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English Word Transcription Переклад boarding pass [ ˈbɔːdɪŋ pɑːs ] посадочний талон

aeroplane, [ ˈeərəpleɪn ] cabin [ ˈkæbɪn ] салон літака

airplane, [ ˈeəpleɪn ] Літак call button [ kɔːl ˈbʌtn̩ ] кнопкa виклику
plane, aircraft [ pleɪn ] [ ˈeəkrɑːft ]
cargo door [ ˈkɑːɡəʊ dɔː ] грузовий люк
air sickness bag [ eə ˈsɪknəs bæɡ ] Санітарний пакет carry-on bag [ ˈkæri ɒn bæɡ ] ручна поклажа
check-in counter [ tʃek ɪn ˈkaʊntə ]
airport [ ˈeəpɔːt ] аtропорт стійка реєстрації
(desk) [ desk ]
aisle [ aɪl ] прохід
co-pilot [ ˈkəʊˈpaɪlət ] другий пілот
aisle seat (seat [ aɪl siːt ] [ siːt nɪə ði місто біля
near the aisle) aɪl ] проходу cockpit [ ˈkɒkpɪt ] кабіна літака
armrest [ ˈɑːmrest ] підлокотник concession [ kənˈseʃn̩ stænd ]
arrival and stand/snack bar [ snæk bɑː ]
[ əˈraɪvl̩ ənd dɪˈpɑːtʃə монітор вильотів
ˈmɒnɪtə ] і прильотів диспетчерська
monitor control tower [ kənˈtrəʊl ˈtaʊə ]
baggage багажний
[ ˈbæɡɪdʒ ˌkærəˈsel ]
carousel транспортер
customs [ ˈkʌstəmz ] митниця
baggage claim [ ˈbæɡɪdʒ kleɪm ˈeəriə зонa отримання
area ] багажу
customs [ ˈkʌstəmz ˌdeklə Митна
baggage claim declaration form ˈreɪʃn̩ ˈfɔːm ] декларація
[ ˈbæɡɪdʒ kleɪm tʃek ] багажний талон
boarding [ ˈbɔːdɪŋ ] посадка customs officer [ ˈkʌstəmz ˈɒfɪsə ]
to declare [ tə dɪˈkleə ]
flight attendant [ flaɪt əˈtendənt ] бортпровідник
delay [ dɪˈleɪ ] затримка
вихід (на flight engineer [ flaɪt ˌendʒɪˈnɪə ] бортінженер
departure gate [ dɪˈpɑːtʃə ɡeɪt ]
посадку в літак)
departure [ dɪˈpɑːtʃə fuselage [ ˈfjuːzəlɑːʒ ] фюзеляж
зал очікування
lounge laʊndʒ ] galley [ ˈɡæli ] камбуз
[ dɪˈpɑːtʃəz bɔːd ] табло
board garment bag [ ˈɡɑːmənt bæɡ ] мішок для одягу
destination [ ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn̩ ] gate [ ɡe ɪt ] вход / вихід
магазин торгівли сувенірний
gift shop [ ɡɪft ʃɒp ]
duty-free shop [ ˌdjuːtɪ ˈfriː ʃɒp ] неоподатковани магазин
м товаром
зелений /
[ ɪˈmɜːdʒənsi green / red [ ɡriːn ] [ red
emergency exit аваіийний вихід червоний
ˈeksɪt ] channel ˈtʃænl̩ ]
emergency [ ɪˈmɜːdʒənsi ɪn повудінки в [ hænd lʌgɪʤ ]
hand luggage /
instruction card ˈstrʌkʃn̩ kɑːd ] надзвичайних [ kæri ɒn Ручна поклажа
carry-on luggage
ситуаціях ˈlʌɡɪdʒ ]
сигнал Захоплення
fasten seat belt [ ˈfɑːsn̩ siːt belt hijack [ ˈhaɪdʒæk ]
"пристебніть літака
sign saɪn ]
flight [ flaɪt ] рейс / політ immigration [ ˌɪmɪˈɡreɪʃn̩
officer ˈɒfɪsə ]
панель контрольно-
[ ˈɪnstrʊmənt overhead [ ˌəʊvəˈhed kəm багажна полиця
instrument panel вимірвальних
ˈpænl̩ ] compartment ˈpɑːtmənt ] (зверху)
one way trip / [ wʌn ˈweɪ trɪp ] поїздка / квиток
landing [ ˈlændɪŋ ] посадка ticket [ ˈtɪkɪt ] в один бік

