Active Listening

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2020 Professional Manger WAY TO THE

Prof. Dr. Hirohisa Nagai
Objectives of the course

This course is designed students to develop practical

knowledge and skills for organizational management as
well future career plans to achieve the career goals
effectively and successfully.
Class Schedule
1st meeting: Nov. 5 @ 18:20-21:00 (On-site)
2nd meeting: Nov. 12 @ 18:20-21:00 (On-site)
3rd meeting: Nov. 19 @ 18:20-21:00 (On-site)
4th meeting: Nov. 26@ 18:20-21:00 (On-site)
5th meeting: Dec. 3 @ 18:20-21:00 (On-line)
*Teaching style (on-site/on-line) is subject to change due to
the COVID situation.
Course contents

DAY 1: Active Listening & Coaching

Nonverbal and verbal responding skills
Who is the great coach: Define the role of coaching
at workplace
 Exercise: Coaching your subordinate’s performance.
DAY 2: Manage Perception in the Workplace
 How does perception affect human cognition and
 Perception errors in managerial issues
 Exercise: How Are You Perceived?
DAY 3: Career Anchor
Discovering your real values in life related to
your career choices
Exercise 1: Assess your career type by Career
Orientations Inventory
Exercise 2: Understand the factors that guide and
constrain careers by interview
DAY 4: Redesign Your Career
 Exercise 1: Analyze your current career life based
on the Business Model Canvas YOU@
 Exercise 2: Ask your classmates for comments on
your Canvas analysis.
 Exercise 3: Plan strategies to close the gap between
present and future career lives with your job group.
DAY 5: Impromptu speech

Global executives need to make a short speech in

front of audience without advanced notice.
Tips for successful impromptu speech
Exercise: 3min individual impromptu speech
Participation in class discussion: 35%
Contribution in Exercise : 40%
In-class exercise reports*: 25%

*Toward the end of each class meeting, each student is

requested to submit an in-class repot to review the important
points that studied in the class.
Make up report
Student who can’t attend the class due to business trip or the
other official reasons (including illness or family issue) can
submit one (1) make up report if it is requested by an email
before the class starts.
Title of the paper will be informed by email after the class.
Length of the paper is approx.1,000 words.
Due date is within two weeks from the day of absence.
A listener’s codes while listening the speaker

Demonstrate that you’re interested in and respect the

speaker’s talk by concentrating in the talk.
Make a natural eye contacts to the speaker.
Paraphrase what the speaker said.
Nod to show the sign of agreement.
Ask the questions.
Summarize the main points at the end.
Communication Process
The steps between a sender and a receiver that results in
the more effective transference and understanding of the
Noises Hinder Effective Communication
Words have different meanings to different people
Selective Perception
People selectively interpret what they see on the bases of their
interests, background, experience, and attitudes
Overload Information
A condition in which information inflow exceeds an individual’s
processing capacity
How a receiver feels at the time a message is received will
influence how the message is interpreted
Active Listening
Proactively understand the message of the speaker.
Make the speaker understand that the message is well
understood by the listener.
Build a rapport (psychological harmony) between speaker and
Motivate speakers to speak more what they wants to speak
Composed of “verbal responding skills” and “non-verbal
attention skills.”
Verbal Responding Skills
Active verbal responses “encourage” the speaker to speak
more (important information.)
It connects speaker and listener at a shared

level of understanding in an explicit manner.

Appropriate questions can clarify the important points of the
Verbal Responding Skills (cont’d)
“Paraphrasing skill”
Respond verbally what the speaker said.
Paraphrasing does not mean parroting.
Use your words to send message of your understanding.
Summarize what you’ve heard from the speaker.
Nonverbal Attention Skills
Make appropriate timing & frequency of eye contacts.
Maintain relaxed, open posture, and don’t get hooked by
your thoughts or prejudice.
Manage tone of voice.
Engage speaker and demonstrate empathy not sympathy.

Q. What are the problems of Ray in listening skills?

Q. What active listening skills did Ray use for his

daughter to better the situation?
Active Listening Exercise
1. Form a group of three or four.
2. Each member writes down “one of the career
crises (or a career choice) you’ve experienced”
before (10min.)
3. Perform the roles of A ~ C below among members.
A --- Speaker
B --- Listener
C --- Time keeper & Observer
Active Listening Exercise (cont’d)
4. “A” speaks the experience for 5 min. and “B”
listens by using active listening skills while “C”
keeps time and take a note on the conversation.
5. Rotate the roles of A, B, C among members.
6. After the completion of all the tasks, discuss the
“Importance and challenges of the active
listening skills based on the exercise” as a group.
7. Each group give a 3-min. presentation on the
outcomes of the group discussion to class.
Today’s Topic for In-class report

“What are the strength of your active listening

skills and that you need to develop further to
become an advanced professional manager?“

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