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Help save the Earth

Chapter 4, Book 6A
Longman Welcome to English Gold
Are you a friend of the Earth?
Take this quiz.

You leave your room in the evening.
What do you do?

II leave
leave the
the light
light on.

II turn
turn off
off the
the light
light before
before II go
go out.
You leave the light on.
You waste energy.
That’s bad for the Earth.

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You turn off the light before you go
You save energy.
That’s good for the Earth.
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You are brushing your teeth in the
morning. What do you do?

II turn
turn the
the tap
tap off.

II leave
leave the
the tap
tap on.
You turn the tap off.
You save water.
That’s good for the Earth.

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You leave the tap on.
You waste water.
That’s bad for the Earth.

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There are a lot of old newspapers at
your home. What do you do?

II throw
throw the
the old
old newspapers
newspapers away.

II recycle
recycle the
the old
old newspapers.
You throw old newspapers away.
You waste paper.
That’s bad for the Earth.

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You recycle old newspapers.
You save paper.
That’s good for the Earth.

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You go shopping. What do you do?

II use
use aa lot
lot of
of new
new plastic
plastic bags.

II use
use my
my own
own bag.
You use a lot of new plastic bags.
That’s bad for the Earth.

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You use your own bag.
That’s good for the Earth.

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The air-con is on. The temperature
in the room is 19°C. What do you

II turn
turn down
down the
the air-con.

II turn
turn up
up the
the air-con.
high cool 
low cool

You turn down the air-con.

You save energy.
That’s good for the Earth.

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low cool 
high cool

You turn up the air-con.

You waste energy.
That’s bad for the Earth.

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When you write on a piece of
paper, what do you do?

II write
write on
on one
one side
side only.

II write
write on
on both
both sides.
You use paper on one side only.
That’s bad for the Earth.

Back End
You use paper on both sides.
That’s good for the Earth.

Back End
Are you a friend of the Earth?
What can you do to help
save the Earth?
Discuss with your friends.

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