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Communication Skills for Families

Presented by ComPsych Corporation


Explore family communication patterns

Learn techniques to communicate feelings
Learn ways to resolve differences and find common ground

Develop skills to communicate effectively within families

(even with the dog!)

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What do you feel you do well in

communicating with your family?
What are some of the challenges you
encounter in communication with your family?

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Family Communication Patterns

High Pluralistic Consensual


Low Laissez-

Low High
*Koerner & Fitzpatrick

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The Importance of Listening

• Active listening means truly concentrating on what

someone is saying. Although it is a skill that doesn’t
necessarily come naturally, it is easily learned and
works equally well with both adults and children.
• Listen attentively
• Listen with your full attention
• Listen with your eyes as well as your ears
• Keep your own responses to a minimum
• Acknowledge and reflect feelings
• Ask probing questions

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Creating Positive Interaction within Families

Positive Recognition Should Be…

• Genuine
• Descriptive and specific
• Immediate

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Resolving Conflict

Effective Problem Solving Includes…

• Identify the problem or issue
• An explanation
• Exploring alternative solutions
• Examining the consequences

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What To Do…

• Find a way to control your feelings

• Understand that it’s not anger, but how we
handle it
• Talk about your feelings
• Create a process for resolving problems
without anger
• Recognize that abuse is never allowed
• Listen to your body
• Give the other person a chance to speak
• Recognize it’s not about winning

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What Not To Do…

• Avoid or deny the conflict

• Give in rather than struggle through the
• Get mad and blame the other person
• Use power and influence to get your way
• Raise your voice
• Appear to compromise but really are trying to
• Stockpile every conflict
• Threaten your relationship

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Causes of Anger

• Annoyance
• Disappointment
• Harassment
• Frustration
• Threats
• Entitlement
• Hurt

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‘You’ versus ‘I’ Statements

‘You’ Statements
• Can put the other person on the defensive and lead to arguments
• Example: You were late and never even called!
‘I’ Statements
• “I think . . .”
• “I feel . . .”
• “I need . . .”
• “What I hear you saying is . . .”

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‘You’ versus ‘I’ Statements Exercise

Change the following ‘You’ statements into ‘I’ statements:

• “You never listen to what I have to say!”
• “You don’t care about me!’”
• “You leave me out of everything!”
• “You don’t understand!”
• “You really irritate me!”

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Communicating the Problem

• Name the behavior or situation you want

• Say how you feel about the situation
• State your reason for wanting the behavior
• Say what you want done
• Ask for agreement

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Ideas to Facilitate Communication

• Make it a priority to eat meals together

• Turn off the TV at meals – instead find out what people did that day
• Schedule one on one time with each child and your partner
- Go to lunch
- Go to the playground

• Encourage family stories to develop relationships, pass down traditions, and

teach lessons
• Hold regular family meetings
- Establish meeting rules
- Anyone can call a meeting if they have an issue to discuss
- Require each person to say one thing they’re happy about and one thing
they’d like to change
- Consider following a family meeting with a fun activity or game

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Thank You for Attending

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