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ar One C1 Training : AOCS Modes © Copyright Alcatel Space - Reproduction Forbidden - Proprietary Information Ref : OPS-ASP-PN-324V2.0 page :
Main tasks and Functions
 Several modes are implemented in OBSW to fulfil the different Satellite

 An operational phase is defined by :

 a Mode : defining the pointing type
 a Submode : defining the sensors and actuators used in the mode
 a Subsubmode : defining the phase with its control law

 The operational mode is selected via the submode

 2 Commands are used to select a mode :
– Enable Operational Mode : 91MAH (8403)h
Op_mode Submode
Valid ‘True’

– Set Operational Mode : 90MAH (8402)h

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Submode page :
Main tasks and Functions
Mode Submode
 Letters in submode definition give the equipments used by the
submode SAM _U_S
 U stands for UPS/Thrusters _U_S_3G
 E stands for IRES (Earth)
 S stands for PSS (Sun) _U_E_S3G
 3G stands for MIMU PEAM _E_S_W
 W stands for Wheels _U_E_S

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 1- SBM : Stand By Mode p5

 2- SAM : Sun Acquisition Mode p10

 3- EAM : Earth Acquisition Mode p20

 4- ABM : Apogee Boost Mode p38

 5- NM & HPSKM: Normal Mode & High Precision Station Keeping Mode p45

 6- SKM : Station Keeping Mode p71

 7- PEAM : Pitch Earth Acquisition Mode p85

 8- AMM : Antenna Mapping Mode p101

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1- Stand By Mode ( SBM )
 It is a passive control mode, means no attitude control

 It is the operational mode at launcher separation

 The PSSA and MIMU are automatically switched ON at SBM init, but all
actuator torque inputs are set to zero automatically

 The SBM is selected :

 At launcher separation, after start up of the on board AOCS S/W

 In case of a reconfiguration if the data in the SGM defining the operational mode and
the set of equipment to be taken are corrupted

 The dynamic behaviour is determined by the initial conditions at separation

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1- SBM - Logic

 SBM is a passive mode => no mode logic

 Possibility to perform venting (purge of propulsion circuit)

 venting is performed with thrusters 2A/3B

 There is only one submode :

SBM_S_3G : SBM with TM provided by PSS and MIMU

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1- SBM - Equipments
 PSSA and MIMU are automatically switched on when SBM is
selected, therefore the available telemetry is:

A710D: PSS1 SP
AH36Z : Sun Presence
A911Q: MIMU 1 X rate
A912Q: MIMU 1 Y rate
A913Q: MIMU 1 Z rate
and the thruster on time history (valid only for venting)

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 The FDIR hardware surveillance automatically selected at launcher separation includes the
WD1,2,3 and RM power down alarm processing as well as TOT alarm processing with a
threshold of 900 ms on thruster set C.

 There is no FDIR software surveillance enabled nominally in SBM after launcher separation

 SBM can be selected by FDIR software as the redundant mode in case of SAM mode time out
In that case, the FDIR software surveillance enabled for SAM becomes inactive when in SBM

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 1- SBM : Stand By Mode p5

 2- SAM : Sun Acquisition Mode p10

 3- EAM : Earth Acquisition Mode p20

 4- ABM : Apogee Boost Mode p38

 5- NM & HPSKM: Normal Mode & High Precision Station Keeping Mode p45

 6- SKM : Station Keeping Mode p71

 7- PEAM : Pitch Earth Acquisition Mode p85

 8- AMM : Antenna Mapping Mode p101

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2- Sun Acquisition Mode ( SAM )

 The purpose of SAM is to orient the -Zs/c axis towards the Sun with a rotation rate of
0.4°/s around the -Zs/c axis.

 This mode is selected in T/O:

– after SBM by TC
– after each LAE firing
– by FDIR

 This mode is selected in GO:

– by FDIR as the ultimate part of a reconfiguration

LAE : Apogee Engine

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2- SAM - Configuration
 SAM can be performed with two different configuration
 with MIMU : SAM_U_S_3G
 without MIMU : SAM_U_S

 SAM with gyro usage is the primary safe mode in T/O: SAM_U_S_3G

 It is recommended to use the gyros for the safe mode in G/O

• Equipment configuration is :


SAM with gyros no yes yes no yes
SAM without gyros no yes no no yes

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2- SAM Mode Logic
 SAM logic is divided in 2 steps:
– Step 1: Search phase:
» triggered when SP not available or SC rates too high at mode entry or in
» corresponding subsubmode is 2
– Step 2: S/C orientation and Sun pointing
» Sun in a cone around -Zs/c axis
» S/C controlled to set -Zs/c axis pointing towards Sun
» S/C rotates around the Sun line with a constant rate of 0.4°/s
» corresponding subsubmode are 1 & >= 3
 Eclipse :
» control is performed on MIMU rates
» -> subsubmode 2

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2- SAM Mode Logic
 SAM logic is based on Sun Direction (S) measurement thanks to PSSH

 OBSW try to bring measured Sun direction (S) to a Computed Sun Reference (Sref).
When Sun pointing is performed, Sref is (0;0;-1)

 SAM logic depends on celestial events :

 Eclipse : No Sun presence
 Colinearity : Sun-Earth-S/C alignment

 
 AOCS Mode (in SAM) is successful when : S  S REF  0.9998for more than 180s

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2- SAM Submodes
 SAM_U_S_3G:
7 subsubmodes:
1- Initialization
Equipment setting, S/C configuration setting (SA deployed or not)
2- rate damping phase (sun search phase)
Bring back Sun into FOV of one PSSH and thus in the XZ plane
3- sun acquisition strategy
If S and Sref are opposite and collinear to Xsc, transition to subsubmode 4
If S and Sref are opposite and collinear to Zsc transition to subsubmode 5
otherwise Sref set to (0;0;-1), transition to subsubmode 6
4- Sref switching strategy from Xs/c axis
Sref set to (0;0; sgn(Sz)) to maximize proportional control torque and return to subsubmode 3
5- Sref switching strategy from Zs/c axis
Sref set to (sgn(Sx);0;0) to maximize proportional control torque and return to subsubmode 3
6- Sun pointing phase => AOCS mode successful
7- Sun pointing precision adjustment

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2- SAM Submodes
 SAM_U_S:
9 subsubmodes:
1- Initialisation
Equipment setting, S/C configuration setting (SA deployed or not)
2- Pulse strategy (no Sun presence at mode entry)
Bring back Sun into FOV of one PSSH and thus in the XZ plane
3- Sun acquisition strategy
According to S/C rate switch to subsubmode 4 (Srate>0.29 °/s) or Subsubmode 5
4- Sref switching strategy
Adapt Sun reference (Sref) and go back to subsubmode 3
5- Low S/C rates control
6- Low S/C rates control and Sref switching strategy
7- Precision Sun pointing rate => AOCS mode successful
8- Precision Sun pointing and rotation rate adjustment
9- Sun reference precision adjustment

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2- SAM Operational Description
 Solar array deployed:
– flag used to set SAM configuration: SA partially deployed or SA totally deployed:
» SAM T/O: SA not deployed set: PAR01N=false
Enable SA not deployed setting PAR02N=true
=> AH22Z: SA deployed: no
» SAM G/O: SA deployed set: PAR01N=true
Enable SA deployed setting PAR02N=true
=> AH22Z: Sa deployed: yes
 Eclipse management in TO:
– in TO, it is necessary to configure the eclipse feature through operational parameters:
» PAP21W: Set time to eclipse begin (in sec)
» PAP22W: Set time to eclipse end (in sec)
» PAP20N: Set SOOP eclipse computation enable
=> eclipse computation: AH25Z
=> time until eclipse begin: AP93H
=> time until eclipse end: AP94H
=> eclipse status: AH24Z

