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Air Quality Index

Air Purification
Dr Ravi Kumar
Associate Professor
Air Quality Index
An air quality index is defined as an overall
scheme that transforms the weighed values of
individual air pollution related parameters (for
example, pollutant concentrations) into a
single number or set of numbers (Ott, 1978).
• Inform public regarding overall status of air
quality through a summation parameter that
is easy to understand;
• Inform citizens about associated health
impacts of air pollution exposure; and
• Rank cities/towns for prioritizing actions
based on measure of AQI.
Applications of Air Quality Index
1. Resource Allocation
2. Ranking of Locations
3. Enforcement of Standards
4. Trend Analysis
5. Public Information
6. Scientific Research
AQI is useful for
(i) General public to know air quality in a simplified way
(ii) A politician to invoke quick actions
(iii) A decision maker to know the trend of events and to
chalk out corrective pollution control strategies
(iv) A government official to study the impact of
regulatory actions
(v) A scientist who engages in scientific research using air
quality data.
Air Quality Monitoring
1. Online Monitoring network
2. Manual Monitoring network
Online Monitoring network
• Automated air quality monitoring stations
• Record continuous hourly, monthly or annually
averaged data.
• In India, ~ 40 automatic monitoring stations are
• Data from these stations are available almost in real-
• Most suitable for computation of AQI sub-indices, as
information on AQI can be generated in real time.
Manual Monitoring Network
• Mostly collect intermittent air quality data collection
• Not suitable for AQI calculation particularly for its quick
• 573 locations under National Air Monitoring Programme (NAMP).
• Mainly three criteria pollutants viz. PM10, SO2 and NO2 are
measured, at some stations PM2.5 and Pb are also measured.
• The monitoring frequency is twice a week. Such manual networks
are not suitable for computing AQI, as availability of monitored data
could have a lag of 1-3 days and sometimes not available at all.
• Historical AQIs on weekly basis can be calculated and used for data
interpretation and ranking of cities or towns for further
prioritization of actions on air pollution control.
Category NO2 O3 CO SO2 NH3
10 PM
2.5 Pb
8-hr 3)
((Range) 24-hr 24-hr 24-hr 8-hr (mg/m 24-hr 24-hr 24-hr
Good (0-50) 0-50 0-30 0-40 0-50 0-1.0 0-40 0-200 0-0.5
(51-100) 51-100 31-60 41-80 51-100 1.1-2.0 41-80 201-400 0.5 –1.0
(101-200) 101-250 61-90 81-180 101-168 2.1- 10 81-380 401-800 1.1-2.0
(201-300) 251-350 91-120 181-280 169-208 10-17 381-800 1200 2.1-3.0
Very poor
209- 801- 1200-
(301-400) 351-430 121-250 281-400 748* 17-34 1600 1800 3.1-3.5
(401-500) 430 + 250+ 400+ 748+* 34+ 1600+ 1800+ 3.5+
Control and Prevention of Air Pollution

The WHO has recommended the following

procedures for the prevention and control of air
1. Containment
2. Replacement
3. Dilution
4. Legislation
5. International action
1. Containment

This prevents pollutants from entering the atmosphere. This can be carried out
by engineering methods like enclosure, ventilation or air scrubbing & arresting
of pollutants. The following dust control devices are generally used in industry :
• Dust collection systems : These are designed to handle heavy dust loads; a
dust collector consists of a blower, dust filter, a filter-cleaning system, and a
dust receptacle or dust removal system, such as Cyclones, Electrostatic
precipitators, and, Baghouses.
• Scrubber systems : These are a diverse group of air pollution control
devices that can be used to remove particulates and/or gases from
industrial exhaust streams, such as Baffle spray scrubber, Cyclonic spray
scrubber, Ejector venturi scrubber, Mechanically aided scrubber, Spray
tower, and, Wet scrubber.
2. Replacement
• Proper selection and utilization of fuels
– That is, replacing a technological process causing
air pollution, by a new process that does not.
– Increased use of electricity, solar power
generation, natural gas, and central heating in
place of coal have greatly helped in smoke
– Use of unleaded petrol.
3. Dilution
• establishment of "green belts" between
industrial and residential areas.
• During the planning process itself polluting
industries are kept away from habitable
4. Legislation
• The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution)
Act" in 1981.
• Motor vehicle emission control.
5. International Action
• International network of laboratories for the
monitoring and study of air pollution.
• The network consists of two international
centers at London and Washington, three
centers at Moscow, Nagpur and Tokyo and 20
laboratories in various parts of the world.
• These centers will issue warnings of air
pollution where and when necessary.
Disinfection of air
1. Mechanical Ventilation
2. Ultraviolet radiation - Public assembly, school
rooms, hospital wards and OT
3. Chemical mists - Triethylene glucol vapours
have been found to be effective air bactericides,
particularly against droplet nuclei and dust.
4. Dust control - Application of oil to floors of
hospital wards reduces the bacterial content of
the air.
Charaka says

