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Mtro. José Ignacio Contreras Medina

Carolina Loera Domínguez

Universidad Tecnológica de Escuinapa

Escuinapa, Sinaloa, México.


New technologies have considerably impacted people's

lives, and curiously, most of our time is connected to a
digital tool. In companies, mainly in services, it is of
utmost importance to stay updated in the management
of new technologies, since we see such a diverse
market, which it is necessary to study to know how to be
able to offer our services, for the most part, because
they have adopted the new digital communication tools,
which, in turn, makes their daily lives easier.

In this project, it is proposed to structure a proposal that

tends to improve the positioning of the Tequalilla
Adventure company by taking advantage of the new
digital tools that exist in the market, and why, generate
advertising through them.

The community of Tequalilla is a population according to

data from INEGI (National Institute of Statistics and
Geography, 2020) of 1,497 inhabitants.

One of the main ideas why it was decided to propose this

project is due to the lack of implementation of a digital
strategy that sometimes disadvantages the company's
positioning; It is seen as a fair problem that deserves to be
resolved and proposed to said organization. I consider it
relevant that a company begins to take advantage of
digital tools and that these serve as support to attract more
customers to the business; It is clear, and ultimately, that
the proposal is of great relevance for the organization,
since being a company that does not manage this type of
media, and where its largest market segment is young
people, it is somewhat worrying because it may be that at
the same time of time relapses into decline.
Definition and delimitation of the problem.

The Tequalilla Adventure company was born 8 years ago, with the idea of ​being able
to reach a young market segment, since its activities focus mainly on guided tours in
the middle of nature, where people's physical performance is tested.
Since the beginning of this company, the lack of communication for the market
segment that they wanted to monopolize was almost zero, there were no tools
appropriate to the target audience, only advertising was done in newspapers and
radio, something that the young segment is not so common. that they use it.

Having said the above, we see that the main problem in the company was the
absolute disuse of digital tools as a means of advertising to its audience. So, upon
seeing this situation, we have proposed creating a proposal for “Digital Tools as a
primary element in the positioning of Tequalilla Adventure.”
Objective of the project. Context analysis
Generate advertising proposal for the company
Tequalilla Adventure through the use of digital The company is located in the “Common Use” areas of
tools to segment a number of 1,000 clients the community of Tequalilla, Escuinapa, Sinaloa on
each month in a period of no more than 2 Federal Highway Mexico 15.
months. It is important to mention that where the company is
located there is a good and very complete network of
roads, since it connects to the intersection of the Mexico
Federal Highway 15, and in order to reach the place
where the activities are carried out, the roads are used. -
The political situation is a bit unfavorable, since they
have little action from our municipal representatives, in
addition to not promoting training courses. Regarding
economic conditions, the Community of Tequalilla does
not have enough jobs, something that has a significant
impact on the population.
I add that there are public health services, public lighting,
piped drinking water, drainage, among other services.
In order to carry out the research in an orderly and
structured manner, it was necessary to implement the
study from a qualitative approach, where the
correlational scope was used, this in relation to the
fact that a correlational study can attempt to determine Conceptual foundation
the analysis between two or more variables and in this
way determine factors, whether positive or negative, Some topics that were taken into account
that directly intervene in the positioning of the for this work are the following:
company. Therefore, the methodology used to obtain
the information consists of conducting open interviews • Digital marketing
with actors considered key. • Strategies
The findings indicate that young people resort to the • Sale promotion
use of social networks to obtain information about • Digital media
entertainment options and use of leisure time in • Target market
various activities and an advertising program was • Market segments
designed that included social networks such as
Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and WhatsApp
business to send the message of the service offered
by Tequalilla Adventure.
Proposed Solution

The proposal focuses mainly on the use of digital media as a primary tool,
therefore, the background goes very hand in hand because the problem at the
beginning of the business is that they did not have digital strategies that would
help position the brand before the different market segments; In the same way
with the current context, it is relational since the political situation is somewhat
unfavorable, since they have few actions by our municipal representatives, in
addition to not promoting training courses, and not having training courses for
business has an impact in its updating to new forms of communication with the
To verify that the strategy really worked, a feasibility analysis was applied, developing the Internal Factors
Evaluation tool. This matrix tells us that if the resulting weighted value is less than 2.5, it means that the
strategy is not feasible, and if for Otherwise it is greater than 2.5, then it is feasible

As a result, it can be
seen in the EFI matrix
that the score was
greater than 2.5, which
indicates that it is
feasible to apply the
Advantages and disadvantages of your proposal.

Expected results (economic, time or waste savings).

With this project, considerable economic savings are expected, since although the proposed
digital media do not have high costs and at the same time are accessible to the public. We would
be saving on printed advertising, and we would be helping the environment with the disuse of
printed material.

With this project, it was sought that the company would significantly improve its sales, in such a way
that the strategies implemented helped to restructure its target, and thereby position it in new markets.
It is important to consider that, if the project continues to be developed sequentially, it will be even
more successful for the company. The objective set was met because it was to manage a plan of
digital tools for the positioning of the company and it was achieved in a short time as proposed.

I conclude by reiterating some recommendations to the company:

• Constant training in digital media, this will help you stay updated in the management of social
networks, mainly.
• Create a marketing department: Having an exclusive marketing area will help the company's
positioning to be effective, by dedicating most of the time to generating strategies.
• Make the most of digital tools.

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