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2- SAM Operational Description

 Command to select SAM_U_S_3G is:

– Enable Operational Mode SAM_U_S_3G: 91MAH (8403)h
Op_mode SAM_U_S_3G
Valid true
– Set Operational Mode SAM_U_S_3G: 90MAH (8402)h
Op_mode SAM_U_S_3G
 SAM is completed when:

AH91L: Operational Mode: SAM

AH92L: Operational Submode SAM_U_S_3G
AH93L: Operational Subsubmode = 7
AH28Z: AOCS mode is successful = yes

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Layer Failure level Failure name action
4 1 equipment single failure switch to the redundant equipment
3 1 equipment single failure disable/enable input/output
attitude limit failure disable/enable input/output + switch to
redundant set of equipment + disable attitude
2 1 mode time out failure => switch to redundant set of equipment + switch to
no submode detected the redundant submode (same submode) =>
no submode detected sent to current mode
surveillance processing (layer 1)
1 1 HPCLK failure HPCLK failure => switch to the redundant clock
current mode not maintainable current mode not maintainable =>switch to the
redundant mode: SBM
2a WD1 failure PM nominal warm start => SAM warm start +
SAM emergency signal
2b WD2 failure PM nominal cold start => SAM cold start +
SAM emergency signal
3 SP (SAM T/O), EP (SAM G/O), PM red cold start => SGM_MODE* cold start +
RM power,WD3 failure switch to the redundant set of equipment +
SGM_MODE emergency signal
* SGM_MODE means the redundant mode declared in SGM : SAM for LEOP, PEAM for OOC

SAM is the last part of the reconfiguration involved in GO when level 2 or 3 is detected.
The AOCS modes triggered by a reconfiguration are PEAM => EAM=> SAM.
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 1- SBM : Stand By Mode p5

 2- SAM : Sun Acquisition Mode p10

 3- EAM : Earth Acquisition Mode p20

 4- ABM : Apogee Boost Mode p38

 5- NM & HPSKM: Normal Mode & High Precision Station Keeping Mode p45

 6- SKM : Station Keeping Mode p71

 7- PEAM : Pitch Earth Acquisition Mode p85

 8- AMM : Antenna Mapping Mode p101

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3- Earth Acquisition Mode (EAM)

 The purpose of EAM is to orient the Zs/c axis towards the Earth and Xs/c axis pointing
in flight direction in the orbit plane

 This mode is selected in T/O:

– for acquisition of three axis optical reference before each LAE firing
– before switching to the first NM

 This mode is selected in GO:

– by FDIR as the intermediate part of a reconfiguration

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3- EAM - Configuration
 EAM can be performed with two different configuration
 with MIMU : EAM_U_E_S_3G
 without MIMU : EAM_U_E_S

 EAM with gyro usage is the nominal submode

• Equipment configuration is :


EAM with gyros yes yes yes no yes
EAM without gyros yes yes no no yes

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3- EAM Mode Logic
 EAM logic is divided in 4 steps:
– Step 1: Reorientation
» S/C moves in such a way that Sun Vector body becomes equal to Sun Vector

– Step 2: Earth Search:

» rotation rate 0.4°/s around Sun line vector is commanded
» Sun Reference selected in order to have +Zs/c axis scanning the Earth

– Step 3: Earth pointing:

» Performed if EP available and Earth capture TC sent
» position and rate feedback control laws derived from IRES and PSS data

– Step 4: Wheel run-up and transition to NM:

» wheel run-up performed
» auto transition to NM can be performed (via SKM)
» Transition to NM is not performed in colinearity or eclipse.

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3- EAM Mode Logic ENTRY

EP or SP or EP and ECP
or EP and ROL

Step 3
EP: earth presence
EAM Mode Logic ECP: earth capture enabled
EP and WRUR and
Diagram COL and SUCCESS
WRUR : wheel run up reques
ROLI: true if (rollangle < lim1
PILI: true if (pitchangle < lim2
SUCCESS : Mode successfu
COL : Colinarity Flag

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3- EAM Operational Description
4 subsubmodes:
1- Reorientation => transition to subsubmode 2 when (Sref.S)>0.995
2- Earth search => transition to subsubmode 3 when:
– EP=yes, SP=yes, not eclipse
– |roll angle| <2.4°, |pitch angle|< 5.38°, |ws/c|<0.7°/s
– Earth capture flag EC=enabled
3- Earth pointing:
=> earth captured and 3 axis stabilization
=> gyro calibration performed (in T/O)
=> perform transition to subsubmode 4 when wheel run-up required and not EAM
4- Wheel run-up performing:
=> Wheels run-up to commanded SC angular momentum
=> auto transition to NM via SKM if:
- Auto mode transition flag set
- SC out of colinearity and eclipse
- Solar array deployed flag set
- SC angular momentum to its commanded value
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3- EAM Specific parameters

 Solar array deployed:

– flag used to set EAM configuration: SA partially deployed or SA totally deployed:

» EAM T/O: SA not deployed set: PAR01N=false

Enable SA not deployed setting

=> AH22Z: SA deployed = NO

» EAM G/O: SA deployed set: PAR01N=true

Enable SA deployed setting

=> AH22Z: Sa deployed = YES

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3- EAM Specific parameters
 Simplified on-orbit propagator:

– Setting of the sun line direction in EAM by the following parameters:

PAP11W: cos  : Right ascension of the S/C orbit ascending node

PAP12W: sin  : Right ascension of the S/C orbit ascending node
PAP13W: mean n n: Mean rotational rate of the local orbital frame
PAP14W: Cos i i: S/C orbit inclination
PAP15W: Sin i i: S/C orbit inclination
PAP16W: e e: S/C orbit eccentricity
PAP17W:  : Argument of perigee
PAP18W: t0 t0: Start time w.r.t. an apogee
PAP19W: 0 0: Ecliptic longitude of sun
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3- EAM Specific parameters
 Simplified on-orbit propagator (cont’d):
• Parameters update by setting SOOP Sref update : PAP00N = true
A safety procedure to load the above data correctly is:
• Disable SOOP Sref update : PAP00N = false
• Load data for SR computation: PAP11W to PAP19W
• Enable SOOP Sref update : PAP00N = true

 Eclipse management in TO:

– in TO, it is necessary to configure the eclipse feature through:
– PAP21W : Set time to eclipse begin (in sec)
– PAP22W : Set time to eclipse end (in sec)
– PAP20N : Set SOOP eclipse computation
=> eclipse computation : AH25Z
=> time until eclipse begin : AP93H
=> time until eclipse end : AP94H
=> eclipse status : AH24Z
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3- EAM Mode command
 Command to select EAM_U_E_S_3G is:

– Enable Operational Mode EAM_U_E_S_3G:

91MAH (8403)h
Op_mode EAM_U_E_S_3G
Valid TRUE

– Set Operational Mode EAM_U_E_S_3G:

90MAH (8402)h
Op_mode EAM_U_E_S_3G

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3- EAM Mode command

EAM search phase is completed when:

AH92L: Operational Submode EAM_U_E_S_3G
AH93L: Operational Subsubmode = 1->2 with (Sref.S)>0.995

Earth Capture phase is completed when:

AH93L: Operational Subsubmode = 2

A300Z: Earth Presence = Yes
A700Z: Sun Presence = Yes
|A311G|: IRES 1 Roll angle <2.4°
|A312G|: IRES 1 Pitch angle <5.38°
|s/c|<0.7°/s (A911Q,A912Q,A913Q)

