Opinion and Assertion

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Class room Rules

 Raise your hand if you want

to answer
 Listen attentively
 Participate in class discussion
on the item 
1. I think eating banana keeps you
away from corona virus.
2. Filipinos become cautious with their

health during this pandemic.

 Which statement cannot be proven as true or false?
 Which statement cannot be proven at all?
Statements of opinion
- usually starts with signal phrases such as I think
or I believe and have words like best, worst,
beautiful, outstanding or should. Statements of
opinion have to do with someone’s preferences or emotions.


 Chocolate ice cream is the best flavor of ice cream sold.

 Ice cream sundaes should always come with a cherry on top.
 I think my outlook in life was changed by the pandemic.
If an opinion cannot be proven as true and a fact is true, a statement is somewhat true
and somewhat false is called an ASSERTION.
- An Assertion maybe somewhat similar to opinion
(that is, a belief of someone) but it can be proven
as true or false. It is a declaration of someone’s
belief and maybe proven as true or false.
- Statements of assertion do not start with a phrase
I think or I believe.
- Statements of assertions are considered
declarations, as if they were true even though may not be.

1. Doctors are the smartest people on Earth.

2. Milk is good for your body.
3. Taking vitamins everyday makes you healthy and strong.
Eighteen more inmates and jail employee from the
Zamboanga City Reformatory Center tested positive for the
corona virus disease, local officials reported on Friday.

The provincial task force said the infected patients have

been separated from the other inmates. The facility earlier
reported two other COVID-19 cases involving detainees, including
one who passed away on April 20.
Zamboanga City now has 30 cases of COVID-19 and remains
under enhanced community quarantine. (CNN Philippines Staff,
May 1, 2020)
Source: CNN Philippines Staff, Eighteen More Inmates,
A Zamboanga City Jal Employee catch COVID-19
CNN Philippines, 2020
Study these statements:
1. The article about COVID-19 cases is worst I’ve read in a

2. COVID 19 Cases in Zamboanga City are increasing

through contact with other inmates.

Which is an opinion and which is an
1. The article about COVID-19 cases is worst I’ve read in a while.
 If an opinion is a statement that involves the speaker’s emotion and cannot be
proven, then statement 1 is an opinion. It involves the person’s feelings and
cannot be proven in the article. Also, the signal word “worst” gives a hint that
it is an opinion

2. COVID 19 Cases in Zamboanga City are increasing through

contact with other inmates.
 Statement 2 is an assertion because if we based it in the article, the cases
might be increasing through contact with other inmates but it can also be
through contact with other people who are going to and from the jail.
Therefore, the statement is somewhat true and somewhat false .


 Each group will formulate statement of opinion and

assertion based from the article and will explain
their work.

 A chosen representative from the group will explain

the group’s answer
The government is promoting another way of greeting another person while ensuring health safety amid
the pandemic.
House Resolution NO. 408 urges the government to promote placing one’s palm at the center of the chest
together with a slight nod as a customary Filipino gesture of goodwill. This is more commonly known as “ Bating
The resolution was filled by Marikina Rep. Bayani Fernando in July 2019, and was officially adopted last
February 2020.
This intends replace the usual handshake to reduce transmission of the virus causing COVID-19.
Due to COVID 19 Pandemic, people are being reminded to always practice social distancing since the
virus can be passed through droplets coming form an infected person.
Fernando told CNN Philippines’ News.PH that the new way Filipino greeting shows sincerity and respect
towards another person.
The representative added that government agencies, specifically the Department of Education, should
help in spreading awareness about this.
A video has been circulating online that promotes the use of such greeting.

Source: CNN Philippines Staff, ‘Bating Filipino’

The New Way of Greeting Another Person
Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic,
CNN Philippines, 2020
Rubrics in formulating a statement of opinion or assertion
and its explanation:
Statement 10pts 5pts

 The statement is based on the article  The statement is based on the article
 The explanation gives enough reason  The explanation does not give enough
why the statement cannot be proven. reason why the statement cannot be
Opinion proven.

 The statement is based on the article  The statement is based on the article
 The explanation with the words  The explanation with the words tagged
tagged from the article is arguable from the article is not convincing to be
Assertion (meaning it is somewhat true or false). somewhat true or false
Group 1: poem – a maximum of two stanza poem that
highlights what the group had learned about assertion and

Group 2: Charting: a categorization of given the statements into

opinion or assertion

Group 3: Short dialogue – a short dialogue between teacher and

students about the topic given.
10 -7 6-4
Rubrics 3-1
Presentation and - representatives are prepared - Representatives are slightly - Representatives are not
creativity and use clear and audible voice prepared and uses clear and prepared and vague voice
(10pts) -answers are correct and well audible voice -answers are incorrect an not
communicated -answers are correct but not communicated well
- the given activity was communicated well -the given activity was not
performed creatively -the given activity was creatively performed
performed creatively
Language skills -Appropriate vocabulary and - mostly appropriate - not appropriate vocabulary and
10 pts grammar vocabulary and grammar grammar
-spoken loud enough to hear - the delivery seems loud - the delivery is not loud enough
easily enough to be heard to be heard
-understandable intonation and -understandable intonation and - poor communication
accent accent
Overall performance - exceedingly interesting - interesting - boring
(10 pts) - all members in the group - most of the members in the - less participation of the group
participated the group work group participated the group members in the group work
Relating to our Filipino values,
what significant realization have
you drawn from our topic?
You did it!

Read the article carefully. Analyze the statements and explain the reason for classifying them as an

1. Which of the signal words are used in giving opinions?

a. I propose and I infer c. I suggest and I intervene
b. I think and I believe d. I create and I make
2. Which of these can prove assertions?
a. Truth or dare c. Black and white statements
b. Light or dark d. true or false
3. What will you include in expressing opinions?
a. Handwriting c. Background
b. Emotions d. History
4. When you state your assertion, you are also stating your _______
a. Feelings c. Motivation
b. Declaration d. History
5. Which statement is associated with facts?
a. True c. Somewhat true and somewhat false
b. False d. Fabricated

Cut out an article. Formulate your

statement of opinion and assertion
based from the article. Give
explanation about your statement
Thank you
for bearing with me 
-Ma’am grace

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