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Our personality shapes our behavior. Why some people are quite / passive.
Why some people are loud and

What is personality ?

What is Personality ?
Personality is the dynamic concept
describing the dynamic growth and development of an individual whole psychological systems.

Personality is the sum of total of ways in

which an individual reacts to and interacts with others.

Personality Determents: 1. Heredity :- Heredity refers to those

factors that were determined of Conception. Physical structure, temperament, energy level, influenced by parents.

2 . Environment :- Our early conditioning the norms of family, value systems of the family.

3. Situation :- An individual personality, although generally stable does change in different situation. E.g. In a temple one generally constrains many behaviors wherein in a picnic constraints are relatively few.

The MBT Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Personality instrument in the world. There are more than 100 questions of personality tests that asks people how they feel or act in particular situation. Extrovert v/s Introvert Thinking v/s Feeling Judging v/s Perceiving

The Big Five Model

1. Extroversion: This dimension captures ones comfort level with relationship. Extroverts tend to be gregarious, assertive and sociable. Introvert tend to be reserved, quiet.

2. Agreeableness: This dimension refers to an individual propensity to defer to others. Highly agreeable people are Co-operative, warm and trusting.

Those who score low on this dimension are cold, disagreeable.

3. Conscientiousness: This measures reliability such people are dependable and persistent.

4. Emotional Stability: This dimension taps persons ability to with stand stress. People with positive emotional stability tend to be clam, self confident and secure. Those with high negative scores tend to be nervous, anxious, depressed and insecure.

5. Openness to Experience: Extremely open people curious and sensitive. are creative,

Major Personality Attributes Influencing OB

Locus of Control Machiavellianism Self Esteem Self Monitoring Risk Taking Type A Personality Type B Personality

Locus of Control
The degree to which people believe that they are the masters of their own fate.

The Degree to which an individual is pragmatic, maintains emotional distance & believes that ends can justify means.

Self Esteem
Individuals degree of liking or disliking themselves.

Self Monitoring
A personality trait that measures an individuals ability to adjust his/her behavior to external , situational factors.

Risk Taking
The Degree to which an individual thrives a situations that most others would find perilous and stressful .

Type A Personality
Aggressive involvement in chronic situation, incessant struggle to achieve more and more in less and less time. Are always moving walking. Feel impatient. Strive to think or do two or more things. Can not cope with leisure time.

Type B. Personality
Type B are rarely harried by desire to obtain a wildly increasing number of things or participate in an endless growing series of events in an ever decreasing amount of time. Never suffer from a sense of time urgency. Feel no need to display their either achievement. Play for fun and relaxation. Can relax without guilt.

Personality trait helps in selection of

Matching people with job.

Personality Types and Suitable Occupation

Personality types Realistic Prefer physical activities Personality Characteristics Shy, genuine, stable, practical Suitable Occupations Mechanic, assembly line worker, farmer

Investigator: Prefer activities that involve thinking, understanding

Social: Prefers activities that involve helping and developing others

Analytical, original, curious, independent

Sociable, friendly, cooperative

Mathematician, news reporter, economist

Social worker, teacher, counselor

Conventional: Prefers rule regulated, orderly & unambiguous activities

Enterprising: Prefers verbal activities in which one can influence others, attain power Artistic:Prefers ambiguous & unsystematic activities

Efficient, practical, inflexible

Accountant, bank teller, corporate manager

Lawyer, Public relation Specialist

Self-confident, energenitic

Imaginative,idealistic,impracti Painter,Musician,Writer cal

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