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3- EAM Mode command
 Earth pointing phase completion is done by:
-send Earth capture enabled : PAB20N =true
-EAM is then successful when, in addition with the previous requirements :
AH93L (Operational subsubmode) = 3
AB02G < 1.64° for 120sec => AH28Z:AOCS mode successful = Yes

The telemetry to check correct EAM behaviour is:

AB01G: Roll angle = 0° ± 0.3° AH34Z: Earth Presence = Yes
AB02G: Pitch angle = 0°± 0.3° AH36Z: Sun Presence = Yes
AB03G: Yaw angle = 0°± 0.3°
A911Q: MIMU 1 rate X = -0.01°/s ± 0.01°/s
A912Q: MIMU 1 rate Y = 0°/s ± 0.01°/s
A913Q: MIMU 1 rate Z = 0°/s ± 0.01°/s

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3- EAM Operational Description

 In T/O, Gyro calibration phase is performed in subsubmode 3

 Automatic compensation enabling through:

Ground compensation deactivated : PAC25N = FALSE
Enable compensation : PAC20N = TRUE
 Manual Compensation through:
PAC21W: MIMU X drift comp
PAC22W: MIMU Y drift comp
PAC23W: MIMU Z drift comp
Ground compensation activated : PAC25N = TRUE
Enable compensation : PAC20N = FALSE

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3- EAM Operational Description

 Wheel run-up parameters :

Angular momentum setting:
Angular S/C momentum in X axis = 0 Nms nominally
Angular S/C momentum in Y axis = -70 Nms nominally
Angular S/C momentum in Z axis = 0 Nms nominally
Wheel run up request:
EAM wheel run up = TRUE
This flag will be taken into account if AOCS mode is successful (AH28Z=yes) and not EAM
Wheel run up is successful when:
Operational subsubmode = 4
AOCS mode is still successful =yes
AE 45W  A691Q
AE 46W  A692Q  0.5
and AE 47W  A693Q which is the criteria of angular momentum OK

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3- EAM Operational Description

 Auto mode transition:

• When wheel run up is over (means subsubmode 4 already performed), the automatic mode
transition can be performed by:
• PAR10N: Auto mode trans = true
• This flag is taken into account if
no colinearity
angular momentum OK
AH28Z : AOCS mode successful
AH22Z: SA deployed = yes
AH24Z: eclipse status: no
• The transition to SKM is performed when:
• AH91L: Operational mode= SKM
• AH92L: Operational submode = SKM_U_E_S_W
• AH93L: Operational subsubmode = 1

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Layer Failure level Failure name action
4 1 equipment single failure switch to the redundant equipment
3 1 equipment single failure disabl/enable input/output
attitude limit failure disable/enable input/output + switch to
redundant set of equipment + disable attitude
2 1 mode time out failure => switch to redundant set of equipment + switch
no submode detected to the redundant submode (no submode) =>
no submode detected sent to current mode
surveillance processing (layer 1)
1 1 HPCLK failure HPCLK failure =>switch to the redundant clock
current mode not maintainable current mode not maintainable =>switch to the
redundant mode: SAM
2a WD1 failure PM nominal warm start => EAM warm start +
EAM emergency signal
2b WD2 failure PM nominal cold start => SAM cold start +
SAM emergency signal
3 SP (EAM T/O), EP (EAM G/O), PM red cold start => SGM_mode* cold start +
RM power,WD3 failure switch to the redundant set of equipment +
SGM_Mode emergency signal
* SGM_MODE means the redundant mode declared in SGM : SAM for LEOP, PEAM for OOC

EAM is the intermediate part of the reconfiguration in GO involved when level 2 or 3 is detected.
The AOCS modes triggered by a reconfiguration are PEAM => EAM=> SAM.

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 1- SBM : Stand By Mode p5

 2- SAM : Sun Acquisition Mode p10

 3- EAM : Earth Acquisition Mode p20

 4- ABM : Apogee Boost Mode p38

 5- NM & HPSKM: Normal Mode & High Precision Station Keeping Mode p45

 6- SKM : Station Keeping Mode p71

 7- PEAM : Pitch Earth Acquisition Mode p85

 8- AMM : Antenna Mapping Mode p101

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4- Apogee Boost Mode (ABM)

 The purpose of ABM is to:

– perform either Apogee or Perigee manoeuvres using 410N engine

– reorient the +Zs/c axis towards the nominal direction for LAE firing w.r.t. ground
commanded parameters
– control the attitude during the LAE firing using a strap-down algorithm with PSS and
MIMU data.

 It is possible to perform an apogee/perigee boost manoeuvre with the 10N thrusters in Zs/c
direction in case of 410N engine failure

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4- Apogee Boost Mode (ABM)

 ABM can only be commanded by TC from EAM

 The initial conditions for ABM are the final ones of EAM

 The IRES is not used in ABM

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4- ABM Mode Logic

 ABM logic is divided in 4 steps:

– Step 1: Reorientation around the S/C pitch axis
» first rotation to bring Z S/C axis to the firing direction
– Step 2: Reorientation around the S/C roll axis and/or yaw axis
» second or third rotation to bring the +Z/sc axis to the firing direction
– Step 3: Low thrust level boost phase
» pre-boost phase with the 10N, optional
– Step 4: Boost phase
» 410N boost

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4- ABM Operational Description
 ABM submode is:
– ABM_U_E_S_3G: ABM with use of thrusters, PSS and MIMU (no IRES used)

– ABM_U_E_S_3G : 4 subsubmodes
1- Rotation w.r.t. first quaternion command until required attitude is reached (error quaternion real
part > 0.9998)
2- Rotation w.r.t. second quaternion command
» Further quaternion can be executed if new boost attitude is required
» Attitude is the final boost attitude
» SAM_U_S_3G auto transition if previous subsubmode is 3 or 4
3- Low thrust level boost phase is performed if ABM 10N duration is >0
» when ABM 10N duration is over, transition to subsubmode 2 or 4 is performed
4-Boost phase
» is activated only if ABM LAE duration is >0 and ABM LAE boost = enabled
» when ABM LAE duration is over, transition to subsubmode 2 is performed

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SGM S A M _U _S _3G
R ecovery A O C S
m ode
C old
S tart SAM
m ode em ergenc S witch to
S A M _U _S _3G y redundant set of
warm start equipm en t
H P C LK section SAM
W arm em ergency
S tart surveillance
recovery level 2B or
nom inal
status CMD subm ode
S A M _U _S _3
register register out of range
G warm start
recovery level

Layer 1
recovery level
S A M _U _S _3G 3

current m ode not
A B M b o o st
m aintainable d isa b le

H P C LK C urrent M ode R estart M

S urveillance S urveillance S urveillance FH R SGM
P rocessing P rocessing P rocessing K

no subm ode detected

S witch to redundant set of equipm ent
A O C S m ode A B M boost disable

Layer 2
not successful
P rim ary
failure surveillance
M ode
M ode tim e out processing processing
tim e out
equipm ent A ttitude
single lim it
failure failure
S witch to redundant
set of equipm en t

disabling, enabling

Layer 3
UPS equipm ent A ttitude
IF U single failure lim it failure A B M boost disable
processing processing

