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Mrs. White is nervous. She cooks...

nervosly nervously nervouslly

They are good dancers. They
dance ...

well goodly good

They are happy. They live ...

happyly happilly happily

Susan’s voice is beautiful. She

beautifuly beautifully beautiful

He is a bad painter. He paints ...

bad badlly badly

He is a fast cyclist. He cycles…

fast fastly fastlly

He is a successful businessman. He ...
concluded the deal.

successfuly successfully sucessfully

The children are noisy. They play…

noisyly noisilly noisily

These children are quiet. Theyplay...

quietlly quietly quitely

Mr. Brown is very calm. He walks…

calmlly calmily calmly

Snails are slow. They move...

slowlly slowly slow

It is easy to climb the rock.He climbs
it …

easilly easyly easily

The teacher is angry.He ... punhishes
the students.

angrily angrilly angryly

Susan is very careful. She cuts the hair...

carefuly carefully carfully

The postman is very punctual. He …
delivers the mail.

panctually punctualy punctually

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