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/ˈkærəktər treɪts/
Humble Courageous
/ˈhʌmbl/ /kəˈreɪdʒəs/
not proud or not believing able to face and deal with
that you are important, not danger or fear
/ˈstʌbərn/ Loyal /ˈlɔɪəl/
a stubborn person is giving or showing
determined to do what he constant support to a
or she wants and refuses person or institution or a
to do anything else place
Selfish Generous
/ˈselfɪʃ/ /ˈdʒenərəs/
caring only about what willing to
you want or need without give money, help, kindnes,
any thought for the needs especially more than
or wishes of other people is usual or expected
Considerate Intelligent /ɪn
/kənˈsɪdərət/ ˈtelɪdʒənt/
showing concern for the able to learn
rights and feelings of and understand things easily
Honest Confident
/ˈɑːnɪst/ /ˈkɑːnfɪdənt/
telling the truth or able to being certain
be trusted and not likely of your abilities or
to steal, cheat, or lie having trust in people, plans,
or the future
Bossy /ˈbɔːsi/ /ruːd/
a bossy person is not polite,
always telling people what offensive or embarrassing
to do
Dependable Energetic
/dɪˈpendəbl/ /ˌenərˈdʒetɪk/
if someone or something is having or involving a lot
dependable, you can of energy
have confidence in him,
her, or it
Emotional /ɪ Optimistic
ˈməʊʃənl/ /ˌɑːptɪˈmɪstɪk/
showing feelings hoping or believing that
good things will happen in
the future
Introvert Extrovert
/ˈɪntrəvɜːrt/ /ˈekstrəvɜːrt/
a person whose thoughts an energetic person who
and ideas are not often enjoys being with other
expressed. A shy person people. An easy going
Explain what do you think of this
personality traits?

• Confident
• Bossy
• Humble
• Rude
• Energetic
• Emotional
• Optimistic

Which of this characteristics is positive or

negative for you?
Discussion questions
1) Describe me your personality. (warm up)
2) What or who has helped you to shape your personality?
3) What are your personality traits?
4) What is the most attractive personality trait a person can have?
5) Can you really find out things about someone’s personality from their sign of zodiac
or blood type?
6) What do you think for my personality?
7) Do people fall in love with good looks or with a great personality?
8) Does environment affects personality?
9) Who is your role model?
10) Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
11) What characteristic trait you want to change in your self?
12) What is the most important characteristic trait for you?
What kind of personality do you have? Do you ever think about your
personality? I do. I think it’s very interesting to explore personality. My
own personality has changed a lot over the years. When I was a child, I
was painfully shy, but now I’m brimming with confidence. I have
learned how to be with people and let my true character shine. The
personalities of my friends have rubbed off on me, which I’m happy
about. There are parts of my personality I’m not too happy with. I’m
quick to get angry with people and sometimes I sulk when I don’t get
my own way. I think overall I have a good personality. I’m easy to get on
with and I’m quite happy and cheerful. I might take some personality
tests and see what they say about me.
Discussion questions
1) Why do girls chose bad boys over nice boys?
2) How does birth order affect personality? What qualities a first-born child have?
What about the last-born child in a big family? How about an only child?
3) Can people change their personality if they want to? Give an example if you can.
4) Do you think we are born with our personalities or we develop them because of
what happens to us?
5) Do you think that people from different countries have different personality?
What is the dominant personality trait in Vietnam?
6) What personality traits do you consider important in a good friend/ boss/ a partner?
7) From who you took after in your family?
8) Who is your role model?
9) Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
10) What characteristic trait you want to change in your self?
11) What is the most important characteristic trait for you?
Discussion questions
1) How would you describe your personality?
2) How your personality changed over the years?
3) What or who helped you to shape your personality?
4) What is the most attractive personality trait a person can have?
5) Do you think there are people with multiple personalities?
6) Can you really find out things about someone’s personality from their zodiac sign
(horoscope) or blood type?
7) Do people fall in love with good looks or with a great personality?
8) What personality traits a good leader needs?
9) Are females and males personalities different from each other? If yes how?
10) Do all people have a combination of good and bad characteristics? Or some people
are all good or all bad? How about Mother Theresa or Adolf Hitler?

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