Positive Thinking: M Sutapa Lakshmanan

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Positive Thinking

M Sutapa Lakshmanan


Knowing your world How attitudes affect results Personal Excellence

Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure. Norman Vincent Peale

What is attitude?
Attitudes are evaluative statements- either favorable or unfavourable about objects, people or events
They reflect how we feel about something

Components of Attitude
Cognitive= evaluation e.g. My boss is unfair

Affective= feeling I dislike my boss!

Negative attitude toward boss

Behavioral=action I am looking for other job

Know Yourself

True nature of your current attitude (how you react to current situations) To succeed in any endeavour, you have to approach them with positive or affirmative attitude

Your Positive Attitude Quotient

1: Never; 2:Seldom; 3: Sometimes; 4: Usually; 5: Almost always I can quickly recover from failure I have personal goals I am working on I keep track of my progress on goals and make the changes needed I make up my mind slowly whether or not I will like new people I meet I get a lot of good ideas from other people I can find what I need to know without much help I dont have to be reminded to do what I have agreed to do I can quickly detect people who are pessimists I enjoy listening to peoples explanations, even if I dont like them personally I am patient with people who disagree with me

Your PAQ-Score

Score:40 or more: Strong Positive attitude: credibility as leader and compatibility as a coworker Between 30 and 40: Normal positive attitude: serve you well and a favourable influence on others Between 20 and 30: unpredictable attitude and will cause confusion and uncertainty in relationships at home and workplace Under 20: Negative attitude: will inhibit confidence in your relationships and work


The only disability in life is a bad attitude....Scott Hamilton

Cast away your negative past Evaluate your attributes( list personal assets, competencies and achievements) Seek out positive input Write down specific goal Take responsibility for your emotional environment

PULL YOURSELF UP( learn early and put in hard work) REWORK MISTAKES LOOK FOR A BETTER WAY Dont React; Initiate Action

How Attitude affects Results

Your job satisfaction, happiness, progress and development on the job depends on your boss Study your bosss goals, style and work habits and tailor your actions accordingly

Least Valuable People(LVP) Profile

Constantly sidesteps problems and complaints, hoping that someone else will handle them Avoids disciplining people Blames others when things go wrong Allows false statements to go unchallenged Doesnt worry about being late for work or meetings Postpones completion of projects as long as possible Avoids seeking clarification for misunderstandings in order to criticize later Never volunteers for an assignment when not absolutely sure of success Doesnt worry about deadlines

Least Valuable People(LVP) Profile

Maintains the same sources of information and bases decisions more on opinions than facts Tries to be as noncommittal as possible Punishes good people who disagree Sees delegating as a way of getting rid of unpleasant chores Keeps busy with current projects and is uncomfortable with future planning Tends to criticize others in public, rather than in private Is not in touch with customers Frequently talks about how much others depend on them

Least Valuable People(LVP) Profile

Is not concerned about nurturing promotable people Is uncomfortable when depending on others to provide answers Concentrates efforts on favourite tasks rather than highest priorities Rarely compliments others for good work Downplays competence of other people Takes as few risks as possible Waits as long as possible before delivering bad news Is not involved in self-improvement programs Hides talented people to further their own career

Key to Success at workplace

Go above and beyond expectations Bring solutions and not more problems Bounce back from mistakes Dont make excuses Dont depend on reminders to complete work Work for improvement, not perfection Think ahead Dont dwell on successes Dont assume too much Negotiate agreements and then get going Concentrate on what is wrong versus who is wrong


Yourself as a problem

Put your negative attitudes in focus Laugh Accept failures and setbacks as part of life Talk calmly to yourself when you are upset Talk positively to yourself when you feel down Examine your priorities and goals Simplify everything you can Dont let small problems get bigger Get more involved with family and friends Brainstorm constructive alternatives with others

Build Your Self-confidence

Knowing your limitations Learning to make choices

Personal attributes to achieve excellence

Self-esteem Responsibility Optimism Steady progress Imagination Awareness Creativity

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