landing gear [ ˈlændɪŋ ɡɪə ] шасі oxygen mask [ ˈɒksɪdʒən mɑːsk ] киснева маска

lavatory [ ˈlævətr̩ i ] туалет passenger [ ˈpæsɪndʒə ] пасажир

life vest [ laɪf vest ] рятувальний жилет passport [ ˈpɑːspɔːt ] паспорт

[ ˈpaɪlət ]
liquid [ ˈlɪkwɪd ] рідина pilot / captain пілот
[ ˈkæptɪn ]
[ ˈlʌɡɪdʒ ] to reserve [ tə rɪˈzɜːv ] бронювати
luggage, baggage багаж
[ ˈbæɡɪdʒ ]
поїздка туда і
luggage carrier [ ˈlʌɡɪdʒ ˈkærɪə ] візок(для багажу) round trip [ ˈraʊnd trɪp ]
luggage tags / [ ˈlʌɡɪdʒ tæɡz ] [ ˈraʊnd trɪp квиток туда і
бірки на багажу round trip ticket
labels [ ˈleɪbl̩ z ] ˈtɪkɪt ] назад
luggage ticket [ ˈlʌɡɪdʒ ˈtɪkɪt ] багажна квитанція злітно-посадочна
runway [ ˈrʌnweɪ ]
metal detector [ ˈmetl̩ dɪˈtektə ] металошукач
[ ˈʃedjuːl ]
middle seat [ ˈmɪdl̩ siːt ] середнє сидіння schedule розклад
[ ˈskeʤuːl ]
місце, ticket [ ˈtɪkɪt
seat [ siːt ] сидіння, counter ˈkaʊntə ]
крісло tray [ treɪ ] піднос
пасок trolley [ ˈtrɒli ] візок
seat belt [ siːt belt ]
visa [ ˈviːzə ] віза
seat pocket [ siːt ˈpɒkɪt ] waiting [ ˈweɪtɪŋ зонa
area ˈeəriə ] очікування
security [ [ sɪˈkjʊərɪti window [ ˈwɪndəʊ місце біля
checkpoint ˈtʃekpɔɪnt ] seat siːt ] вікна
security [ sɪˈkjʊərɪti wing [ wɪŋ ] крісло
guard ɡɑːd ] рентген
suitcase [ ˈsuːtkeɪs ] валіза X-ray [ ˈeks reɪ mə апарат для
machine ˈʃiːn ] огляду
tail [ teɪl ] хвіст багажа
terminal [ ˈtɜːmɪnl̩ ] термінал
ticket [ ˈtɪkɪt ] квиток
[ ˈtɪkɪt
ticket agent касир
ˈeɪdʒənt ]
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions
1. What was the
2. What documents did
the officer ask to
3. Where did he prefer
to seat?
4. What was wrong with
the luggage?
5. How much did he have
to pay for the extra
6. How did he want to
Read and translate the dialogue
 Agent: Good afternoon! Where are you flying to today?
 Dan: Los Angeles.
 Agent: May I have your passport, please?
 Dan: Here you go.
 Agent: Are you checking any bags?
 Dan: Just this one.
 Agent: OK, please place your bag on the scale.
 Dan: I have a stopover in Chicago – do I need to pick up
my luggage there?
 Agent: No, it’ll go straight through to Los Angeles. Here
are your boarding passes – your flight leaves from gate
15A and it’ll begin boarding at 3:20. Your seat number is
 Dan: Thanks.
Customs officer : Would you mind putting your baggage on here, please ma’am? Where are you traveling from?
Page : From Marseille.
Customs officer : Marseille. Are you resident in France, or do you live in the United States?
Page : I live in France.
Customs officer : Can I see your passport, please?... Thank you. How long are you staying in the USA?
Page : For 5 days.
Customs officer : And what's the purpose of your visit ma’am?
Page : I'm here on business.
Customs officer : I see. Well then, you under stand that you've come into the Green Channel, which means you have
nothing to declare.
Page : Yes.
Customs officer : Is this all your baggage?
Page : Yes, that's all.
Customs officer : Is anybody else traveling with you, ma’am?
Page : No, I'm traveling alone.
Customs officer : Any drinks at all? Spirits? Liquors? Wine?
Page : Just two bottles of red wine.
Customs officer : Were those bottles purchased in the duty-free shop, or...?
Page : Yes, at Marseille airport.
Customs officer : I see. Are you bringing any gifts for anybody in the States?
Page : Well, the wine is a present, but that's all.
Customs officer : Any other valuable items - jewelry, laptop?
Page : No, just my personal things.
Customs officer : OK. Thank you, ma’am. Would you let me have a look in there...Is the laptop going back to France
with you? Page : Yes, of course. It's my working tool.
Customs officer : That's fine. Thank you very much. Have a pleasant stay!
Write a number (1-6) to put
these sentences in order.
4 …………. Wait at the boarding gate
2 …………. Go to the checking-in desk.
5 …………. Board the plane.
3 …………. Go through immigration.
6 …………. The plane takes off.
…………. Arrive at the airport.
Match the phrases with the sentences.

