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Professional Manager

Impromptu Speech

Professor, Phd Hiro Nagai

What is the Impromptu Speech?
One type of the public speaking
generally have a short preparation
time, with the actual speech lasting
about three to five minutes.
Impromptu speeches are mostly
seen in international conference,
executive speech or toastmaster.
7 tips for
the successful impromptu speech
1. Grab a pen and a piece of paper
Find a pen and any piece of paper around
you, such as a memo, an envelope, a coaster
or (your) business card.
2. Write three points
a. Introduction
b. 3 points to back up your introduction
b. Conclusion
3. Remember, you’re totally
in charge of the time
Your goal is to deliver a one-sided conversation
(no question will be addressed to your speech),
so you are in complete control. Relax and make
it your own.
4. Use personal stories
If you tell your personal story, you’ll find that
it is much easier to speak without preparation
because the event happened to you.
5. Go Slowly!
Hurrying will increase any feelings of
unease you have. Take your time. Breath
deeply. Get from your chair slowly. Walk to
the front calmly.
6. Take your time to begin
Look around, smile, Make eye contact
with one or two people in the room.
7. Talk Conversationally
Assume your impromptu speaking is a
conversation with a friend. This will keep
your language natural and flowing.
What do I do if my mind goes blank?
1. Never say “Sorry”
If you speak a word of apology, it will
transmit your anxiety to your audience.
2. Remember the power of the pause
You may think you’ve stopped for an eternity,
but it’s seldom perceived that way by the
audience. They will think you are considering
your next statement or giving them time to
think your previous point.
3. Paraphrase what you’ve already said
It will refresh your memory into providing the
next point you want to say.
Impromptu Speech Exercise
1. Speech topic will be shown on the
2. The speaker prepares the speech topic
in 1min (Write down the outline.)
3. Give a 2-min speech.
4. Repeat steps 1-3.
“My perfect winter holidays”
1. Introduction
Last year, I wanted to spend a relaxing winter holidays
with my family, but each member has different interest.
2. Supporting points
 My wife loves hot spring!
 My daughter doesn’t want to go far away from Tokyo.
 I want to see ocean view and eats fresh seafoods.
3. Conclusion
Rented an ocean front vacation house with hot spring in Ajiro.

Things made me happy after

I became an adult.

The late historical person I’d like to meet and

questions to ask.

The biggest decision I made in my life so far.

Three surprising facts about me.

My dream when I was a child… My dream

Three things I would expect for an ideal
Good reasons to became
a company president.
Things I would like to do if I become the
president of my company.

Advertise sales points of the Dep. of

International Business at MGU

People who inspired/surprised me.


Things I want to do after COVID-19 is over.


Explain three different ways to eat an Oreo


Tips to make a long-term friendship.


If I could be a certain age forever, it would be …


If I have to eat only three foods forever. Those

would be… because…

Three places I’d like to visit in next ten years.


If I born again, I want to be…


You are a salesperson trying to sell us the shirt

you have on.

Tips I can advise to the future MGU students.


If today is the last day on earth, how do you

spend the day?

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