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Have you ever seen an animal cry?

Do you think that animal cry when they are sad?

1. Famous: Known by many people; widely recognized or well-
Ex: The Eiffel Tower in Paris is a famous landmark.

2. Guess: To make an opinion without having all the facts

Ex: She guessed that it would rain based on the dark clouds.

3. Tears: Drops of liquid from your eyes when you cry or have
strong emotions.
Ex: Her tears of joy flowed when she received the good news.

4. Owners: People who own something.

Ex: She is the proud owner of that beautiful car.

5. Apart: Separated by a distance.

Ex: The two friends lived far apart and could only talk online.
Do Animals Cry?
There's a famous saying in English that goes, "A
dog is man's best friend." It means that dogs and
humans have been very close friends for a really
long time. Scientists have been studying this
friendship and guess what? They found something
really amazing! It turns out that dogs can cry tears
of joy when they see their owners again after being
apart for a while.

These scientists did a special study with 22 dogs.

They watched how the dogs acted when they saw
their owners and when they saw other people they
knew. Guess what they saw? When the dogs saw
their owners, they got so happy that they cried!
6. Researchers (people who do special studies and experiments)
Ex: These researchers are finding a cure for the rare disease.

7. Shedding (something falls from or comes out of something else)

Ex: The cat was shedding its fur, leaving small hair piles around the

8. Bond (a strong connection between people or animals)

Ex: The dog and its owner has a deep bond of trust and affection.

9. Teary-eyed (when your eyes have tears in them)

Ex: The movie's touching ending left many audience teary-eyed.

10. Wagging (when a dog moves its tail back and forth)
Ex: The puppy started wagging its tail when it saw its favorite toy.
Do Animals Cry?
The scientists even did a test. They put little strips of paper
under the dogs' eyes to see if they really cried. And you
know what? They did! When the dogs hadn't seen their
owners for about five to seven hours, they cried tears of
happiness. This is something very special because usually,
we don't think of animals crying tears like we do.

One of the researchers said he had never heard of animals

shedding tears of joy before. He thinks that these happy tears
might help make the bond between dogs and humans even
stronger. Maybe when dogs show teary eyes, it's a way of
telling us they really care about us. So next time you see a
dog wagging its tail and looking a little teary-eyed,
remember that it's just showing how much it loves you!
True or False

1. Dogs have been close friends with humans for a long time.
2. Scientists found that dogs cry happy tears when they see their owners again.
3. The study mentioned in the article involved 100 dogs.
4. Dogs cried tears of happiness when they saw their owners after being apart for a while.
5. The scientists put little strips of paper under the dogs' eyes to see if they get angry.
6. The researchers had heard of animals cried tears of joy before this study.
7. Dogs shedding tears of joy might help bringing dogs and humans closer.
8. When a dog wags its tail and looks teary-eyed, it means it's upset.
9. Dogs crying tears of joy is a way of showing their love for humans.
1. Famous: Known by many people; widely recognized or well-known.
2. Guess: To make an opinion without having all the facts
3. Tears: Drops of liquid from your eyes when you cry or have strong emotions.
4. Owners: People who own something.
5. Apart: Separated by a distance.
6. Researchers (people who do special studies and experiments)
7. Shedding (something falls from or comes out of something else)
8. Bond (a strong connection between people or animals)
9. Teary-eyed (when your eyes have tears in them)
10. Wagging (when a dog moves its tail back and forth)
Which is the word?

1. Famous 6. Researchers

2. Guess 7. Shedding

3. Tears 8. Bond

4. Owners 9. Teary-eyed

5. Apart 10. Wagging

Comprehension Question

1. What is the famous saying mentioned in the passage, and what does it
2. Have you ever observed a pet, like a dog or cat, showing strong
emotions? Can you share that experience?
3. Have you ever seen a pet expressing joy or happiness in a unique way?
Share your experience.
4. Can you think of other ways that dogs and humans show their
affection and bond with each other?
5. What can we learn from the bond between dogs and humans, and
how might this knowledge influence our treatment of animals?

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