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What do you already know?

Choose the correct verbs.

1. I ____ my dog every afternoon. walk walks walking

2. My friend ____ three languages. speak speaks speaking

3. My brothers ____ in New York. live lives living

4. Jim and Pam are ____ a test right take takes taking
5. ____ at the moment? Is Jeff working Jeff works Jeff working

6. ____ breakfast every day? You do eat You are eating Do you eat
Grammar Point

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Chart 1-2.
Simple Present Forms

He eats. They eat together. She eats.

Grammar Point

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Chart 1-2.
Simple Present: Negative Statements

Henry doesn’t wear a suit

to work.
Simple Present: Negative Statements

I don’t understand sign language.

Simple Present: Negative Statements

She doesn’t drive a car to school.

Simple Present: Negative Statements

1 2 3 4 5

They don’t watch 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

sports very often. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31
Grammar Point

Turn to
Chart 1-2.
Simple Present: Questions

Does he look happy?

Simple Present: Questions

Do you know the answer to this

crossword puzzle?
Review: Forms of the Simple Present

Henry doesn’t wear a I don’t understand sign Do you know the answer
suit to work. language. to this crossword puzzle?
Grammar Point

Turn to
Chart 1-2.
Present Progressive

They are using the ski lift.

Jim is skiing down the mountain

right now.
I am looking for my friends on the
Present Progressive

They are eating pizza at a restaurant.

Jamal is talking to Sarah and Kevin.

Sarah is laughing.
Grammar Point

Turn to
Chart 1-2.
Present Progressive: Negative Statements

She isn’t getting out of bed.

Present Progressive: Negative Statements

They aren’t studying.

Grammar Point

Turn to
Chart 1-2.
Present Progressive: Questions

Is he wearing a T-shirt at the interview?

Is she reading his application?

Are they talking about the schedule?

Review: Forms of the Present Progressive

They are eating pizza at They aren’t studying. Is she reading his
a restaurant. application?
Grammar Point

Turn to
Chart 1-3.
Singular / Plural

SINGULAR: one dog

PLURAL: two dogs, three dogs,

many dogs, all dogs, etc.

Singular = one
Plural = two or more
Singular / Plural

A singular verb ends in -s.

A plural noun ends in -s.

A dog barks.

Dogs bark.
Singular / Plural

a singular subject + a singular verb

A cat plays with the ball.

It plays outside.
Ana plays with her toys.
She plays in her bedroom.
Tyler plays with his toy truck.
He plays every day.
Put it together.
Choose the correct verbs.

1. My dog sleep / sleeps on the couch.

2. Our teacher give / gives a lot of homework.

3. My classmates meet / meets for lunch every day.

4. I don’t / doesn’t sleep late on weekends.

5. Sara doesn’t work / works at a restaurant.

6. I’m not studying / study right now.

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