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I want to

have my


have + object + past participle

I had my hair cut yesterday.


1- We use causative have when

we arrange for someone to do
something for us.

They painted their house. (They did it themselves)

They had their house painted. (They arranged for someone
to paint it it)
She cut her hair. (She cut it herself)
She had her hair cut. (She went to the hairdresser’s.)
2-We also use causative have when
someone does something to us.

Sam had his window broken by a thief.


is having
will have
has had
She her washed
had had
was having
is going to
would like to
Get is possible instead of have, usually in
informal spoken English.

I'm going to get my car fixed tomorrow.

Let’s Practise:

In our new beauty salon you can:

have your nails done
nails / do ______________________________________

have your hair washed

hair / wash _____________________________________

have your face made up

face / make up __________________________________

have your skin treated

skin / treat _____________________________________
Have you ever...?

had your ears pierced

ears / pierce _____________________ ?

arm / tattoo had your arm tattooed

_____________________ ?

eyes / test had your eyes tested

_____________________ ?
Use “have something done” in different tenses:

‘m having my house redecorated ( my house /

1- I _________________________
redecorate) at the moment.

‘s going to have the roof repaired ( the roof /

2- Peter __________________________
repair) next week.

3- Jane never waters the plants herself. She always

has them watered (them / water).

4- I think you should have your ears tested (your ears /

test). You never hear what I say!

‘s had his nose pierced

5- This is the first time John _____________________
(his nose / pierce). He says it’s also the last.

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