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How to write a good

essay in English?
Preparation for writing an essay

 Before you start writing, you should make use you have a
clear idea of what you want to say and how you’re going
to say it. There are a few key steps you can follow:
before you start writing …

 What is the goal of your essay?

 What is the length and deadline of the task?
 Is there anything you need to clarify with your
 Define the topic
 Do your research on the topic of your essay
before your start writing ...
 Come up with a thesis.
Thesis is the central point or argument that you want to
make. A clear thesis is essential for an essay
 Create an outline
Mal out the rough structure of your essay in your outline
How to write an introduction…
An introduction is the opening paragraph of an essay;
it should
 Briefly introduce the topic and outline your key
 Provide context and try to hook the reader’s
attention and interest
How to write an introduction ...
The content and style of an introduction to an essay will
depend on the purpose of your writing. Introduction should
 Short – no longer than a paragraph
 Focused on the essay question, statement or topic
Grab reader’s attention …
There are different way to do this. You can use:
 A well-known saying or phrase
 A statement that deliberately tries to shock or challenge
 Humour/joke
 Rhetorical question
Give some context …

In some essays, it can be useful to give some brief context in

an introduction. This can be:
 Historical – what point in time are you writing about?
 Location – what country, town or area are you writing
 Social – does the reader need to know anything about the
society at the time?
What to avoid ….
 Avoid phrases like
“In this essay I am going to write about …”
 Avoid a detailed analysis of the text in your
 Avoid moving away from your topic. Stay focused
on the essay topic

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