A O C S m ode
equipm ent

Layer 4

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Layer Failure level Failure name action
4 1 equipment single failure switch to the redundant equipment
3 1 equipment single failure disable/enable input/output + disable ABM
information is sent to primary failure
surveillance processing (layer 2)
attitude limit failure disable/enable input/output + disable ABM
boost + switch to redundant set of
equipment + disable attitude surveillance
information is sent to primary failure
surveillance processing (layer 2)
2 1 mode time out failure switch to redundant set of equipment +
4- ABM FDIR switch to redundant submode if primary
failure disabled (no submode) => no
submode detected sent to current mode
surveillance processing (layer 1)
mode time out failure or switch to redundant set of equipment
equipment single failure or
attitude limit failure =>
primary failure =>
no submode detected no submode detected sent to current mode
surveillance processing (layer 1)
1 1 HPCLK failure HPCLK failure =>switch to the redundant
current mode not maintainable clock
current mode not maintainable =>switch to
the redundant mode: SAM
2a&2b WD1 or WD2 failure PM nominal cold start => ABM boost
disable + SAM cold start + SAM emergency
for 2a failure => nominal AOCS submode
out of range
3 SP, RM power, WD3 failure PM red cold start => ABM boost disable +
SAM cold start + switch to the redundant
sensors and actuators + SAM emergency
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 1- SBM : Stand By Mode p5

 2- SAM : Sun Acquisition Mode p10

 3- EAM : Earth Acquisition Mode p20

 4- ABM : Apogee Boost Mode p38

 5- NM & HPSKM: Normal Mode & High Precision Station Keeping Mode p45

 6- SKM : Station Keeping Mode p71

 7- PEAM : Pitch Earth Acquisition Mode p85

 8- AMM : Antenna Mapping Mode p101

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5- Normal Mode ( NM )

 Normal Mode ( NM ) is designed to establish and maintain high accuracy pointing, and to
perform following operations:

 Bias setting up to (+ 1.0, + 2.5, + 3.0) Deg in the X, Y and Z S/C Axes
 Automatic unloading of wheels angular momentum in all axes, by means of thruster pulses
 Automatic switching (inhibition) of infrared Earth sensor bolometers around eclipses
 Gyro calibration if needed
 HPSKM : wheel unloading before or during the V-generation phase
 HPSKM : perform North/South station keeping (i correction)
 HPSKM : perform East/West station keeping (e and a correction)

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5- NM - Entry conditions

NM can be switched:
 by TC from EAM, NM , SKM, PEAM, AMM.
 by automatic transition from SKM

Nominal mode in G/O :

 NM with IRES, PSS, wheels : NM_U_E_S_W (3-axis control)

+ use of precise OOP

First NM selected after wheel run up :
 NM without PSS : NM_U_E_W (2-axis control)

Any automatic transition leading to NM will select : NM_U_E_S_W

 NM_U_E_W has to be selected by TC

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5- NM - Mode command
 Command to select NM_U_E_S_W is:
– Enable Operational Mode NM_U_E_S_W : 91MAH (8403)h
Valid TRUE
– Set Operational Mode NM_U_E_S_W : 90MAH (8402)h

 Command to select NM_U_E_W is:

– Enable Operational Mode NM_U_E_W : 91MAH (8403)h
Op_mode NM_U_E_W
Valid TRUE
– Set Operational Mode NM_U_E_W : 90MAH (8402)h
Op_mode NM_U_E_W
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5- NM - Mode command

 NM is successful when:
– AH91L: Operational mode : NM
– AH91D: Operational submode : NM_U_E_S_W
– AH93L: Operational subsubmode :1
– and
AE02G  0.865 for more than 300 sec

=> AOCS mode successful : AH28Z = yes

with: AE01G: Filtered attitude roll

AE02G: Filtered attitude pitch
AE03G: Filtered attitude yaw

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5- NM - Configuration
 NM can be performed with 3 different configurations
 NM_U_E_S_W: NM 3-axis control
 NM_U_E_3G_W : NM-3 axis control
 NM_U_E_W: NM 2-axis control

 NM_U_E_S_W is the nominal configuration while NM_U_E_W is the one used in drift
orbit or in case of OOP failure.

 The wheels are used as primary actuators and the thrusters are used during wheel unloading
or boost phases
Equipment configuration is :
NM_ U_ E_W yes no no yes no*
NM_ U_ E_S_W yes yes no yes no**
NM_ U_ E_3 G_W yes no yes yes no**

* Except when continuous unloa ding is set

** Except for wheel unloa ding or boost phases
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5- NM Mode Logic

 In NM_U_E_S_W, Yaw attitude is derived from the PSS.

Depending on :
• the Sun declination
• the angle  between the Z-axis of the reference system and the Sun
There can be :
• 3-axis measurement over the whole orbit if |Sun declination| > 16°
• 2 colinearity gaps during which yaw is computed by an «observer», on the basis of
disturbance torque estimation performed before and after the gaps

These colinearity regions are defined when the Sun declination is less than a given limit
(16°) and occurs around noon and midnight in local S/C time

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12 h

5- NM Mode Logic gain

from 3 axis
to 2 axis ref
x-axis only
phase to
get steady torque
state yaw observer determination
IDF (*) DOMAIN torque 9
11 11 9 6

determination 5
9/10 Colinear region 8 13
11/12 Disturbance torque determination,
X axis only IDF
1/5 Disturbance torque estimation
(before entering the gap) WHL_UNL
3 axis reference 3 axis reference
2/6 Transition from control 18 h WHL_UNL
=1 =1

with 3-Axis reference to observer 3 axis reference

3 axis reference
= 0
3/7 Transition from control
with observer to 3-Axis reference
4/8 Disturbance torque estimation 13 13

(after leaving the gap) 4

13 3-Axis reference 1
3 disturbance
10 10
12 12 determination
14 No optical reference, disturbance yaw observer
torque phase to
using observer over the whole orbit determination transition
from 3 axis
get steady
to 2 axis ref determination
x-axis only

(*) IDF : steering identifier, function of  IDF = 13 if

IDF = 14 if
there is optical ref. over the whole orbit ( if |Sun declination| > 16°).
there is no optical ref. over the whole orbit. Colinearity gap
WHL_UNL = 0 angular momentum unload not possible
WHL_UNL = 1 angular momentum unload possible
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5- NM Submodes
 NM_U_E_S_W :
8 subsubmodes:
1- 3 axis reference (IDF=13)
2- Unloading of wheels angular momentum (IDF=13,1,4,5,8) :
- commanded from ground
- automatic (commanded by OOP)
- by wheel speed limit exceed
3- W/E or E/W orbit correction (IDF=13, 1, 4, 5, 8)
4- S/N, N/S, E/W BU or W/E BU orbit correction (IDF=13, 1, 4, 5, 8)
5- Disturbance torque determination (IDF=1, 4, 5, 8)
6- Transition between 3 axis and 2 axis reference (IDF=2, 3, 6, 7)
7- Gap (IDF=9, 10)
8- Disturbance torque estimation (X axis only) : nominally not

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5- NM Submodes
 NM_U_E_3G_W :
IDF always 13 : yaw determination without Sun information
4 subsubmodes:
1- 3 axis reference
2- Unloading of wheels angular momentum(auto, ground commanded
or wheel speed limit exceeding)
3- W/E or E/W orbit correction
4- S/N, N/S, E/W BU or W/E BU orbit correction