Final call Departed Delayed

Boarding Cancelled Gate change

1. The plane isn’t here now. ………………………………
2. The plane is late. ………………………………
3. The plane is not going to leave. ………………………………
4. You can get on the plane now. Boarding
5. The plane is leaving very soon. Final call
6. You need to go to a different place to get on the planeGate change
Аn airport departures board

Read an airport departures board to practice and improve your reading skills.

Flight Destination Gate Remarks

XZ 3265 Chennai 17 Departed
SQ 0972 Amsterdam 23 Departed
SQ 2509 Mexico City 19 Departed
RT 9122 Buenos Aires 34 Cancelled
XZ 6005 Los Angeles 05 Final call
QE 0078 Beijing 33 Final call
TY 2053 Christchurch 56 Delayed
ER 7452 Seoul 25 Boarding
XZ 0352 Moscow 12 Boarding
XZ 0569 Kuala Lumpur 27 Gate change
Flight Destination Gate Remarks
1. Can you get on the flight to Chennai? a. eleven twenty-five
a. Yes b. eleven forty-five XZ 3265 Chennai 17 Departed
b. No c. twenty-five to twelve
c. If you’re quick 1. b SQ 0972 Amsterdam 23 Departed
6. Which flight left from Gate 34?
2. Can you get on the flight to LA? 2. c a. a flight to Buenos Aires SQ 2509 Mexico City 19 Departed
a. Yes b. a flight to Mexico City
b. No 3. b c. no flight RT 9122 Buenos Aires 34 Cancelled
c. If you’re quick
4. c 7. When is the flight to Moscow? XZ 6005 Los Angeles 05 Final call
3. When is the flight to Beijing? a. eleven twenty
a. eleven twelve b. half past eleven QE 0078 Beijing 33 Final call
b. eleven twenty 5. c c. half past twelve
c. twenty to twelve TY 2053 Christchurch 56 Delayed
6. c 7. Where is the flight to Los Angeles?
4. Where is the flight to Seoul? a. Gate five ER 7452 Seoul 25 Boarding
a. Gate twelve 7. b b. Gate fifteen
b. Gate twenty-four c. Gate fifty XZ 0352 Moscow 12 Boarding
c. Gate twenty-five
8. a
XZ 0569 Kuala Lumpur 27 Gate
5. When is the flight to Kuala Lumpur?
Travelling abroad
A. Good morning. This is an announcement for all passengers travelling on the 9:25 flight TOM1223 to
Rome. This flight is delayed by two hours because of bad weather.

B. Would all passengers travelling to Tokyo on flight FR3421 please have your boarding passes and
passports ready for boarding. Flight FR3421 now boarding at gate 21.

C. This is the final boarding call for passengers Gemma and Ryan Grey flying to Athens on flight EZ9753.
Your flight is ready to leave. Please go to gate 14 immediately. The doors of the plane will close in five
minutes. Final boarding call for passengers Gemma and Ryan Grey.

D. This is an announcement for passengers travelling to Amsterdam on flight KL1050. Will all passengers
with express boarding tickets and passengers travelling with young children please go to gate 6 for
boarding. That’s all passengers with express boarding tickets and passengers travelling with young
children go to gate 6 for boarding. Thank you.

E. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. We have landed at JFK airport in New York where the local
time is 18:30 and the temperature is 76º. We hope you have enjoyed your flight with American Airlines
evening and wish you a very safe journey to your final destination.
Fill in the gaps
A. Good morning. This is an announcement for all passengers travelling on the 9:25 flight TOM1223 to
Rome. This flight is delayed by two hours because of bad weather.

B. Would all passengers travelling to Tokyo on flight FR3421 please have your boarding passes and
passports ready for boarding. Flight FR3421 now boarding at gate 21.

C. This is the final boarding call for passengers Gemma and Ryan Grey flying to Athens on flight EZ9753.
Your flight is ready to leave. Please go to gate 14 immediately. The doors of the plane will close in five
minutes. Final boarding call for passengers Gemma and Ryan Grey.

D. This is an announcement for passengers travelling to Amsterdam on flight KL1050. Will all passengers
with express boarding tickets and passengers travelling with young children please go to gate 6 for
boarding. That’s all passengers with express boarding tickets and passengers travelling with young
children go to gate 6 for boarding. Thank you.

E. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. We have landed at JFK airport in New York where the local
time is 18:30 and the temperature is 76º. We hope you have enjoyed your flight with American Airlines
evening and wish you a very safe journey to your final destination.
Tell your partner/ group about the
last time you took a flight
somewhere (Imagine)

Where did you go?

How long was the flight?

Did you have a good journey? Why?/ Why not

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