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Module 2: Science, Technology, Society, and the Human Condition

When Technology and Humanity Cross

Learning Expectations:
 Understand and illustrate the different technological advancements in
the society.
 Understand the contribution of technology to our society as a double-
edged sword.
 Discuss few technological advancements that led to danger of
 Know the ethical dilemmas emerging in the advancement of
technology in society.
 Have a decent background about Robotics.
Let’s Recall Technology and its Development

Definition of Technology
 “techne” = craft or art (industrial art)
 “logos” = word, discourse, or reason
 each person in the society is directly or indirectly affected by technology whether he wills it or not.
 most people survive their everyday lives with great reliance to the different technological
advancements already available to the masses.
Some Technological Devices
• According to Kantar Media, in the
Philippines 92 percent of urban homes
and 70 percent of rural homes own at
least one television set.
• Households with TV set reached
15.135M (Noda, 2012)
• Ultimate medium for advertisement
• Almost all use this particular type of
• Television plays a great role in the lives
of the people
• Television was a product of different
experiments by various people

7.1 Evolution of Television
Paul Gottlieb Nipkow
• In the late 1800s, he was a successful in his attempt to send images through
wires with the aid of a rotating metal disk (Nipkow disk) this invention was then
“electric telescope” that had 18 lines of resolution.
Alan Archibald Campbell-Swinton and Boris Rosing
• An English Scientist and Russian scientist, created a new system of television
by using the cathode ray tube in addition to the mechanical scanner system. This
success story gave rise to two type of television systems, namely, mechanical and
electronic television.
Mobile Phones
• Mobile phones are considered a must-have among young
Filipinos (ABS-CBN News, 2010)
• 1 out of 3 Filipinos cannot live without a mobile phone
(Ipsos Media Atlas Philippines Nationwide Urban 2011-
• Almost 30 percent of the Philippines urban population
nationwide said that mobile phones are necessities (Roa,
Mobile phone used by Martin Cooper, senior engineer at
Motorola, made the world‟s first mobile phone call. He called
their rival telecommunication company and properly informed
them that he was making the call from a mobile phone.
The following are the features of the mobile used by Cooper:
Weighed 1.1 kg
Measured 228.6 x 127 x 44.4mm
30-minute talk time
10 hours to charge
Motorola DynaTAC 8000x in 1983
Computers and Laptops
• These gadgets have also become part of many Filipino
households. Some families owns more than one computer or
laptop while some household own at least one. But due to
relatively high prices, not all Filipino families to own at least
one computer or laptop. The most profits gained by computer
and laptop manufacturers come from offices, businesses, or
schools. However, there is still an increasing number of
Filipinos who continuously using the internet.
• Charles Babbage, an English and Mathematics professor
designed the analytical engine in the 19th century. The British
government has commissioned before a Difference Engine, a
simpler calculating machine but Babbage was able to find ways
to improve it by generalizing its operation that could perform
other kinds of calculations. Hence, the creation of analytical
engine was used as the basic framework of the computers even
until the present time.
In the Philippines, a typical household owns at least four of the
following devices
(Philstar, 2013):
• A mobile phone (89%)
• Smartphone (53%)
• Tablet (14%)
• Desktop (39%)
• Laptop or netbook (37%)
• Smart TV (4%)
Facts about Filipinos and their use of gadgets and the Internet:
• Mobile phone subscription is at 119M
• 3.2 hours on mobile and 5.2 hours on desktop daily
• Ph has one of the highest digital populations in the world
• 47M active FB accounts
• Fastest-growing application market in South East Asia

Do youGregorio
know whoY. invented
Zara two-
way video telephone or modern
(Father of Videoconferencing)
day videocall??
Roles Played by these Technological Advancements
a. Television
- Mainly used as a platform for advertisements and information
- Serves as a recreational activity and good stress relievers to most
Filipino families.
- Platform for different propagandas and advocacies.
b. Mobile phones
- Primarily used for communication (texting, calling, chatting, videocalls
- Surf the internet and to take photos and videos.
c. Personal computers and Laptops
- Surf the internet and communication.
- Have features like the mobile phones calendar, calculator, music
player, movie player, camera, etc.
- Has wide keyboard and monitor screen unlike mobile phones hence,
better for presentation and other online/offline activities.
- Best used for computer games
Ethical Dilemmas Faced by These Technological Advancements
1. Most parents would argue that these devices make their children lazy and
2. People are freely exposed to different things on televisions, mobile phones,
laptops or computers.
Technological Optimism

Is technological optimism always

good? Does thinking all about
positive outcomes ideal for our
1. Atomic Bombing in Nagasaki
Due to discovery of theory of relativity, presence of neutron, and radiation
2. Human Genome Project
Though human genome project serves a purpose for customization of particular
gene, negative effect of it can cause designer babies to mutate and even microorganism
which is not good for the environment.
3. Using-diesel powered automobiles and coal-powered plants
Though energy for our households and automobiles became conveniently
available, we can not deny the negative impacts that the greenhouse gases of these
available energy has been doing to our atmosphere causing climate change that invites
stronger typhoons.
4. Construction of dams
Though it serves as an irrigation, flood control, and generation of power, It also
disrupt natural environment and displace local communities around it.
Though computer had led us to a more connected world, leakage of information
and global crisis of computer virus such as the ILOVEYOU Virus rises.
Haber-Bosch Process
Another great product of the innovative minds of the people is the ROBOTS. The internation
Robotics (IRF) and United Nations Economic and Commission for Europe (UNICE) made i
formulate a working definition for service robots to particularly do specific task but focus m
their masters in their everyday tasks. The following are the relevant definition for a robot
(IFR, 2021):
 A robot is an actuated mechanism programmable in two or more axes with a degree of au
within its environment, to perform intended tasks. Autonomy is the ability to perform inte
current state and sensing without human intervention.
 Service Robot is a robot that performs useful tasks for humans or equipment excluding in
A robot may be classified according to its intended application as an industrial robot or a
 Personal Service Robot is a robot used for a noncommercial task, usually by laypersons. F
domestic servant robot, automated wheelchair, personal mobility assist robot, pet exercisi
 Professional Service Robot is a service robot for professional use. It is also used for a com
usually operated by a properly trained operator. For example: cleaning robot for public pl
firefighting robot, rehabilitation robot, surgery robot.
Roles played by Robotics
- Ease the workload of mankind
- Make life more efficient and less stressful
- Perform complicated activities
- Pleasure, entertainment in parks or exhibits
- Toys, child-friendly
- Used in movies
Isaac Asimov
 He was an American writer and professor of biochemistry at Boston
University. He formulated a rules and characteristics that define what a good
robots is and was thinking of the ethical consequences of robots
"Three Laws of Robotics"
1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to
come to harm.
2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders
would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict
with the First or Second Law.
Ethical Dilemma/s faced by Robotics
1. Safety
 Who should be held accountable if someone‟s safety is
by a robot?
 Who should be blamed, the robot, the agent using the robot, or the
maker/inventor of the robot?
2. Emotional component
 It is not completely impossible for robots to develop emotions.
 What if robots become sentient?
 Should they be granted robot rights?

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