 NM_U_E_W :
IDF always 14 : no direct yaw control (MIMU and PSS not used)
Neither wheel unloading nor DV allowed by TC
2 subsubmodes:
1- 2 axis reference
2- Unloading of wheels angular momentum by wheel speed limit
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5- NM Phases
 Subsubmode automatic transitions in
NM_U_E_S_W in Ita lic : ID F num b e r
In B o ld : sub sub m o d e num b e r 12 h
 Apart from subsubmode 2, 3, 4 all the
13h12 10h40
11 11
subsubmode transitions in NM_U_E_S_W are 13h32 9 9

forced by IDF, which value depends on Sun 14h12 8

7 7* 8* 8* 7*
5 09h48
6* 6*
declination and on the satellite position on the 5** 5**
 |Sun declination| > 16° 1 1
or or
 IDF = 13 (subsubmode=1, 2, 3, or 4) over 2 2
or or 6h
the whole orbit 18 h
3 3
 15°< |Sun declination| <16° or
 Subsubmode 6, 7, 8 are not performed 13
(subsubmode 1 instead) 13

5** 5**
 |Sun declination|  15° 6* 6*
4 02h12
21h48 1 7* 7*
 subsubmode transitions as shown in 22h28
2 8* 8* 3
10 10
figure on the right : 22h40
12 12 01h12

i* m e a ns sub sub m o d e i if |S un d e clina tio n| < 1 5 °, e lse m e a ns sub sub m o d e 1
5 ** m e a ns sub sub m o d e 5 if curre nt sub sub m o d e is no t 2 o r 3 o r 4

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5- NM: Wheel Unloading Phase

 When wheel speed reaches high value, it is necessary to perform a desaturation to

bring the wheel speed to its nominal value.
 Thrusters generate disturbance torques that wheel compensate so as to unload

 Different wheel unloading types:

- Angular momentum unloading by TC (on ground request)
- Continuous wheel unloading with thrusters (in 2-axis only)
- Automatic wheel unloading with OOP (in 3-axis only)
- Unloading due to wheel speed limit

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5- NM: Wheel Unloading Phase

Angular momentum unloading by TC (NM_U_E_S_W or NM_U_E_3G_W only*)

 Set angular momentum required through: (* 3 axis reference necessary)
– PAE45W : Angular Momentum Command in X: 0 Nms
– PAE46W : Angular Momentum Command in Y: -70 Nms IN LOF
– PAE47W : Angular Momentum Command in Z: 0 Nms
 Enable angular momentum unloading through:
– PAE50N = Ang Mom => AH93L=2
 Telemetry to follow the unloading:
AE96L : wheel unloading IDF: Ang mom
AH27Z : wheel unloading enable: Enabled
AF90Q : S/C delta V X (increasing)
AF91Q : S/C delta V Y (increasing)
AF92Q : S/C delta V Z (increasing)
A511Q : Wheel speed MW1
A531Q : Wheel speed MW2
A631Q : Wheel speed MW4

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5- NM: Wheel Unloading Phase
 Wheel unloading is completed when:
A691Q : angular momentum of wheels in S/C axes X = 0 Nms ± 0.4 Nms
A692Q : angular momentum of wheels in S/C axes Y = -70 Nms ± 0.4 Nms
A693Q : angular momentum of wheels in S/C axes Z = 0 Nms ± 0.4 Nms
AE51Q : Filtered measured wheel speed: MW1 » 0 rpm
AE52Q : Filtered measured wheel speed: MW2 » +3567 rpm Not in the criteria
AE54Q : Filtered measured wheel speed: MW4 » +3567 rpm

 Then logic automatically switches back to subsubmode 1 (AH93L = 1)

Continuous unloading (only in NM_U_E_W):

 Continuous unloading is enabled through setting:
– PAE50N = continuous => AE96L = continuous (AH93L=1, unchanged)

-> In that case, the angular momentum is continuously kept at the following values by means of thruster
pulses :
A691Q : angular momentum of wheels in S/C axes X = 0 Nms ± 2.5 Nms
A692Q : angular momentum of wheels in S/C axes Y = -70 Nms ± 3 Nms
A693Q : angular momentum of wheels in S/C axes Z = 0 Nms ± 2.5 Nms

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5- NM: Wheel Unloading Phase
Automatic unloading with OOP (only in NM_U_E_S_W) :
 OOP provide S/C mean right ascension (S/C position in the orbit)

 The Desaturation is automatically performed when :

• OOP S/C mean right ascension = 270 ° ± 5° (if Set A is selected *)
• and (|HX-HcmdX|>7 Nms or |HY-HcmdY|>7 Nms or |HZ-HcmdZ|>7 Nms )

 If desaturation, the logic performs following automatic switches :

• Subsubmode switch :
– AH93L = 2
• Wheel unloading IDF set to :
– AE96L = Ang mom
• Orbit correction maneuver selection :
– AF51N = SN
Thrusters set A are selected in order to perform unloading pulses

* 90 ° ± 5° if Set B is selected

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265° < S/C mean RA <275°

Hx < -7Nms

IDF Unload switchs to

« Ang mom »

SubSubMode switchs to 2

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5- NM : Boost Phase (HPSKM)
 Boost is performed in order to correct orbit :
 North/South maneuver (SN or NS) for inclination correction
 East/West (WE or EW) for eccentricity correction (or drift maneuver)

The main parameters which defined a maneuver are :

 DV : which represents the impulse duration to correct the orbit
 Boost direction : type of maneuver (North or East or ..)
 Boost profile : boost characteristics call Pulse Train Generation (PTG)

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5- NM : Boost Phase (HPSKM)
 Delta velocity command : in m/s.
Nota1: this value includes the V generated by wheel unloading during boost
Nota2: in HPSKM, max V is 0.5 m/s (EW/WE man.), or 2.5 m/s (NS/SN man.)
 otherwise SKM has to be used.

 Boost Direction : Thrusters selection w.r.t. the manoeuvre required :

No_corrfor no correction (means no thrusters selected)
NS for N/S correction : 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B for control & DV
SN for S/N correction : 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A for control & DV
EW for E/W correction : 1B, 2A, 3A, 4B for control + 1D (3D red.) for DV
WE for W/E correction : 1A, 2B, 3B, 4A for control + 2D (4D red.) for DV
EW_bck for E/W correction second B.U. : 1B, 2A, 3A, 4B for control & DV
WE_bck for W/E correction second B.U. : 1A, 2B, 3B, 4A for control & DV

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5- NM : Boost Phase (HPSKM)
 Pulse train generation parameters:
• Minimum on-time commanded during pulse train generation :
– for SN/NS or EWBU/WEBU DV: recommended value PAF13W = 150 ms
– for EW/WE DV: recommended value PAF11W = 400 ms

• On-Time commanded during pulse train generation :

• recommended value PAF15W = 700 ms

• Pulse train period commanded :

– for SN/NS or EWBU/WEBU DV: recommended value PAF14W = 8 sec
– for EW/WE DV:recommended value PAF12W = 30 sec
– for wheel unloading phase: recommended value PAF07W = 50 sec

• Time to reach the commanded on-time in sec:

– recommended value PAF16W = 900 sec

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5- NM : Boost Phase (HPSKM)

Boost parameters setting (HPSKM purpose) (cont'd)

 Resulting pulse train profiles :

Resulting pulse train for NS/SN manoeuvres Resulting pulse train for EW/WE manoeuvres

700 700

600 600

500 500

400 400

Ton (ms)
Ton (ms)

300 300

200 200

100 100

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500
t (s) t (s)

NS/SN or WEBU/EWBU manoeuvre EW/WE manoeuvre

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5- NM : Boost Phase (HPSKM)
 Before performing a boost it is necessary to set following parameters :
• Satellite mass
• Thrusters force level and thrusters level ratio
• OOP parameters update

 Boost is started at reception of PAK09N = True boost phase enable

 the logic automatically switches then to boost subsubmode :

