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Discipline in action:

Discipline: Means Orderliness. Working ,co-operating and behaving in a normal and orderly way. Objectives: work in accordance with the rules and regulations of the organization maintaining sense of orderliness n conformity Improve organizational performance Enhancing feeling of trust and confidence Smooth functioning of organizational flow n procedure.

1. Self imposed or positive discipline:- Motivated thro rewards ,appreciation, constructive support,reinforcement. Known as co-operative or determinative . 2.Enforced or negative discipline: forced to follow the rules n regulation by inducing fear, loss of promotion/ increment, fines, layoff

Principles of maintaining
Rules n regulation framed with mutual coordination Evaluated n Updated time to time Rules formulated based on nature of work working condition Informed about penalties for violation Check that same indiscipline act dont repeat . The entire procedure mentioned in handbook Procedure legal n human approach.

Acts n causes of indiscipline.

Attendance: coming late., absenteeism On the job Behavior :rough behavior/ noisy, fighting harrasment Dishonesty: Chealing spying stealing. Causes Incongruence with skills, aptitude with job, organizational goals strained relationship with superior or colleague Biased evaluation of performance Loss of trust or confidence Lack of proper education n upbringing Economic, social pressure Ineffective grievance committee

MC Gregores Hot stove Rule:

MC Gregore : Hot Stove discipline : corrective action should be immediateRealize immediately if against norms ,rules. , impersonal: regardless of the person rules of indiscipline applied consistent foreseeable like touching a hot stove.

Steps of prevention

Positive discipline Preventive;: training n development Selection process; goals n skills congruence Constructive feedback state clearly procedure Types of disciplinary action Verbal warning Written warning Suspension Demotion Pay Dismissal

Discipline without punishment; 1973Frito-plant in US of 210 employees

Positive discipline at Frito --lay

Fired 58 employees( in the first 9 mths)morale down Managerfrustrated due to misbehavior continued despite punishment Workers; angry, resentful.

Outcome Writing Obsence material, indecent message that will hurt the org. l inside potato chips.then customer complain

Code of discipline Indian industry

Formulated on recommendation of Labor conference in new Delhi in 1957 n applicable from 1st June 1958 industrial employment ( standing order act, or service rules1946)--protection labor by providing uniform n stable condition of service

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