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Enervoxa Water Purification

Part 7

Enervoxa Water Purification



Enervoxa Inc. is Canadian company that owns Green Hydro Carbon

Technology and is prepared to deploy our technology globally to improve
economic production, reduce emissions and produce fresh water worldwide.
Our mission is to provide cheap, clean consumable power and natural
resources in emerging markets, preserving health, jobs, assets and economic

Enervoxa Inc. technology allows you to purify water caused by any type of
pollution, including the pollution by surface-active contaminants, oil
products, heavy metals, any liquid industrial waste, as well as purify and
desalinate salted aquatic environments with various pollution levels with no
(or incomparably small volume of consumables during the operation.
Enervoxa Water Purification


 There are no filters, sorbents, ion-exchange resins in the offered plants. No
chemicals are applicable.

 There is a possibility to remove all types of existing pollutions by a reagent less


 There is no need in a control over the sediment admixtures, scale, incrustation etc.;

Energy costs per unit are less than in any other known plants used for the same

A full environmental safety is provided;

 Salts discharge in the form of a solid residue with further partition by chemical

 Operational process, maintenance and reading of the device data do not require a
high qualification of the personnel;

 Although the capacity of the plant is high (20000m3/day), it has small overall
dimensions and can be placed in a standard container.

• If the required increase the capacity that we can install as much unit as we wish.

 There is no need in high capital costs and long time for the construction of the plant.
Enervoxa Water Purification
Enervoxa Water Purification

Our five values provide the framework for how we do business at Enervoxa.Inc. They
guide us in everything we do - from key business decisions to day-to-day activities.

Our values are part of what make us different, so we see this as strength, as well as a
responsibility. Our values are fundamental for the growth and corporate success. They

1. Make a Difference - We are committed to making a difference in the world by striving

to make a difference in our employees’ lives, our clients’ lives, and our community.

2. Under promise and over deliver – We promise only what we can deliver without
external support, and will stand by our commitments.

3. Working smarter - means cutting out the fat, identifying key issues to work on, and
prioritizing them effectively. It also means working with a bias toward action not
processes and encouraging initiative and shared responsibility for both success and
improbable failure. We come to better answers in teams than as individuals. We share
a problem-solving approach, where all opinions and options are considered,
researched, and analysed carefully before decisions are made.

4. Simplicity & Quality - We focus on developing technologies and systems that offer
simple, high-quality solutions. We maintain consistently high standards for what we
do and will always bring the best team of minds from around the world—with the
broadest range of industry and functional experience—to focus on every project or
business task.
Enervoxa Water Purification

5. Be Humble - We believe success without humility is not success. We believe our

work and our company thrives because we respect others and live by the notion that
our success is not special, but the result of hard, work.


Enervoxa Water Purification


Raw water supplied to the receiving container in which there is

 Removal of the bulk of the suspended solids;
 Fine filtration and suspension of organic substances;
 Post-treatment of the dissolved organics and oil in the generator;
 A significant reduction of salinity;
 Fine purification in the skip trap;
 Deep purification by reverse osmosis.

In the purification process, depending on the pollution of water can be

dosed reagent for enhancing the cleaning effect.

After purification, the water enters the tank with clean water (customer) and
then to the consumer. The same purified water is used for washing
(regeneration) equipment
Enervoxa Water Purification


The operation of all process units’ installation is fully automated. The automation
system consists of a stand-alone process control unit. The control unit is arranged in
the immediate vicinity of the plant is equipped with an alarm, the control relay.
Automation unit turns on / off the equipment to control its operation. Equipment
maintenance carried out by specialists trained in Customer Supplier.

At the request of the customer Supplier may complement the equipment monitoring
system of the complex Enervoxa Inc.
Enervoxa Water Purification

Enervoxa Water Purification


 Seawater desalination

- Purification and disinfection of water from wells and open water to norms of
"Drinking Water"

- Water treatment in drinking water systems;

- Purified water for all kinds of techno-logical purposes;

- Clean water for domestic, sports and recreation and therapeutic purposes, with
the possible closure of the water cycle;

- Boilers and heating systems;

- Food industry;

- Organization of the oil and gas producing complex: purification of water from
public or private sources of water supply and purified water to flooding of oil
Enervoxa Water Purification


Enervoxa Water Purification

Main Characteristics of Sewage Sludge Treatment Plant

We will offer small and medium size operations that are cheap, fast
to install, self-sustained, operating efficiently, working in the highest
standards and additionally running a global management platform
to serve our franchises and help them operate smoothly Enervoxa
Inc.’s mission.
Enervoxa Water Purification

Parallel mode of line operation.

Enervoxa Water Purification

Serial mode of line operation.

Enervoxa Water Purification
Enervoxa Water Purification

Press machine for the pellets production.

The process of forming the pellets at the pressure of about 300

atmospheres, without any additives and adhesives. The size of the
pellets at the average is from 10 to 30 mm in length and from 6 to 10
mm in diameter. Combustive pellets are environmentally friendly
type of fuel. When burning pellets as much carbon dioxide emits into
atmosphere as formed during the natural decomposition of sewage
sludge. The end product is dry, anti-mold pellets and can be stored
and transported easily. The average calorific values is about 2500 –
3200 kcal/kg and the burning point is around 250 – 270 °C.
Enervoxa Water Purification
Enervoxa Water Purification
Enervoxa Water Purification
Enervoxa Water Purification
Enervoxa Water Purification
Enervoxa Water Purification
Enervoxa Water Purification
Enervoxa Water Purification

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