3A Hemodynamics

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E. Uyanga (Ph.D.)




• Composition:
• Approx. 45% by Vol. Solid Components
• Red Blood Cells (12m x 2 m)
• White Cells
• Platelets
• Approx. 55% Liquid (plasma)
• 91.5% of which is water
• 7% plasma proteins
• 1.5% other solutes
Physical basis of hemodynamics

Hydrodynamics is the branch of mechanics that studies the motion of

fluids and the phenomena that occur during the motion of solid bodies
within fluids. An ideal fluid is an incompressible and non-viscous fluid.

Principles of continuity:
V1  s1 1  t
V2  s2  2  t

V1  V2  s1 1  t  s2  2  t

s1 1  s2  2 ; s   const
Continuity of flow
Pressure in fluids:

F  mg  m    V    S  h

Ph  FS    h  g  S / S    g  h

P  P0    g  h
The concept of internal pressure in flowing fluids was first explored
by Swiss scientist Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782) in his 1738 publication



The change in total energy (ΔE) as a liquid flows from one cross-section (S1) to
another cross-section (S2) in a pipe with a volume ∆V can be represented as:

E  E2  E1
Bernoulli equation



dynamic hydrostatic static

When blood flows through an artery, the total energy of the fluid at any
point is assumed to be constant
• Flow of blood is usually measured in l/min
• Total amount of blood flowing through the
circulation = Cardiac Output (CO)
Cardiac Ouput = Stroke Vol. x Heart Rate
= 5 l/min
Factors affecting Blood Pressure & Resistance

Force of blood •Blood viscosity

against vessel wall •Vessel Length
 with water retention •Vessel Elasticity
 with dehydration, hemorrage •Vasconstriction / Vasodilation

Neglecting viscosity!!!

• Greater Pressure  Greater Blood

Differences Flow

• Greater Resistance  Lesser Blood Flow

Viscous fluid flow can indeed be categorized into two main types: laminar flow
and turbulent flow
Laminar Flow: fluid phases or particles move in parallel trajectories without
significant mixing, resulting in smooth and orderly flow patterns. In laminar
flow, the velocity distribution within a pipe's cross-section follows a parabolic


Turbulent Flow: When the flow rate of a
viscous fluid increases, it can transition from
laminar to turbulent flow due to pressure
changes across the pipe's cross-section,
resulting in chaotic and complex trajectories of
fluid particles along with increased noise,
although the velocity change near the pipe wall
remains relatively small in the larger portion of
the flow.
Turbulent flow is noisy

In the vascular system high flow velocities cause turbulent flow and produce sound
the murmur heard when blood flows through a narrowed heart valve is due to turbulent flow

To determine whether flow is laminar or turbulent, calculate the reynolds number (R)
(dimensionless no.)

The critical reynolds number, denoted as rek or rec, indeed represents the threshold
value at which a transition occurs between laminar and turbulent flow. When the
actual reynolds number (re) is greater than rek (rek<re), the flow is characterized as
turbulent, and when re is less than rek (rek>re), the flow is typically laminar

Rek = 2000
• In a healthy person, blood flow in the arteries is typically laminar, but small areas of
turbulent flow can occur around the heart valves
• When the viscosity of a person's blood decreases due to a medical condition, it can
result in an increase in the Reynolds number, potentially exceeding the critical
value. Consequently, this change in blood flow conditions can lead to turbulence.
• During turbulent flow, the heart's workload may increase because additional energy
is required to maintain the circulation of blood
• When measuring blood pressure, listening for the sound of turbulent flow in the
arteries can be a diagnostic indicator of cardiovascular diseases.
Principles of Sphygmomanometry
Cuff inflated until brachial artery compressed and
blood flow stopped what kind of sound?
Slowly release pressure in cuff:

turbulent flow
P  mg    V  g  43  R 3  g

FA   ш  Vg  43 R 3   ш g
Fст  6R
ma  mg  FA  Fcm a  0; mg  FA  Fcm
3  R 3     ш  g  6R

  92  (    )  gR 2
Mechanical work and power of the heart: The heart converts chemical
energy from biochemical reactions in its muscle into mechanical energy, which
powers the circulation of blood in the body.

When the heart muscle contracts, it generates a pressure difference between the arterial and venous
vascular systems, which propels blood. The contraction phase of the heart (systole) typically occurs at
about 0.3 of the cardiac cycle, while the relaxation phase (diastole) occurs around 0.6 of the cycle. The
heart's work is directed towards overcoming pressure forces and imparting kinetic energy to the blood.
During each contraction, both the left and right ventricles pump a consistent volume of blood, known as
the systolic volume, which typically ranges from 60 to 70 ml in humans.

• Heart:
Has 2 collecting chambers - (Left, Right
Has 2 Pumping chambers - (Left, Right

Left Side of Heart

Pulmonary Vein Aorta


Aortic Valve
Mitral Valve
Lungs Tissues
Tricuspid Valve
Pulmonary Valve


Pulmonary Artery
Right Side of Heart Sup. & Inf. Vena Cava
Opening, Closing of Valves - Depends on Pressure
differences between blood
in adjacent areas
Let's find the work done during one contraction of the heart
S A1  F  L  P  S  L  P  V y

V y 2
A2  
2 2
The work done by the left ventricle during one contraction
Aз  А1  А2  PV y  V y 2 / 2

To calculate the work of the right ventricle AБ  0.2  Aз

The total work done by the heart in one contraction

Aн  АБ  Аз  1,2  Aз  1,2  PV y  V y 2 / 2 

The power of the heart Aн

N t
t1 t 2 t3 P t1  t 2  t 3
 лугших Pc

 лугших
0 x
x L
• ‘Lubb’ (1st sound) - Closure of A-V valves
• ‘Dupp’ (2nd sound) - Closure of S-L valves
Caused by Turbulence on closing.

Anything extra ’Murmur’ (swishing of blood)

Could be due to:
• Stenosis of Valves (calcification)
• Valves not closing properly Pressure on heart

(Incompetence, Insufficiency)
• Pulsating wave pressure: denoted as P(x), is characterized by its
amplitude, which represents the difference between the maximum and
minimum values of pressure change at a specific point in the vessel.

P0,max  Pc  PД

•The amplitude of the pulsating wave exhibits a decreasing pattern along

the vessel, following a specific law or equation

P0 x   P0. max  e    x
• Propagation speed of the pulse wave: The vessel wall's deformation spreads
along the vessel, and this speed depends on the properties of both the blood and
the vessel

л  E

 1  d 2
 
• The ratio of the outer and inner diameter of blood vessels

D  0 .9
E  10 6 H / м 2 ,
  1.05  10 3 кг / м 3
• Pulse wave speeds range from 5.5 to 8 m/s in the aorta and 6.0 to 9.5
m/s in peripheral arteries, varying based on location and individual
factors like age and blood pressure.
The correlation between arterial blood pressure and blood velocity in humans
varies depending on the type of blood vessel

The sum of the cross-sectional areas

of capillaries is typically 500-600
times greater than that of the aorta.
Consequently, under conditions of
continuous flow, the linear velocity of
blood in capillary vessels is
significantly slower compared to that
in the aorta.
• Blood flow through veins is influenced not only by cardiac function but also by
various physiological factors, including the internal dimensions of the vessels,
the elasticity of the vessel walls, the total circulating blood volume, and the
viscosity of the blood
In the blood vessel system, there are three important types of velocities:

• Blood Flow Velocity  ц  0,5 м / с

• Propagation Speed of Shock Waves  л  10 м / с

• Speed of Sound Waves  Д  1500 м / с

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