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Science 4

Unit 1
Classification of living things:
By: T. Aurora
Classification of living things

 Plants Animals other living things

 - autotroph - heterotroph - fungi
 - immobile - mobile - bacteria
 - algae
 Vocabulary:
 1. autotroph- living thing that can make its own food like plants by
carrying out photosynthesis.
 2. heterotroph- living things that feeds on other living things to
 Herbivores- feed on plants only

 Carnivores- feed on animals only

 Omnivores- feed on both animals and plants

Fungi- do not have chlorophyll to carry out photosynthesis
- they are decomposers.

Bacteria- very small living things that we cannot see with the naked eye and
they can cause diseases.

Algae- able to carry out photosynthesis even if some do not have leaves ,
roots and stems.
 Homework: in your Science notebook,
 A. Write 5 examples of plants
 1. 4.
 2. 5.
 3.
 B. Write 5 examples of herbivores
 1. 4.
 2. 5.
 3.
 C. Write 5 examples of carnivores
 1. 4.
 2. 5.
 3.
 D. Write 5 examples of omnivore

I. Mastery Practice:
1. The animal shown below eats

a. leaves b. meat c. nuts d. fruits

2. Which of the following animals are omnivores?

I. Tigers II. Horses III. Crows IV. Chickens
b. I and II only b. I and III only c. II and III only d. III and IV only

3. Animal X eats deer and chickens. Which of the animals can be grouped as the same
category as X on the food they eat?
a. butterfly b. lion c. zebra d. snail

4. The pictures show bacteria and mold. They are examples of

a. herbivores b. carnivores c. omnivores d. decomposers
5. Which of the following animals is carnivore?

a. b. c. d.

6. Which of the following is a herbivore?

a. rabbit b. wolf c. chicken d. orchid

7. Which of the following living things can make their own food by using sunlight?
a. sheep b. hawks c. toads d. vegetables

8. What is the similarity between green plants and algae?

a. Both are mobile. b. Both are heterotrophs.
c. Both can carry out photosynthesis d. Both feed on other living things.

9. The picture is a type of living thing. Which is true about this living thing.
a. It can be called decomposer b. It can make its own food.
c. It can move from one place to another. d. It feeds on other animals.
10. Which of the following is matched correctly?
a. bamboo – heterotroph c. algae - omnivore
b. yeast – autotroph d. caterpillar – herbivore

11. Goats, deer, and butterflies are

a. carnivores b. decomposers c. omnivores d. herbivores

12. Hibiscus, rose and banana plants are

a. heterotrophs b. autotrophs c. decomposers d. omnivores

13. Herbivores are animals that feed on

a. meat only b. plants only c. rocks only d. water only

14. Plants are also known as

a. producers b. consumers c. decomposers d. omnivores

15. What is producer?

II. Subjective Questions:
1. Below are 3 animals

zebra lion rat

a. How do the animals above get their food?

b. What term do we call these animals?___________________________
c. Which animal is omnivore? _____________________________
d. Which animal feeds on other animals? _______________________________
e. Give two examples of animals that can be grouped as the same category as the zebra
based on the food they eat. a. _____________________
b. _____________________
2. Below are images of four living things.

eagle rice plant chicken coconut tree

a. The four living things above can be grouped into 2 categories, namely plants and
animals. List the living things that are grouped into each of them.
Plants: ______________________________________________________
Animals: _____________________________________________________

b. List 2 differences between the 2 categories.

c. What do we call the process plants used to make their own food?

d. Where do plants get their energy to make their own food?


e. There is another category of living things besides the 2 mentioned above. Give 3
examples of living things that are grouped into this category.
2. ________________________
3. ________________________
Unit 2: Plants
Conceptual map


Non-flowering plants Flowering plants

 mosses roots
 Ferns stems
 Conifers leaves
Classification of plants:
a. non-flowering plants- are plants that do not produce flowers.

mosses – have simple stems and tiny roots, but no real roots. They have
spores in the capsules for reproduction.
ferns – have proper stems, leaves and roots. They reproduce by spores.

conifers – have needle like leaves. They have cones to reproduce.

Flowering plants – are plants that have flowers. The flowers produce
fruits and seeds.

Parts of flowering plants and their functions:

1. roots – the main function of roots is to absorb water and minerals.
- provide support to the plant by anchoring the plant to the soil.

xylem – carries water and minerals from the roots to the other parts of the

phloem - transports food to other parts of the plant.

Types of roots:
a. taproot – consists of a
large thick main root and
smaller roots that grow
from the sides of the main

b. fibrous roots – has no

main root instead thin and
branching roots.
taproot Fibrous root
- Tap root has only one main and long root. - Fibrous roots do not have a main root. All
The smaller roots that grow from the main roots seem similar.
root are called lateral roots. - They do not go deep into the soil.
- Tap root goes deep into the soil. - These are found in plants which have
- Tap roots are found in plants which have parallel venation in their leaves.
reticulate venation in their leaves.
2. leaves – the function is to capture sunlight and to make food for the plant.
- plants with green leaves have chlorophyll to capture sunlight.
- the sugar made in the leaves are transported to other parts of a
plant through phloem.
Flower –the main function is to reproduce.
Common parts of a flower:
Stamen is the Pistil is the
male female
reproductive part. reproductive part.
Anther contains Stigma is the
pollen grains. The sticky surface at
pollen grains the tip of the
contain male pistil. Style
gametes. The supports the
filament holds stigma. Ovary has
the anther up in ovules which
the flower. contains female
Chapter Test:
A. Write what is asked:
1. Where do you find spores on fern leaves?
2. How do the spores look like? Draw them in the box below.

3. Draw and label the parts of a flowering plants in the box below.
4. Write the parts of a plant and their function.
Parts Functions

5. What are the components of a flower?

6. Draw and label the parts of a flower in the space below.
B. Fill in the blanks. Use the words in the box below.
phloem cones photosynthesis starch stamen
xylem sori pollen grains pistil female
1. The spores of mosses are formed in the ______________________.
2. Ferns produce spores in the ___________________.
3. Conifers use ____________________for reproduction.
4. Besides absorbing water and minerals, the roots also provide _____________to
the plants.
5. The ________________transports water and minerals from the roots to other
parts of the plant.
6.The ________________transports food from the leaves to other parts of a plant.
7. Plants make food through the process called __________________________.
8. Sugar produced from photosynthesis can be changed to _____________________.
9. The male reproductive part of a flower is known as ___________________________.
10. The anther has ________________which contain male gametes.
11. The female reproductive part of a flower is known as the ___________________.
12. The ovary of a flower has ovules which contain __________________gametes.


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