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Do you think you are smart? Out of 10, what would you rate yourself?
Now ask your partner to rate you out of 10.
Name someone you know personally who is very intelligent. Give reasons.
Name a celebrity that you believe to be intelligent. Give reasons.

Genius (n) Gifted (adj)

a high level of intelligence, ability or mental an ability that is given to you by God.
skill, which only a small number of people ‘’She is a gifted musician’’
‘’Einstein was a mathematical genius.’’

Brilliance (n) Wise (adj)

a very high level of intelligence. a person who is wise makes good decisions and gives
‘’He is respected for his brilliance as an good advice as they have a lot of experience in life. The
artist.’’ opposite is unwise.
‘’He is a wise man that makes no mistakes.’’

Sharp (adj) Brainy (adj)

able to think and understand things quickly. able to think quickly and learn easily.
The opposite is dull. ‘’She was beautiful and brainy.’’
‘’His hearing is very sharp.’’
4 Types of intelligence IQ this is the measure of your comprehension
ability", solve mathematics ; memorize
Intelligence Quotient (IQ) things and recall subject matters.
Emotional Quotient (EQ)
Social Quotient (SQ)
Adversity Quotient (#AQ)
EQ this is the measure of your ability to
maintain peace with others; keep to time;
be responsible; be honest; respect
boundaries; be humble, genuine and

AQ The measure of your ability to go through a

rough patch in life and come out without
losing your mind.
4 Types of intelligence SQ This is the measure of your ability to build a
network of friends and maintain it over a long
Intelligence Quotient (IQ) period of time.
Emotional Quotient (EQ) People that have higher EQ and SQ tend to go
Social Quotient (SQ) farther in life than those with high IQ but low
Adversity Quotient (#AQ) EQ and SQ. Most schools capitalize in
improving IQ level while EQ and SQ are
played down.
A man of high IQ can end up being employed
by a man of high EQ and SQ even though he
has an average IQ.
Your EQ represents your character; your SQ
represents your charisma. Give in to habits that
will improve these three Qs but more
especially your EQ and SQ.
EQ and SQ make one manage better than the
1. Can you name two jobs that would be ideal for each
intelligence category?
2. Which one do you think you would score highest
3. If you could choose one for your child to have,
which one would you choose?
4. Which do think is the most likely to improve the
5. Which intelligence is the one that is usually thought
of as the most important?
6. Which one is the least important?
7. Which intelligence is the hardest to measure? How
about the easiest one to measure?
1. If you had people who each had high intelligence in
one area, who would make the most money?
2. Do you think that people can be labeled a “genius”
if they score very high for one of these
3. Do you agree with Gardener’s theory of multiple
intelligences? Why or why not?
4. What experiments can you imagine which might
prove they do, or do not, exist?
5. Which of them best fits you? Which of them least
applies to you?
6. Which of the ones that you don't have so much of
would you like to develop?
Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence
______ I like to read books, magazines, or newspapers.

Multiple ______ I often write notes and letters to my friends and family.
______ I like to talk to people at parties.
______ I like to tell jokes.
intelligences ______ I like to talk to my friends on the phone.
______ I like to talk about things I read.

Logical/Mathematical Intelligence
Directions: Rate each statement 2, 1, ______ I can do arithmetic easily in my head.
or 0. ______ I am good at doing a budget.
______ I am good at chess, checkers, or number games.
______ I am good at solving problems.
● 2 means you strongly agree.
______ I like to analyze things.
● 1 means you are in the middle. ______ I like to organize things.
● 0 means you disagree. ______ I like crossword puzzles.

