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Aerobic & Anaerobic


Chapter 25 pp. 940-941, 943-951

Chapter 10 pp. 309-310
Reinforcing Assignments

 THQ - Cellular Respiration

 On WileyPlus
Do: Animation: Cell Respiration &
Animations Review Sheet
 Catabolic reactions  Anabolic reactions
• decomposition • synthesis
• exergonic • endergonic
 ADP + P
energy ATP

 ATP ADP + P + energy

Glucose Transport
 Facilitated diffusion through GluT molecules
 Number of GluT molecules regulated by
• except liver cells and neurons where GluTs
always present
 Glucose phosphorylated after entry so can’t
• Except liver cells
Aerobic/Cellular Respiration
Overall chemical equation:

C6H1206 + 6 O2 = 6 CO2 + 6 H20 + 30-32 ATP

Aerobic Cellular Respiration -
 Glycolysis

 Formation of Acetyl

 Kreb’s Cycle

 Electron Transport
 Input
• 1 Glucose (6C)
• 2 ATP
• 2 NAD

 Output
• 2 pyruvic acid (3C)
• net 2 ATP (4 ATP total)
• 2 NADH & 2H+
Fate of Pyruvic
 Anaerobic (see next slide)
• production of lactic

 Aerobic
• formation of Acetyl
 Input (from glycolysis)
• 2 pyruvic acid (C)
• 2 NADH & 2H+

 Output
• 2 lactic acid
• 2 NAD
• 2 ATP (net) from
Formation of Acetyl
CoA (aerobic)
 Input
• 2 pyruvic acids (3C)
• 2 NAD

 Output
• 2 acetyl CoA (2C)
• 2CO2
• 2 NADH & 2 H+
Kreb’s Cycle
 Input
• 2 acetyl Co A (2 C)
• 6 NAD
• 2 FAD
• 2 GDP

 Output
• 2 x (3 NADH & 3 H+)
• 2 x 1 FADH2
• 2 x 2 CO2
• 2 x 1 GTP (ATP)
Transport Chain
 Input
2 NADH & 2 H+ (Glycolysis)
2 NADH & 2 H+ (Formation
of Acetyl Co A)
6 NADH & 6 H+ (Kreb’s Cycle)
2 FADH2 (Kreb’s Cycle)
6 oxygen molecules

 Output
• 26-28 ATP
• 6 water molecules
Table 25.1 p. 951
 Each NADH produced in mitochondria
produces 2-3 ATP (average 2.5)
 Each FADH2 produces 1-2 ATP (average 1.5)
 NADH produced in the cytoplasm transfers
electrons (H) to FADH2 in mitochondria
(therefore producing only 1.5 ATP each)
except in kidney, heart and liver where
NADH is allowed to enter mitochondria
Electron Transport Chain
 Input
2 NADH & 2 H+ (Glycolysis) x 1.5 ATP = 3 ATP
2 NADH & 2 H+ (Formation of Acetyl Co A) x 2.5 ATP = 5 ATP
6 NADH & 6 H+ (Kreb’s Cycle) x 2.5 ATP = 15 ATP
2 FADH2 (Kreb’s Cycle) x 1.5 ATP = 3 ATP
6 oxygen

 Output
• 26-28 ATP
• 6 water molecules
Summary of Cell Respiration
 C6H12O6 + 6 O2 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + 30-32 ATP

 Input
• 1 glucose (6C)
• 6 oxygen molecules

 Output
• 30-32 ATP
• 6 Carbon dioxides
• 6 water molecules

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