• Subsubmode =3 if EW/WE
• Subsubmode =4 if NS/SN or WE/EW BU
 End of boost when :
• |V on X|> V cmd for E/W, W/E manoeuvres
• |V on Y|> V cmd for N/S, S/N manoeuvres

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Thrusters A temperature

Performed DV on Y-axis

Wheel unloading

Boost phase

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5- NM : Disturbance torque determination
 Disturbance torque determination:
 Performed if :
• neither wheel unloading nor boost commanded (SubSubmode <> 2 or 3 or 4)
• DTE (DIST_ESTIM_ENABLE) is set : PAE20N=true (default value)
• Gap entering (IDF=5 or 1) or gap leaving (IDF=8 or 4)

 TM to follow : Noon Midnight

AE22W: DTE cst 12hX AE23W: DTE cst 0hX
AE26W: DTE lin 12hX AE27W: DTE lin 0hX
AE24W: DTE cst 12hZ AE25W: DTE cst 0hZ
AE28W: DTE lin 12hZ AE29W: DTE lin 0hZ
Those parameters are updated once in subsubmode 1 and are used to estimate the solar torque:
At noon : AE71T = AE26W * DT + AE22W At midnight : AE71T = AE27W * DT + AE23W
AE73T = AE28W * DT + AE24W AE73T = AE29W * DT + AE25W
with DT = accumulated duration of subsubmode 5, 6, 7, 6

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Disturbance torques are estimated during
SubSubMode 5
IDF=13 (IDF=1 or 4 for midnight) 13
7 6
5 6 5
SSMode=1 1 2 4 1

Yaw control based on Estimator. TM is no

more computed and forced to 0

Return to «real» yaw


Disturbance torques estimated on last orbit are

propagated and used as an input for Yaw control. Set
to 0 during the eclipse

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N M w a rm recovery A O C S PEAM
s ta rt m ode em ergenc
H P C LK m ode y
w arm start
section PEAM
e m e rg e n c y
s ta tu s CMD w a rm c o ld s u rve illa n c e
re g is te r re g is te r s ta rt s ta rt

Layer 1
S w itc h to re d u n d a n t PEAM _U _E_S
recover recovery
y level s e t o f e q u ip m e n t
level 2A 2B , 3
recovery level current m ode not
3 m aintainable

H PCLK re s ta rt
s u rve illa n c e s u rve illa n c e c u rre n t m o d e
p ro c e s s in g p ro c e s s in g E a rth c a p tu re s u rve illa n c e

e n a b le p ro c e s s in g


no subm ode detected

subm ode change: S w itc h to re d u n d a n t

sam e subm ode s e t o f e q u ip m e n t N M _U _E_W
AO C S m ode
m ode tim e out prim ary failure OOP
n o t s u c c e s s fu l failure

Layer 2 m ode m ode p rim a ry fa ilu re H D R wheel OOP

H D R w heel
tim e o u t tim e s u rve illa n c e failure
lim it fa ilu re s u rve illa n c e
p ro c e s s in g out p ro c e s s in g p ro c e s s in g p ro c e s s in g

attitude Y aw
U P S single
lim it lim it
failure failure
equipm ent single
failure detected
S w itc h to re d u n d a n t

s e t o f e q u ip m e n t
Layer 3

e q u ip m e n t s in g le a ttitu d e lim it Y a w lim it UPS
fa ilu re p ro c e s s in g fa ilu re p ro c e s s in g fa ilu re p ro c e s s in g w h e e ls

A O C S m o d e s u c c e s s fu l
equipm ent single
U P S single failure
Layer 4

UPS W h e e ls PSS IR E S M IM U

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Layer Failure level Failure name action
4 1 equipment single failure switch to the redundant equipment
3 1 equipment single failure disable/enable input/output
attitude limit failure disable attitude surveillance + yaw surveillance
yaw limit failure disable yaw surveillance
+ disable/enable input/output + switch to redundant
set of equipment
UPS single failure disable/enable input/output + information is sent to
primary failure surveillance processing (layer 2)
2 1 mode time out failure switch to redundant set of equipment + switch to
redundant submode if primary failure disabled
(same submode) => no submode detected sent to
current mode surveillance processing (layer 1)
mode time out failure or
attitude limit failure or
yaw limit failure or
UPS single failure =>
primary failure =>
no submode detected no submode detected sent to current mode
surveillance processing (layer 1)
OOP failure OOP failure => switch to NM_U_E_W
1 1 HPCLK failure HPCLK failure =>switch to the redundant clock
current mode not maintainable current mode not maintainable =>switch to the
redundant mode: PEAM
2a WD1 failure PM nominal warm start => NM warm start
2b WD2 failure PM nominal cold start => PEAM cold start
3 EP, RM power, WD3 failure PM red cold start => PEAM cold start + switch to the
redundant set of equipment

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 1- SBM : Stand By Mode p5

 2- SAM : Sun Acquisition Mode p10

 3- EAM : Earth Acquisition Mode p20

 4- ABM : Apogee Boost Mode p38

 5- NM & HPSKM: Normal Mode & High Precision Station Keeping Mode p45

 6- SKM : Station Keeping Mode p71

 7- PEAM : Pitch Earth Acquisition Mode p85

 8- AMM : Antenna Mapping Mode p101

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6- Station Keeping Mode (SKM)
 The SKM provides the capabilities for the following correction manoeuvres in GO:
 trim manoeuvres, i.e. to bring the S/C to the nominal position after the last V with the
 N/S-S/N manoeuvres for inclination correction
 E/W-W/E manoeuvres for eccentricity and semi-major axis corrections

 In addition the SKM is able to perform unloading of the momentum wheels

 Nominally not used in G/O for orbit correction manoeuvres (HPSKM use)
Used in case of manoeuvres too long for HPSKM
• EW manoeuvres when 0.5<V<2.6 m/s
• NS manoeuvres when 2.5<V<3.3 m/s

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6- SKM Configuration
 SKM submodes are:
 SKM_U_E_S_W : SKM with use of thrusters, IRES, PSS and wheels
 SKM_U_E_3G_W : SKM with use of thrusters, IRES, MIMU and wheels
 SKM_U_E_S : SKM use of thrusters, IRES and PSS
 SKM_U_E_3G : SKM with use of thrusters, IRES and MIMU

 SKM equipment are :


SKM with wheels yes yes no yes yes
SKM with thrusters yes yes no no yes
SKM with wheels + gyro yes no yes yes yes
SKM with thrusters + gyro yes no yes no yes

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6- SKM Configuration

 As trim and N/S maneuvers are long maneuvers and can lead to a saturation of the wheels
during the boost, SKM with thrusters will be nominally used in drift orbit and SKM N/S.

