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Roles of the Teacher in

the Society

Jerry Mae Pallatao | Janette Pante | Mari Claire Codal | Karen Joy Butacan Tacdol
Learning Outcomes

Synthesize the roles of the teacher in the society

Understanding the role of teachers by establishing

their importance in the society
Think about
Prime Mover of Change

Change is a lifelong process.

In order to survive in this very
dynamic society, we need to adapt
on the many changes that confront
us. We need to swim with the
The prime movers of change are
the ones who start to make a
difference in this 'world.
Prime Mover of Change
Kaleidoscope Telescope. It is a project telescope
that when you look at it you will see colorful
radial patterns that is reflected in the mirrors
because of the light. Applying this to teachers,
they are our light. The school on the other hand is
our telescope and the mirrors reflect the changes
made by our teachers day in and day out as they
interact with the students entrusted in their care.
It is always a collaborative effort to produce
beautiful patterns of changes that can inspire the
wave of positive emotions in our society.
Second Parent by Virtue of in Loco Parentis
The Latin doctrine, in loco parentis
means when the parents entrust their
child in an educational institutions, the
teachers, alongside with the
administrators, take some of the
responsibility, and some authority of
the parents. In short, they are
accountable to their own actions and
decisions that concerned their students.
Second Parent by Virtue of in Loco Parentis
The role of teachers as a second parent proves
difficult to many teachers. It helps that the
Department of Education (DepEd) gave us the Child
Protection Policy, thru DepEd Order 40 series of
2012, which protects students from all forms of child
abuse and provides for a different definition of a
"child." Under this DepEd policy, the term "child"
includes those who are 18 years of age or older but
are in school. This policy expands the definition of a
“child" under RA 7610,and RA 6809 which states that
majority commences at the age of 18 years (Estrada,
2018). This law limits the student-teacher
 Teachers are often regarded as the pillars of the nation. They
play a crucial role in shaping the future of a country by
imparting knowledge, values, and skills to the younger
 Teachers inspire, motivate, and guide students to become
responsible citizens and contribute positively to society.
 Teachers are responsible for nurturing young minds,
fostering critical thinking, and promoting lifelong learning.
 Teachers not only educate students in academic subjects but
also help them develop essential life skills such as problem-
solving, communication, and collaboration.
 Teachers also serve as role models, teaching important values
 Motivation has been generally such as respect, empathy, and integrity.
viewed as energy or drive that
moves people to do something
by nature.
Types of motivation
 Intrinsic - It is the type of motivation where our behavior is driven
by internal rewards. There is an internal satisfaction. In this type
of motivation, the activities provided by the teachers may not
carry physical rewards; rather the learners receive a sense of
fulfillment in doing things that make their "heart smile!"
 Extrinsic - This refers to the behavior that is driven with external
rewards. The person is being motivated by gaining physical
rewards upon doing things that creates significance in their own
self and to the society (Cherry, 2019).

Both types of motivation are being performed by our teachers. A rule

of thumb is for the teachers to encourage intrinsic motivation so that
it will be inculcated in the young mind of the learners that they work
not just to be applauded by the world; but they work for a higher
goal of accomplishing any task out of their own labor which at the
end will benefit others.
Presenter of Information
 Teachers are still the credible persons to provide us with true
and honest information.
 Teachers should present factual information. It is the most
common but crucial role of the teacher. The information they
present is being quoted by their students and seldom is being
doubted by the public, since it came from the teachers who
belong to the noblest of all professions.
 In a nutshell, they are our resource providers. They just
concluded national election we had this year attested to this.
Teachers were again entrusted by society to handle the
"sacred ballots" and deliver to the nation the results of the
counting in all honesty.
 Teachers are always challenged to provide their students novel
resources in order for the learners to go out of the box and
further inspire them to build their own box. In so doing,
settling for the bare minimum essentials is discouraged and
instead the learners' potential is maximized to the fullest.

 Even in their very own community, teachers must pave the

way to see what is beneficial to the majority who might be
deprived and underprivileged. This unsolicited effort of the
teachers opens the door of opportunities to the neighborhood as
new and useful ideas are introduced.

 Teachers do not need fancy technology to come out with novel

ideas that would help alleviate the plight of the community
Role Model
Do you think of your teachers as role models? Without knowing it,
teachers are being modeled by their students. Students spend a
great deal of time with their teachers and the teachers whom they
admire and love become their role model.
• Teachers are there not only to instruct the children, but also to
emotionally support their students in their learning journey.
Since teachers are looked up to by the people in their community,
they become role models both to parents and the students.
• Why should teachers be at all times mindful of their conduct?
They belong to the noblest profession in the world. So they must
see to it that they live the Code of Ethics for Professional
Teachers, otherwise they will be tarnishing the image of the
teaching profession if they violate the code. Who in his or her
right mind would model a teacher who evades and violates the
Leadership is one of the attributes of our teachers.
As a leader, they can inspire others in their own
simple way to act positively in solving the problems
confronting the community. Since they are experts in
their own field, they capitalize on this to make a
difference in the community to improve.

The teacher earns the right to lead since he or she

knows his or her craft. By moving the people into
action, soon the neighborhood will be awakened to
"lift their fingers" to do something for their non-
reading and slow readers children.
 A teacher as a trainer is one whose expertise is aligned with his or her
area of specialization. It is in this context that common sense must be
employed. While the application of lesson is commendable, good
teaching in one's specialization cannot be divorced from common
sense (Paez & Serrano, 2015) and as such finds a way of instilling
among the students and his or her colleagues the relevance of
continually developing one's crafts.
 This role of the teacher as a trainer can be related with
apprenticeship. In this context, the students are the apprentice. They
performed the tasks according to the direction and guidance of the
 An effective trainer knows his or her crafts and enables others to
excel in their tasks so that later they will also train others to a specific
skill that would help them in their life. That is why, a community
looks after the teacher as both a trainer and a concerned citizen who
is always ready to extend a helping hand beyond his or her call.
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