• तत्र वातमेवम् विधमनारोग्यकरं विद्यात् ; तद्यथा - यथर्त्तुविषमं

अतिस्तिमितं अतिचलं अतिपरुषं अतिशीतं अत्युष्णं अतिरूक्षं
अत्यभिष्यन्दीनं अतिभैरवारावं अतिप्रतिहतपरस्परगतिं अतिकु ण्डलिनं
असात्म्यगन्ध बाष्प सिकता पांसु धूमोपहतमिति I
Air Purification

• Fumigation

• Sprinkling

• Spraying

• Medicated Flags

• Medicated Drums
लाक्षा हरिद्रा अतिविषा अभयाब्द हरेणुकै लादल वक्रकु ष्ठं I
प्रियंगुकां चाप्यनले निधाय धूमानिलौ चापि विशोधयेत II
Also, Aparajita churna, Palankshadi churna
देवदारु नतानन्ता मधुकार्जुन गैरिकम् I
वज्रकन्दं लताम् लोध्रं वीकिरेत् शलक्ष्ण चूर्णितं II
वृक्षाग्रेषु पताकासु दुष्येषु सुमहत्स्वपि I
सर्वतश्चूर्ण सम्पर्कात् निर्विषो जायतेनिल: II
AS SU 8/161-162
विल्वाढकी यवक्षार पाटली बाल्हिकोषणा I
श्रीपर्णीसल्लकीयुक्ता निष्क्वाथ:प्रोक्षण: परम् II
AS SU 8/181
Medicated flags, Drums
हरेणु मंसि मञ्जिष्ठा रजनी मधुकं मधु: I
अक्षत्वक् सुरसं लाक्षाश्वपित्तं पूर्ववन्मणि: II
वादित्राणि पताकाश्च पिष्टैरेभिश्च लेपिता: II
श्रुत्वा दृष्ट्वा समाघ्राय सद्यो भवति निर्विषम् I
AS SU 8/190-191
(Also Sushruta - Dundubhswaneeya)
Indoor Pollution
• "sick building syndrome.“
• Energy-efficient buildings that are filled with
modern furnishings and high-tech equipment
off-gas hundreds of volatile organics which
possibly interact with each other. Even at
concentrations below present detection limits,
some of these chemicals and reactive
byproducts may adversely affect inhabitants of
these buildings.
Man Interaction with environment

Oxygen organic

Carbon Trace
dioxide organic
Plants for Indoor air Purification
1. Bamboo palm • Chamaedorea seifritzii
2. Chinese evergreen • Aglaonema modestum
3. English ivy • Hedera helix
4. Ficus • Ficus benjamina
5. Gerbera • Gerbera jamesonii
6. Daisy • Dracaena deremensis “ 'Janet Craig"
7. Janet craig • Dracaena marginata
8. Marginata • Dracaena massangeana
9. Mass cane/corn cane • Sansevieria laurentii
10. Mother-in-law's tongue • Spathiphyllum "'Mauna Loa'"
11. Peace lily • Chrysanthemum morifolium
12. Pot mum • Dracaena deremensis
• "'Warneckei'"
13. Warneckei
• The most known group of chemical impurities
in indoor air corresponds to volatile organic
compounds (VOCs).
• These compounds include aliphatic and
aromatic hydrocarbons, aldehydes and ketones.
• Some of them, such as benzene, toluene,
ethylene, xylenes (BTEX) and formaldehyde,
have been suggested to be possible
carcinogens, mutagens and teratogens.
• benzene, TCE, and formaldehyde

• Microorganisms

 Low-light-requiring houseplants, along with activated carbon plant filters, have demonstrated the

potential for improving indoor air quality by removing trace organic pollutants from the air in

energy-efficient buildings.