 In SKM with wheels :

 The wheels are used as primary actuators, except during wheel unloading and boost phases.
 With this actuator configuration, a smooth transition to NM is possible

 SKM with wheels will nominally then only be selected in order to have a smooth return to
NM, that is to say :
 After SKM_U_E_S (maneuver is terminated)
 After a recovery mode (EAM, PEAM)

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6- SKM Mode Logic
SKM logic is divided in 4 steps:
 Step 1: Pointing Phase

• Actuation with Wheels (SKM_U_E_S_W or SKM_U_E_3G_W )

– Attitude controlled by wheels (control with thrusters is maintained in parallel
in case of strong disturbance torques)
– Smooth transition to control with wheels only
• Actuation with Thrusters (SKM_U_E_S or SKM_U_E_3G )
– Attitude controlled by thrusters
 Step 2: Wheel desaturation phase

• Actuation with Wheels (SKM_U_E_S_W or SKM_U_E_3G_W )

– Wheels in torque mode
– Desaturation pulses, compensated by wheels
• Actuation with Thrusters (SKM_U_E_S or SKM_U_E_3G )
– Wheels commanded to required angular momentum
– Disturbance torques compensated by thrusters

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6- SKM Mode Logic
SKM logic is divided in 4 steps (cont’d) :
 Step 3: Boost phase

• Actuation with Wheels (SKM_U_E_S_W or SKM_U_E_3G_W )

– Attitude controlled by wheels
– Warning: no desaturation during boost
• Actuation with Thrusters (SKM_U_E_S or SKM_U_E_3G )
– Wheels to required angular momentum
– Attitude controlled by thrusters
 Step 4: Transition phase

• Actuation with Wheels (SKM_U_E_S_W or SKM_U_E_3G_W )

– Attitude controlled by wheels
– Auto transition to NM can be performed
• Actuation with Thrusters (SKM_U_E_S or SKM_U_E_3G )
– Attitude controlled by thrusters
– Wait for NM mode command (no automatic transition)

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6- SKM Mode Logic
4 subsubmodes for all submodes:

1- Pointing phase
– switch to subsubmodes 2, 3 or 4 by command
2- wheel unloading phase
– switch automatically to subsubmode 1
3- boost phase
– switch automatically to subsubmode 4
4- transition phase
– switch automatically to subsubmode 1 if auto transition not enabled
– transition to NM if auto transition enabled

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6- SKM Mode Logic

SKM boost delay time

SKM WU delay time
SKM boost

2 SKM Wheel Unloading

SKM specific
parameters loading 1
500 sec max
* satellite mass SKM Dt1 Dt2
* thruster force level * SKM boost enabled
* thruster ratio cmd * LV status check enabled
* DV, Dt1, Dt2 * manoeuvre selected
* pulse train parameters * wheels unloading enabled
* compensation * Wheels run-up required for SKM_U_E_S only
* reset auto mode transition
* disable LV status check

SKM sequence resume

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6- SKM Operational Description

Thrusters Selection w.r.t. the maneuver required:

Operational Parameter : Orbit corr selection : PAF51N
Default values :
 No_corr for no correction (means no thrusters selected)
 NS : for N/S correction: 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B for control & DV
 SN : for S/N correction: 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A for control & DV
 EW : for E/W correction: 1B, 2A, 3A, 4B for control + 1D (3D red.) for DV
 WE : for W/E correction: 1A, 2B, 3B, 4A for control + 2D (4D red.) for DV
 EW_bck : for E/W correction BU: 1B, 2A, 3A, 4B for control & DV
 WE_bck : for W/E correction BU: 1A, 2B, 3B, 4A for control & DV

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6- SKM Operational Description
Wheel unloading parameters setting:
 Before mode command sending
• delay time prior to wheel unloading start (in sec)
• commanded angular momentum
 For SKM_U_E_S and SKM_U_E_3G: after mode command sending
• wheel run up command to be sent
 After mode command sending:
• wheel unloading enable
The time prior to wheel unloading will start to decrease at reception of wheel unloading enable.

Boost parameters setting:

 Before mode command sending:
• commanded delta velocity (in m/s)
• delay time prior to boost start (in sec)
 After mode command sending:
• SKM boost enabled
The time prior to boost start will start to decrease after Wheel unloading end.

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6- SKM Operational Description

 Pulse train parameters setting: before mode command

Minimum on-time commanded = 200 msec
Time of the commanded period = 4 sec

O n -tim e (m s ) On-time commanded = 400 msec

Time to reach the commanded on-time = 50 sec

o n -tim e c o rre c tio n

400 6 0 0

200 2 0 0 m in im u m o n -tim e

50 sec
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6- SKM Operational Description
Mode transition:

 Automatic transition performed only for SKM_U_E_S_W and SKM_U_E_3G_W

 In SKM_U_E_S, set SKM transition required to false

• After boost, send mode SKM_U_E_S_W
• Enable SKM transition required flag
• Wait until NM transition conditions fulfilled:
– SKM to NM transition possible : AK9GZ=YES
– SKM x < limit : AK98Z=YES
– SKM y < limit : AK99Z=YES
– SKM z < limit : AK9AZ=YES
• Transition to NM_U_E_S_W

• AK9iZ tests are absolute range+rate within a certain timing (e.g Abs(roll)<0.02° and
Rate_Roll<0.0006°/s for more than 20seconds)
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P E A M _U _E _S
S K M w arm recovery A O C S PEAM
start m ode em ergenc

H P C LK m ode y
warm start
section PEAM
em ergency
status CMD w arm cold surveillance
register register start start

Layer 1
S w itch to re d u n d a n t P E A M _U _E _S
recover recovery
y level s e t o f e q u ip m e n t
level 2A 2B , 3
recovery level current m ode not
3 m aintainable

H P C LK restart
surveillance surveillance current m ode
processing processing E arth capture surveillance
enable processing


no subm ode detected

A O C S m ode not successful

m ode m ode S K M _U _E _3G

subm ode change:

tim e tim e out
sam e subm ode out processing
prim ary failure

Block Diagram
S w itch to redundant detected
set of equipm ent OOP

Layer 2
subm ode change: surveillance
S K M _U _E _S _W processing
prim ary failure
m ode surveillance
m ode tim e
tim e out out processing
A O C S m ode
m ode tim e out
not successful
attitude lim it
equipm ent single failure yaw lim it failure

S w itch to redundant
set of equipm ent

Layer 3 IF U
equipm ent single attitude lim it Yaw lim it UPS
failure processing failure processing failure processing w heels

A O C S m ode successful
equipm ent single
Layer 4

IR E S W heels PSS UPS

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Layer Failure level Failure name action
4 1 equipment single failure switch to the redundant equipment
3 1 equipment single failure disable/enable input/output
information is sent to primary failure surveillance
processing (layer 2)
attitude limit failure disable attitude surveillance + disable yaw
yaw limit failure disable yaw surveillance
disable/enable input/output + switch to redundant
set of equipment
information is sent to primary failure surveillance
processing (layer 2)
2 1 mode time out failure switch to redundant set of equipment + switch to
redundant submode if primary failure disable:
If SKM_U_E_S => SKM_U_E__S_W
If SKM_U_E_S_W => no submode detected sent
to current mode surveillance processing (layer1)
mode time out failure or switch to redundant set of equipment
attitude limit failure or
yaw limit failure or
equipment failure =>
primary failure =>
no submode detected no submode detected sent to current mode
surveillance processing (layer 1)
OOP failure OOP failure => switch to SKM_U_E_3G
1 1 HPCLK failure HPCLK failure =>switch to the redundant clock
current mode not maintainable current mode not maintainable =>switch to the
redundant mode: PEAM
2a WD1 failure PM nominal warm start => SKM warm start
2b WD2 failure PM nominal cold start => PEAM cold start
3 EP, RM power, WD3 failure PM red cold start => PEAM cold start + switch to
the redundant set of equipment
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 1- SBM : Stand By Mode p5

 2- SAM : Sun Acquisition Mode p10

 3- EAM : Earth Acquisition Mode p20

 4- ABM : Apogee Boost Mode p38

 5- NM & HPSKM: Normal Mode & High Precision Station Keeping Mode p45

 6- SKM : Station Keeping Mode p71

 7- PEAM : Pitch Earth Acquisition Mode p85

 8- AMM : Antenna Mapping Mode p101

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7- Pitch Earth Acquisition Mode (PEAM )

 This mode is designed to minimize recovery duration in case of on-orbit failures without
going to a complete reconfiguration of the AOCS.

