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Job analysis

• A job analysis is a systematic exploration of the activities within a job. It a
basic procedure used to define the duties, responsibilities and
accountabilities of a job.
• This analysis involves compiling a detailed description of tasks, determining
the relationship of the job to technology and to other jobs and examining the
knowledge, qualifications and other incumbent requirements.
• Shortly, job analysis indicates what activities and accountabilities the job
Before explaining the job analysis process it’s important
to define a few terms.
• A task is distinct work activity carried out for a distinct
purpose. For example, typing a letter, preparing a lecture,
or unloading a mail truck.
• A duty is a number of tasks. Counseling student is a duty
of a college instructor. A general accounting clerk’s
duties might include preparing the as income statement
and distributing the weekly payroll checks.
• A positions refers to one or more duties performed by
one person in an organization. There are at least as
many positions as there are workers in the organization;
vacancies may create more positions than employees.
For example, Supervisor, Accounts clerk, Assistant
• A job is a type of position within the organization.
If a large insurance company employs sixty life
insurance actuaries. Then there are sixty positions, but
just one life insurance actuary job.
• An occupation is a group of similar jobs found
across organizations. Electrician, accountant, doctor are
example of occupations.
• A career represents a sequence of positions, jobs, or
occupations that a person has over his or her working
Purpose of Job Analysis
• The job analysis is the conceptual, analytical process
from which we develop out tangible outcomes; job
description, job specifications, and job evaluation.
Job description
• A job description is a written statement of what the jobholder
actually does, how he or she does it, and under what conditions
the job is performed. It should accurately portray content,
environment, and conditions, of employment. A common format
for job description includes the job title, the duties to be
performed, the characteristics of the job, and the authority and
responsibility of the jobholder.
Components of job description
1. Job Title
2. Company Job Code
3. Division/Department
4. Report To
5. Salary
6. Summary
7. Primary Responsibility
8. Additional Responsibility
9. Knowledge & Skills Required
10. Working Condition
11. Equipment/Tools
12. Location
13. Working Environment
Job specification
• A job specification is a document containing the
minimum acceptable qualifications that a person should
possess in order to perform a particular job. Items
typically included in the job specification are knowledge,
skills, abilities, experience, personality traits, and
physical abilities.
Components of job specification:
Personal Characteristics Such As:
o Experience
o Education
o Sex
o Age
o Required Skills
o Abilities
Mental Characteristics Includes:
o General Intelligent
o Ability to Concentrate
o Memory
Job evaluation
• In addition to providing data for job descriptions and
specifications job analysis is also valuable in providing the
information that makes comparison of jobs possible. If an
organization is to have an equitable compensation program, jobs
that have similar demands in term of skills, education, and other
characteristics should be placed in common compensation groups.
Job evaluation is thus an important part of compensation
Reasons for conducting job analysis
• A sound job analysis system is extremely critical
for numerous reasons.
• All areas of staffing would be haphazard (disorganized)
if the recruiter did not know the qualifications needed to
perform the job.
Training and development
• If the specification suggests that the job requires a
particular knowledge, skill, or ability—and the person
filling the position does not possess all the qualifications
required—training and development is probably in
Compensation and benefits
• The relative value of a particular job to the company
must be known before a dollar value can be placed on it.
From an internal perspective the more significant its
duties and responsibilities, the more the job is worth.
Safety and health
• Information derived from job analysis is also valuable in
identifying safety and health considerations.
When job analysis is performed?
• Job analysis is conducted under following situations.
• When the organization is founded: When organizations are created
complete information about jobs to be performed is collected through job
• When new jobs are created: When jobs are changed significantly as a
result of new technologies, methods, procedures, or systems for analyzing
them job analysis is conducted.

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