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 Ensure human resources are employed cost effectively

Make effective use of workforce potential
Match the work force to the Business Need
Maintain Good Employer/Employee relationship
Functions of HRM
• Basic functions that all managers perform: planning, organizing, staffing,
leading, and controlling. HR management involves the policies and
practices needed to carry out the staffing (or people) function of
management. HRM department regardless of the organization’s size must
perform following human resource management functions.
Staffing (HR planning, recruitment and selection)

• An organization must have qualified individuals, in specific jobs at specific

places and times, in order to accomplish its goals. Obtaining such people
involves job analysis, human resource planning, recruitment, and selection.
Job analysis is the systematic process of determining the skills, duties, and
knowledge required for performing specific jobs in an organization. Human
resource planning (HRP) is the process of systematically reviewing human
resource requirements to ensure that the required numbers of employees, with
the required skills, are available when needed.
Human resource development
• A major HRM function that consists not only of training and development
but also individual career planning and development activities and
performance appraisal, an activity that emphasizes T&D needs. Training is
designed to provide learners with the knowledge and skills needed for their
present jobs. Development involves learning that goes beyond today’s job; it
has a more long-term focus. Human resource development (HRD) helps
individuals, groups, and the entire organization become more effective. It is
essential because people, technology, jobs, and organizations are always
Compensation and Benefits
• The term compensation includes all rewards that individuals receive as a
result of their employment. The reward may be one or a combination of the
• Pay: The money that a person receives for performing a job.
• Benefits: Additional financial rewards other than base pay include paid
vacations, sick leave, holidays, and medical insurance.
• Non financial rewards: Non monetary rewards, such as enjoyment of the
work performed or a pleasant working environment.
Safety and health
• Safety involves protecting employees from injuries caused by work-related
accidents. Health refers to the employees’ freedom from illness and their
general physical and mental well-being. These aspects of the job are
important because employees who work in a safe environment and enjoy
good health are more likely to be productive and yield long-term benefits to
the organization.
• • Employee and labor relations
• • Records maintaining, etc.
Issues affecting HRM
 Attracting Human Resource (Getting people)
Development of Human Resource (preparing people)
Motivation of Human Resource (Stimulating people)
Maintenance of Human Resources (Keeping them)
Attracting Human Resource
• People will be interested to join any organization if it is providing
them quality working environment, attractive benefit and
opportunities to excel in future. Keeping in view the opportunities
in the market, the first issues will be to attract good people for your
Development of Human Resources
• After selecting and recruiting individuals in the right position of
the organization the next function is to train and develop them, so
that they can become efficient employees and work toward the
achievement of the organization goal.
Motivation of Human Resource:
• The motivation function is one of the most important functions.
After training and developing the employees the HR manager
should stimulate them to work well. For motivation purpose the
HR manager have to give the employees some compensation and
benefit package.
Maintenance of Human Resource:
• The last phase of the HRM function is called the maintenance
function. For maintaining the people HRM should go for some
method of providing a safe and healthy work place, labor
relation & collective bargaining.

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