Naturalist Intelligence
Total the points for each intelligence.
______ I like houseplants.
Compare your scores on the different ______ I have or would like to have a pet.
intelligences. ______ I know the names of many different flowers.
______ I know the names of many different wild animals.
______ I like to hike and to be outdoors.
______ I notice the trees and plants in my neighborhood.
How much does IQ contribute to a person's intelligence and how much is influenced by genes and environment?
These questions have been dogging scientists for years and this has given rise to many different ways of
investigating intelligence. Here are a few of the more novel studies:
In 2010 an Israeli study was carried out involving 20,000 young men. Here are the results: Smokers had an IQ of 94 and
non-smokers had an IQ of 101. Furthermore, the men who smoked more than a pack a day had an IQ of 90. Among
siblings, the non-smoking brother was smarter.
Research into children between the ages of 4-6 suggests that taking music lessons improves their range of vocabulary.
Another study revealed that 6-year-olds who took 9 months of piano lessons were smarter than kids who took none at
all. Although it must be said that better educated children are more likely to take music lessons.
Position in the family
In 2007 a study was carried out that answered some questions that families had been wondering about for a long time. It
seems that the eldest sibling in the family had a slight edge, an average of about 3 points. The explanation the scientists
offer is that at some point they were the only child and benefited from 100% of their parents' attention.
How much does IQ contribute to a person's intelligence and how much is influenced by genes and environment? These
questions have been dogging scientists for years and this has given rise to many different ways of investigating
intelligence. Here are a few of the more novel studies:
A healthy weight
In 2006 a French study used 2200 adults over a 5 year period to test cognitive ability. The results were as follows:
People with a Body Mass Index of 20 could recall 56% of the words in a vocabulary test, while adults with a BMI of 30
could remember 44% (BMI – the optimal BMI is between 18 and 25). Even 5 years later, when the subjects were
retested, those with a higher BMI continued to have a lower recall rate.
A study in 2014 looked at 600 college students who identified themselves either as a 'dog person' or a 'cat person'. While
dog lovers were more likely to be outgoing, it seems the cat people were more open-minded and non-conformists. They
also performed better at the intelligence tests. The results suggested that cat people are more introverted and sensitive
and they would rather stay at home, say reading a book, than go out walking a dog.
Other studies claim that those who were breast-fed, tall people, left-handed people and hairy men are more gifted and as
a result, successful
about reading part.
1. What do you think of the article?
2. What's your opinion of intelligence tests?
3. Have you heard of any other categories of people who are more intelligent? For example,
redheads, mental illness, alcoholics...etc.
4. Do you smoke?
5. Do you have a sibling who smokes? Who is smarter?
6. Are you a cat person, a dog person or neither?
7. Do you know any people who have cats and dogs? Do you agree with the claims of the study?
8. Did you think that the eldest siblings are more conscientious and likely to achieve academically? Describe your
Discussion about reading part.
1. Ann Widdecombe, the former British Tory minister, after hearing about
the research said, “You just need to look around the world and you will see
hundreds of thin nitwits and clever fat people... When I lost weight it was
my waistline that improved, not my cerebellum.” Discuss her statement.
2. Professor James Flynn studied IQ test scores over the last 60 years and
noticed that IQ has been rising slowly every decade by about 3 points.
Why do you think that is?
3. Describe something you have seen on YouTube or T.V. that you thought
was incredibly stupid.
4. Discuss the last sentence of the article.
5. Do you know anyone who has a dog, smokes, eats too much, is not the
oldest in the family and never had music lessons, who is also intelligent?
People say intelligence is a lot more attractive than beauty. I often ask people if
they would prefer a partner who is intelligent or good looking. They almost
always say they want someone who is intelligent. I wonder why it is some of us
are so intelligent and others aren’t. Surely we are all born with a similar level of
intelligence. I’m not really sure how intelligent I am. Sometimes I think I’m
intelligent, but then I do something really dumb. Or I meet someone who is
super-brainy who makes me feel unintelligent. One day, I’m going to take one of
those intelligence tests to measure my IQ. Another thing I don’t get about
intelligence is how people think our leaders are so intelligent, but then the
leaders do such stupid things. Do intelligent people start wars?
Correct the spelling
People say intelligence is a lot more raeavttcit than beauty. I often ask people if
they would eperrf a partner who is intelligent or good ikgolon. They almost
always say they want someone who is intelligent. I wonder why it is some of us
are so intelligent and others aren’t. Surely we are all born with a silamri level of
intelligence. I’m not really sure how intelligent I am. Sometimes I think I’m
intelligent, but then I do something leryal dumb. Or I meet someone who is
super-rnyiab who makes me feel unintelligent. One day, I’m going to take one
of those intelligence tests to euremsa my IQ. Another thing I don’t get about
intelligence is how people think our elresda are so intelligent, but then the
leaders do such tspudi things. Do intelligent people start awsr?
Discussion questions
1. What is intelligence?
2. What do you think of IQ tests? Have you ever done one? Are
you a genius? Do you know
3. anyone who is?
4. In what way do you think intelligence is related to academic
5. What's the difference, if any, between being "intelligent" and
being "clever"?
6. Do you know anyone you would consider especially
intelligent? Why do you consider him/her "more" intelligent?
7. Does intelligence run in the family?
8. Does school make a person more intelligent?
Discussion questions
1. Is there a link between intelligence, creativeness and humor?
2. Does speaking English well make you more intelligent than a
friend who cannot speak English at all?
3. Who is the most intelligent person you know? Why do you
think so?
4. Does being very intelligent make you happy?
5. Are intelligent people usually more arrogant?
6. What insults your intelligence?
7. Do very intelligent and unintelligent people make good
8. Are dolphins really more intelligent than humans?
Discussion questions
1. Can intelligence be measured? If so, what is the best way to measure it? If not, why not?
2. Do you think that intelligence is only based on genetics or can things in a child’s environment
boost intelligence?
3. Why are very intelligent children born to parents who are not very intelligent?
4. If scientists could put a chip in your head that would make you twice as intelligent, would you
have the surgery done?
5. Very intelligent people are often not very good at being social, why do you think this is?
6. Do you think there is any way to increase your intelligence? What sort of things might you
7. Does intelligence make people more attractive?
8. Some people say that there are many geniuses born around the world but they can’t reach their
full potential because they live in a poor country. Do you agree?

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