of that opportunity. This is a big problem for television
industry because they are losing their customers
2. Describe the impact
of disruptive
technology on the
companies discussed
in this case.
2.The impact of disruptive technology on the companies in this case will be getting
bigger and bigger. In the future, there will be more ways and means to watch movies
and television shows online because the rate of technology to renew and innovate is so
fast that we could not even imagine.

for instance, YouTube has become the most popular video-sharing Web site in the
world. It is very difficult to measure how much proprietary content from TV shows
winds up on YouTube without the studios permission. As per the paragraph, over
150.000 unauthorized clips of its copyrighted television programs had appeared on
YouTube in a 2008. The most of the video sharing websites allow their users to embed
their video clips in social networking pages and blogs which makes many users can
assessable the same from all over the world

In addition, the cloud computing service and cloud sharing platform will enable much
more people to upload and download movies and television shows easily. so, we
assume that the television industry should try to introduce a new business strategy
integrating the traditional television industry with the innovative improvements that
people look forward to watch movies and television show.
3. How have the
cable programming
and delivery
companies responded
to the Internet?
3. With the development of Internet and its infrastructure, some cable
programming and delivery companies have made arrangements to release
their contents into the internet. As an sample the television broadcast
networks such as NBC Universal, FOX, and CNN have put television shows
on their own Web sites. some of them syndicates its hosting to other sites,
including AOL, MSN, facebook, myspace, yahoo, and, and
allows their users to embed video clips in their Web site. The site is
supported by advertising commercials, and much of its content is free to
viewers. In addition, these companies can also earn more advertising
revenues because viewers cannot just skip ads on TV programs streamed
from the Web as they do with traditional TV.

The content from all of these sites is viewable over iPhones and other
handhelds. Few companies have limited some activities because that would
draw subscribers away from cable and satellite companies, diminishing their
4. What management,
organization, and
technology issues must be
4. -Management
As so many TV shows available for free on the Web, households tend to cancel their
cable subscribers to watch free TV online. This issue is to be addressed as soon as
possible. The television companies should try to come up with a new and innovative way
about how to integrate the old traditional television industry with newly technology for
people to watch movies and TV shows. for sample, they should try to improve their
service quality and thin& about how to attract more subscribers.
The traditional television companies and those companies that provide free websites for
people to share movies and shows are involved. These organizations should try coordinate
with each other for not hurting each other. If these organizations can work with each other
and thin& a great way for each, they can all get a fair situation. To address these issues,
they have upgraded their steaming options in a way that the users can watch their missed
sessions of a favourite TV channel not live but later when it’s possible. 0ome features
have been made limited to free subscribers while others who pay have more access.
Newly way and websites of sharing movies, high-speed Internet access, powerful
PCs with high resolution display screens, and iphone and other mobile handhelds,
and leading-edge file-sharing services all make the problems worse. 8owever,
maybe we can try to set up a strich law of downing or uploading illegal movies and
TV shows online, and upgrade the automatic fire-wall system and detecting
systems to prevent illegal files uploading and create anew files sharing website of
their own to increase.
They turned towards Web-based videos from services, downloadable shows from
iTunes, by- -mail video subscription services such as Netflix, or even old-style
over the air broadcast programming. By making more television shows available
online, but only for cable subscribers, the cable networks hope to preserve and
possibly expand the cable TV subscription model in an increasingly in digital
world. In addition they have concerned regarding their sophisticated advertising
campaign as well. 9ue to this, the cable programmers stand to earn more
advertising revenue from their online content because viewers can’t skip ads on TV
programs streamed from the Web as they do with traditional TV.
5. Have the cable
companies found a
successful new
business model to
compete with the
Internet? Why or
why not?
5. yes, the cable companies have already found a way to proceed with their operations in
assistance of the Internet. That is they are trying to work with the Internet instead of
against it. They make more television shows available online, but only for cable
subscribers, put shows on their own websites and create a new files sharing website of
their own to increase.
There are multiple players and business models in the Internet video market. Hulu is an
advertising supported service offering professionally produced content. Youtube, whose
subscribers upload 20 hours of video every minute, features all that amateur video as
well a some professionally produced content (some of which is licensed from content
owners and some of which is posted by users without regard to copyright) hosting so
much video, however, is expensive and has limited youtube’s profit potential.
The content providers such as NBC, disney and Viacom are making their own show
available on their branded sites. and then there are subscription-based services such as
netflix, which delivers video online in addition to DVDs through the mail. Finally, a
device called sling box allows consumers to watch their home television via their
computer and mobile gadgets that van connect to the internet.
Though they took action for trying to use internet to compete with it, we won’t say
whether it is successful because, so far, they are only in the trial program and a lot of
different voices from the analysts’ prediction . it’s too early to come to the conclusions.
6. If more television
programs were
available online,
would you cancel
your cable
subscription? Why or
why not?
6. actually there are advantages as well as disadvantages of using cable subscription.
The most of the users are not interested to watch number of advertisements while
they are watching TV programs. as an sample most of the BBC channels can be
viewed through iPlayer which is a more convenient way of getting at the same
content other than cable TV. There is really no need to have cable anymore unless we
want to watch them live. Practically everything else is available online for free.

We would love to get our parents to switch from cable subscription. however they are
absolutely addicted to those programs like news and they cannot be introduced with
online news. They will never give up their precious cable some people trend to try out
“grey legal area” methods of watching TV now. It is possible to get number of TV
season series free of charge. It not only saves money, but more efficient, because we
can watch a “1 hour show” show in 40 minutes without watching stupid commercial
advertisements. In my opinion I would not cancel if I have a cable subscription.
1ecause they are in a middle of innovative technology and they would introduce more
features using internet as well.

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