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Technology in Secondary

Language Education

First Semester
S.Y. 2023-2024
Clark Leonard Hull
•Was a psychologist known for his drive theory and research
on human motivation.
•Hull's attempt to explain all behavior and assisted by his
collaborator; Kenneth Spence,Neal Miller and Albert Bandura.

•Inspired by several prominent scientists such as; John B.

Watson, Ivan Pavlov, and Edward Thorndike.

•May 24, 1884, in Akron, New York.

•May 10, 1952, in New Haven, Connecticut.
Drive-Reduction Theory

•Focuses on how motivation originates from

biological needs or drives.

•A "drive" is a state of tension triggered by a

person's physiological or biological needs.

Feel hungry? That's tension.You are motivated to eat food.

Feel cold? That's tension.You are motivated to go inside.

Feel nervous? That's tension. You are motivated to avoid the

thing that is making you nervous.
•Is the tendency of the body maintain a
steady state.

•Also refers to a balance or equilibrium that

results in the relaxation of an individual.
Two Types of Drive
1.)Primary Drive
•Are innate biological needs and
something that is extremely vital.
•Water to
•Food that can reduce reduce the
the hunger drive. thirst of

•Warmth to reduce and shelter
the cold of drive. to reduce
the drive of
2.)Secondary Drive

•Learned by conditioning such as:



Two Types of Reinforcement
There are two major categories of reinforcement:

1.)Primary reinforcement
•Is sometimes referred to as unconditional reinforcement.
•It occurs naturally and doesn't require learning in order to work.

2.)Secondary reinforcement
•Also known as conditioned reinforcement.
involves stimuli that have become rewarding by being paired with
another reinforcing stimulus.

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