 This plant system is one of the most promising means of alleviating the sick building syndrome

associated with many new, energy efficient buildings.

 The plant root-soil zone appears to be the most effective area for removing volatile organic


 Therefore, maximizing air exposure to the plant root-soil area should be considered when placing

plants in buildings for best air filtration.

 Activated carbon filters containing fans have the capacity for rapidly filtering large volumes of

polluted air and should be considered an integral part of any plan using houseplants for solving

indoor air pollution problems.

• “The plant needs about two weeks to detect
the pollutants and to build the different
enzymes to metabolize them,”.
• In the meantime, the plant is also helping
improve indoor air quality by humidifying the
air, because plants release water vapor as part
of photosynthesis and respiration.
• Based on the Chlorophytum elatum var.
vittatum data, one spider plant in a 3.8 L (1
gal) pot can effect the removal of 7,000-8,000,
microgram formaldehyde/day.
• To meet the air purification needs of the home
just described, approximately 70 spider plants
(3.8 L pot size) would be needed to purify the
air continuously. [Wolverton BC, McDonald RC, Watkins E. Foliage plants for
removing indoor air pollutants from energy-efficient homes. Economic Botany. 1984 Apr;38(2):224-8.]
English ivy Devil’s ivy
(hedera helix) pothos plant (epipremnum aureum)
Peace lily Chinese evergreen
(Spathiphyllum ‘mauna loa’) (Aglaonema modestum)
bamboo palm (chamaedorea seifrizii) variegated sanseviera ‘snake plant,’

(dracaena trifasciata ‘laurentii’)

Heartleaf philodendron Selloum philodendron,
(philodendron cordatum) lacy tree philodendron
(philodendron bipinnatifidum)
Elephant ear philodendron Red-edged dracaena, Marginata
(Philodendron domesticum) (Dracaena marginata)
Cornstalk Dracaena Weeping fig
(Dracaena fragrans ‘massangeana’) (Ficus benjamina)
Barberton daisy, gerbera daisy Florist’s chrysanthemum,
(gerbera jamesonii) (chrysanthemum morifolium)
Aloe vera Janet craig
(dracaena deremensis)
(dracaena deremensis) banana (musa oriana)
Three main pathways can be distinguished by which the PM
particles can affect the metabolism of the plant. There are:
1. Direct deposition on the leaf surface,
2. Blocking stomata in leaves or being absorbed by leaf
3. Deposition on the growing medium of a plant and
indirect influence through changes in its chemistry.
It is also possible to use the PM components for plant
[GAWROŃSKA H., BAKERA B., 2015, Phytoremediation of particulate matter from indoor air by Chlorophytum comosum L. plants, in: Air
Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 8, p.265-272.]
[PETTIT T., IRGA P.J., TORPY F.R., Towards practical indoor air phytoremediation: a review, Chemosphere, 2018, 208, 960-974.]
• The issue of the effectiveness of plants in removing the
excess carbon dioxide from the indoor air is still
• The presence of indoor plants has a positive effect on the
regulation of relative humidity (RH), which is particularly
beneficial during the heating period.
• At the same time, the growth of RH by plants does not
generate the conditions for the development of mold
fungi even in very airtight rooms
[GUBB C., BLANUSA T., GRIFFITHS A., PFRANG C., 2018, Can houseplants improve indoor air quality by removing CO2 and increasing relative
humidity? in: Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 11, p. 1191- 1201.]
[IRGA P.J., PETTIT T.J., TORPY F.R., 2018, The phytoremediation in indoor air pollution: a review on the technology development from the potted plant
through to functional green wall biofilters, in: Reviews of Environmental Science Biotechnology, 17, p. 395-415.]

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