230723-HS-Health & Safety Stand-Down-27 July 2023

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P R O J E C T S H E A LT H & S A F E T Y S TA N D - D O W N / D O N ’ T WA L K B Y

2 7 J U LY 2 0 2 3

Health & Safety Stand-down – Purpose

• The purpose of the stand-down is to stop (for 10-15 mins max) all
project activities prior to the start of shift (AM and PM) to deliver a
briefing to the workforce on the importance of health & safety and to
encourage empowerment and ownership of health & safety.
• The stand-down has four objectives:
1. Recognise the worker’s contribution to the safe delivery of NEOM
2. Deliver key messages on the “Eltizam” programme.
3. Emphasise the importance of ownership in health & safety – Don’t
Walk By
4. Undertake a site visit to identify health & safety observations and
• The stand-down briefing should be delivered by Executive / Senior
Management and supported by Health & Safety personnel.

Health & Safety Stand-down – Key Messages

1. Recognise the worker’s contribution to the safe delivery of NEOM

o Thank the workers for their ongoing efforts and contribution to the
delivery of NEOM.
o Emphasise NEOM’s commitment to ensuring that everyone goes home
every day in a safe and healthy condition.
o Raise awareness of the Eltizam programme to improve health & safety
across our sites.
o Recognise that everyone working on Projects is part of the NEOM family
and that we all need to take care of ourselves and others.
o Add any project or location specific messages to convey the importance
of health & safety.
o A personal story can also be powerful.


Health & Safety Stand-down – Key Messages

2. Deliver a message on the importance of focusing on our significant

hazards and the “Eltizam” programme:
o Eltizam is the Arabic word for “commitment”.
o The Eltizam programme includes behaviours for leaders, managers,
supervisors and workers. It also includes key behaviours for the
significant hazards across our sites.
o We must all commit to following these behaviours and controls. Non-
compliance can lead to serious injuries and even fatalities.
o The Eltizam programme ties in with the start of shift activity briefing
process to ensure that all workers are briefed by their Supervisors on the
key hazards and behaviours associated with their activities.
o There are a range of ongoing communication and training in different
languages to raise awareness of the programme.


Health & Safety Stand-down – Key Messages

3. Explain to workers the importance of empowerment and ownership

in health & safety – Don’t Walk By
o Health & safety is everyone’s responsibility.
o Unfortunately, too often people walk by and ignore health & safety
concerns with the belief that someone else will deal with the issue.
o To develop a culture of care across NEOM Projects we need everyone to
take personal responsibility for health & safety.
o If you are in immediate danger then you have our support to stop the
activity that you are doing.
o If you identify a health & safety concern and able to fix it, then this must
be done immediately.
o If you are not able to address the concern then it must be immediately


Health & Safety Observations

4. Undertake a site visit to identify health

& safety observations and actions
o Following the briefing, project teams are
required to visit their work area to
identify health & safety observations and
o The Observation Form (hard copies will
be available in English, Arabic and Hindi)
must be used to capture observations.
o Projects are required to review
observations to identify any health &
safety key trends.
o The main objective for completing the
observations is encouraging
engagement in health & safety.

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