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History of British Literature

The course contents and reading list:

Old English literature:

Anglo-Saxon poetry as portrayal of the system of values and beliefs
- Beowulf – OE heroic poem
- The Dream of the Rood – pagan and Christian traits

Middle English literature:

popular genres - fabliau, lyric, ballad, allegory
- Geoffrey Chaucer, Canterbury Tales – The General Prologue, The Miller’s Tale
- Medieval romance – Sir Gawain and the Green Knight – ideals of courtly love
- The beginnings of drama in the Middle Ages

Renaissance literature:
Origins and development of drama (miracle plays, morality plays, interludes)
The rise of English sonnet – (Thomas Wyatt, Henry Howard, Philip Sydney,
Edmund Spencer)
- William Shakespeare - sonnets - themes, images of love
- Hamlet – tragedy, universal appeal
Seventeenth-century literature:
Metaphysical poetry; features and common themes, representatives – John Donne,
George Herbert, Andrew Marvell
- John Milton, Paradise Lost – an epic poem
Cavalier poets - Robert Herrick

The Augustan Age literature:

- Alexander Pope, The Rape of the Lock
development of journalism, and the appearance of a novel – Daniel Defoe
- Jonathan Swift Gulliver’s Travels

Pre-Romanticism and Romanticism:

Graveyard school of poetry – Thomas Grey, William Collins, Oliver Goldsmith
- William Blake – images of Man, symbolism, Songs of Innocence and of Experience
- William Wordsworth – vision of nature, Preface to Lyrical Ballads
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge – symbolism, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
- * George Gordon, Lord Byron
- Percy Bysshe Shelley, Ode to the West Wind
- John Keats, Ode on a Grecian Urn
Victorian literature:
Novel as a picture of the society
Poetry: e.g. Alfred, Lord Tennyson, The Lady of Shalott

Prose: D. H. Lawrence, James Joyce and Virginia Woolf – representatives of modernistic
Poetry: e.g. T. S. Elliot, William Butler Yeats

Twentieth-century literature:
Prose and politics: George Orwell, The Animal Farm, short stories
Poetry: e.g. Wystan Hugh Auden, Dylan Thomas
Literature reflecting reality and age (youth culture, class, ethnicity)

Suggested Bibliography:
Norton’s Anthology of British Literature
The New Pelican Guide to English Literature, ed. B. Ford
R. Barnard, A Short History of English Literature
A. Burgess, English Literature
D. Daiches, A Critical History of English Literature
P. Mroczkowski, Historia literatury angielskiej
P. Rogers, The Oxford Illustrated History of British Literature
A. Zgorzelski, Lectures on British Literature

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