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At first, everything was dark on the

Only God our Father, Jesus, and the
Holy Spirit were here.
God said, “ Let there be light.”
And there was light.
God called the light “day.”
He called the darkness “night.”
Then God made everything we need
To live on earth.
God made the sky.
God told the water to become
…and lakes
Then there was dry land.
God made all of the fruits and
vegetables for us to eat.
He made the trees and the flowers
for us.
He made the sun, moon and stars.
He knew we needed the sun to
keep warm.
He knew that we would enjoy
looking at the stars and
moon at night.
God made all the fish…
He made the birds…
He made the animals…
He knew we would like them.
Then God made
the very first
man and woman,
Adam and Eve.
God gave them everything
He made.
God made this special place
called earth for you.
He made the earth so you would have
everything you need.
He made the earth so you would have
everything you need.
He wants you to enjoy
all that he has made.
Genesis 1:1
“In the beginning,
God made
The heavens and the
God wanted to make someone
just like Himself.
God said, “Let Us make man in
Our image.”
First, God made a special place
for people to live.
God made the earth.
Then, God made Adam.
He breathed His life into Adam.
Adam was the very first man.
God showed Adam everything
He had made.
God showed Adam everything
He had made.
God put Adam to sleep. Then He
made the very first woman.
Her name was Eve.
Eve was a friend and helper to Adam.
God made you just like Himself.
God knew all about you, even before
you were born.
Genesis 1:27
“So God created man in His own image.”
Genesis 1:1
“In the beginning, God created the
heavens and the earth.”

Genesis 1:27
“So God created man in His own image.”
God planted a beautiful garden
for Adam and Eve to live in.
Adam and Eve loved to be with
God. They knew His voice.
God told them not to eat from
the tree of knowledge of good
and evil, or they would die.
The serpent, Satan, came into
the garden.
Satan lied to Eve about what
God said.
Eve decided to believe Satan instead
of God. She ate fruit from the tree
that God said not to eat from.
Eve offered the fruit to Adam.
He also decided to eat it.
Right away, Adam’s spirit and Eve’s
Spirit died. They were separated
from God.
Adam and Eve heard God walking in
the garden.
God told them that one day,
The Savior, Jesus, would come and
destroy Satan and his evil work.
God always tells the truth.
God did send the Savior, Jesus,
as He promised.
Jesus rescued you from Satan’s evil
work and brought you into God’s
Wonderful kingdom of light and life.
God tells you the whole truth
in the Bible.
John 17:17

“…Your word is truth…”

Hebrews 10:23

“…for He who promised is faithful.”

1 Peter 5:7

“…He cares for you.”

Exodus 15:2

“The Lord is my strength.”

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