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Names: Samuel Moncada y Jesus Chamorro

Grade: 9B

Teacher: Lucy

Area: English

The arepa is, neither more nor less, the bread of the Andes. To
talk about it is to refer to the history of corn, which came to us
from Mesoamerica some two thousand years before Jesus Christ
gave bread to his disciples to establish communion. To talk and
learn more about the Arepa Boyacense, it is necessary to take a
trip to a very beautiful town, called Ramiriquí, this municipality,
belonging to the department of Boyacá, which carries in its
history a whole agricultural background, has become the home of
an unparalleled product known as La Arepa Boyacense.

The magical touch of the Arepa Boyacense, travels with its

tradition, with its folklore and that is why Ramiriquí pays tribute
to this product, every December at the Sorbo and Arepa Festival,
a gastronomic event par excellence, which attracts the tourism,
for the beauty of its landscapes, the warmth of its people and the
gastronomic delights of this unmissable destination in the Boyacá

2 cups of pre-cooked yellow corn flour


5 tablespoons of wheat flour.

1 + ½ cups of hot water.

½ cup of milk.

¼ teaspoon salt.

2 tablespoons of sugar.

3 tablespoons soft butter, a little more for


2 cups fresh cheese or Colombian cheese.


Passed 1: In a medium bowl mix the masarepa, flour, water,

milk, salt, sugar and butter. Knead with your hands for about
3 minutes, wetting your hands with water as you work.
Passed 2: Form 12 balls with the dough. Place each ball
between 2 plastic bags or parchment paper, and with a flat
lid, flatten to approximately.
Passed 3: Place the cheese in the center of half of one
dough circle and then place another circle on top to cover.
Using your fingers, seal the edges around the cheese, which
will prevent the cheese from spilling.
Passed 4: Add the butter to a nonstick skillet over medium
heat. Place the arepas in the pan and cook for
approximately 3 minutes on each side, until golden brown.
Serve immediately.

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