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Effective Teams

Why Use Teams?

Characteristics of Good
Is the group Better than the Individual?
• Performance Reasons:

1- Many hands might be « better » than one: lighter work for

the individual
2- Many eyes might be « better » than one: various

Teams DO, on average, perform better

than individuals.
« The combined power of a group of things
when they are working together that is
greater than the total power achieved by
each working separately” (Cambridge
Did YOU experience synergy?
Any cost?
Process Loss
At least one individual, does better than the

One team member is hurt by the interaction!

Process Loss
“The inadequate execution of actions that will
lead to optimum performance. These could be
inability to work together, uncoordinated tasks,
improper equipment, etc.”
How can we take advantage
of the potential that exists in
the team?
Team Composition


Two Components

Implementation Innovation

Homogenious Heterogenious
Participation  Importance
of the first meeting

Influence  Importance of
First Meeting:
 Setting the norms about communication & participation

 Start with (pre-interaction) writing
 Allow anonymous imput
 In vertical groups, participate in a reverse order of status
 Emphasis dialogue over advocacy

 Introductions
 Collect and distribute contact info
 Establish time for regular meetings
 Establish team roles & norms
 Build a team identity
–Come up with a creative team name
–Develop a team logo
If you are a Minority Team Member..
• Highlight your difference

• Find an Ally

• Consider your motives and choose your fights

To Be a Good Team Membre/Leader

1- Preparation

« What do we need to accomplish &

how do we get there? »
To Be a Good Team Membre/Leader

2- Connectedness

The team becomes an ENTITY.

 Do not avoid/supress conflict:it is a
learning opportunity.
Common to All Teams
Roles & responsibilities

Individual work

Team work

Team Problems
 Conflict & disagreements
 Power & authority
 Overbearing experts
 Lack of focus

 Too much agreement

 Uneven participation

 Lack of follow-through
Important to Keep in Mind…
• Choose team members for their specific skill and expertise (their informational

• Search for common ground: identify the goals and values of the team

• Assign teams members roles & responsabilities AND switch it around

• Define the task as a problem-to-be- solved rather than a decision-to-be made

• Encourage participation from all team members

• Encourage active debate. Set up norms that facilitate task conflict

Evaluating Teams
 Use multiple evaluation tools
–Team deliverables
–Peer assessments
How to Stay Motivated?

-> Recognition
-> Incentives
-> Clear goals
-> Interpersonal support from colleagues & managers
-> A clear sense of progress

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