 It allows :

 conservation of angular momentum

 S/C pitch stability augmentation through gyroscopic stiffness
 fuel saving (no wheel run-down required)

 flexibility
 use of wheels or thrusters as actuator
 fuel saving in case of reacquisition by wheels
 fast reacquisition of earth from different initial conditions

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7- PEAM Configuration
PEAM is used as the first recovery safe mode in G/O if the next conditions are fulfilled:
 S/C in Geostationary orbit : AR06Z = TRUE (set in SGM)
 Reconfiguration performed :

• Level 2B, 3: restart recovery AOCS mode (AZ80L) = PEAM_U_E_S in G/O

• Level 1: redundant mode for NM,SKM,AMM (AOCS layer) = PEAM_U_E_S

PEAM submodes:
 PEAM_U_E_S : PEAM with use of thrusters, PSS and IRES (default)
 PEAM_E_S_W : PEAM with use of wheels, PSS and IRES

The PEAM initial conditions may be such that:

 Earth presence
 no Earth presence but Sun presence
 neither Earth nor Sun presence (e.g. reconfiguration during eclipse)

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7- PEAM Mode Logic
5 subsubmodes
 Subsubmode 1 : Roll and Pitch control
• last subsubmode before mode successful
• Roll and Pitch in linear zones of IRES (nota: in PEAM, IRES is set in Wide Scan mode)

 Subsubmode 2 : Nutation excitation (only for PEAM with wheels)

• Roll saturated, Pitch small
• Control roll to small value by controlling H to Hreference

 Subsubmode 3 : Pitch control (only for PEAM with wheels)

• large pitch deviation (more than 1deg)
• control pitch to small value before entering subsubmode 2

 Subsubmode 4: Sun vector adjustment

• in case of EP loss or Pitch saturated, but SP still available
• Earth acquisition by making S=Sref from OOP

 Subsubmode 5: rotation around Hw

• neither EP nor SP available
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7- PEAM Mode Logic
S ubmode 2
PEAM_U_E_S logic
E arth
P resenc e ?
Ye s No

S ubsubmode 1: No
|q| > q lin S un
Final Roll
and S P ? P resenc e ?
and P itc h c ontrol
(Roll and P itc h linear) Ye s Ye s No

Subsubmode 4: S ubsubmode 5:
S ubsubmode 4:
Sun vec tor Rotation
S un vec tor
adjustement about hw
X adjustement
(Pitc h saturated ) (no E P , no S P )
Z* X*
(no E P )
Y* Y S ref
S Z*


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7- PEAM Mode Logic

S ubm ode 1
PEAM_E_S_W logic
E arth
P resenc e ?
Ye s No

No |q| > q lin S un
|q| < q lin ? |f| < f lin ?
and SP ? P resenc e ?
No Ye s Ye s Ye s Ye s No

Subsubmode 3: S ubsubmode 2: S ubsubmode 1: S ubsubmode 4: S ubsubmode 4: S ubsubmode 5:

Pitc h c ontrol Nutation exc itation Final Roll S un vec tor S un vec tor Rotation
(Roll saturated > 3° (Roll saturated > 3° and P itc h c ontrol adjustement adjustement about hw
Pitc h linear > 1°) P itc h small) (Roll and P itc h linear) (P itc h sturated ) (no E P ) (no E P , no S P )

Z* Z*
P itc h X Sref
R o ll Z* S Z*

Y* Y

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7- PEAM Submode

 PEAM_U_E_S :
Initialization + 3 subsubmodes :
 Subsubmode 9: initialization

 Subsubmode 1: roll & pitch control as well as angular momentum control.
• Transition to NM when:
|Roll angle| < 0.3° During 30s
|Pitch Angle| < 0.3° => AH28Z: AOCS mode successful: yes
|Delta Ang mom| < 0.2 Nms

Subsubmode 4: sun vector adjustment (no EP or pitch saturated)

• Transition to subsubmode 1 when:
| Pitch Angle | < 4°
Subsubmode 5: rotation about wheel angular momentum (no EP, no SP)
• Transition to subsubmode 4 when SP is recovered
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7- PEAM Submode

B egin
(1) : q < 0.3 °
and f < 0.3 °
 PEAM_U_E_S subsubmodes logic: and |Hc md - Hmeas| < 0.2
subsubmode 9 and S P
a n d n o t E c lip s e s ta tu s
y es no
EP ?

q > 4° no SP ?
and S P ?
y es
y es

subsubmode 4 subsubmode 1 subsubmode 4 subsubmode 5




B egin
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7- PEAM Submode
Initialization + 5 subsubmodes:
 Subsubmode 9: initialization
 Subsubmode 1: roll & pitch control as well as angular momentum control.
• Transition to submode 1 for wheel run up when
|A411G| < 0.3° or |A311G| < 0.3°
|A414G| < 0.3° or |A314G| < 0.3°
 Subsubmode 2: nutation excitation
• Transition to subsubmode 1 when:
|A411G| < 3° or |A311G| < 3°
 Subsubmode 3: pitch control
• Transition to subsubmode 2 when:
|A414G| < 1° or |A314G| < 1°
 Subsubmode 4: sun vector adjustment (no EP or pitch saturated)
• Transition to subsubmode 1, 2 or 3 when:
|A414G| < 11° or |A314G| < 11°
 Subsubmode 5: rotation about wheel angular momentum (no EP, no SP)
• Transition to subsubmode 4 when SP is recovered
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7- PEAM Submode

(1) : q < 0.3 °

B egin
and f < 0.3 °
 PEAM_E_S_W and |Hc md - Hmeas| < 0.2
subsubmode 9 and S P

subsubmodes logic: a n d n o t E c lip s e s ta tu s

y es no

q > 11° no SP ?
and S P ?
y es

subsubmode 4 f > 3° ? subsubmode 4 subsubmode 5

y es

subsubmode 1 q < 1° ?
y es

subsubmode 2 subsubmode 3
y es



B egin
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7- PEAM Operation Description

 In PEAM, the following parameters have to be enabled :

– FDIR Mode layer: mode time out check enabled (PAZ76N=enabled)
– FDIR AOCS layer: current mode check enabled (PAZ71N=enabled)
» in order to switch to EAM (and if necessary SAM) in case of PEAM not successful
after 45 minutes
– Automatic mode transition enabled (PAR10N=enabled)
» in order to switch to NM when PEAM is successful

 These values are stored in SGM for use in case of level 2B or 3 triggering

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Automatic mode selection after PEAM:

via SKM if:
ro ll a n d p itch < 0 .3 ° PEAM PEAM e me rg e n cy sig n a l
a n d H=Hcmd +/- 0 .2
a n d SP a n d n o t Eclip se
EP lo st (A3 0 0 Z=n o )
EAM e me rg e n cy sig n a l
(A )

AB0 1 G
via SKM a n d if AB0 2 G < 1 .6 4 ° EAM EAM e me rg e n cy sig n a l
AB0 3 G
a n d n o t co lin e a rity a n d n o t e clip se
(B )

NM SAM SAM e me rg e n cy sig n a l

(A): (B ):
ro ll a n d p itch > 0 .3 ° a n d |Hcmd -Hme a s| > 0 .2 AB0 1 G
fo r mo re th a n 4 5 min a n d cu rre n t mo d e ch e ck a n d AB0 2 G > 1 .6 4 ° fo r mo re th a n 3 0 min
mo d e time o u t ch e ck e n a b le d AB0 3 G a n d cu rre n t mo d e ch e ck a n d
mo d e time o u t ch e ck e n a b le d
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PEAM is triggered from NM,SKM,AMM after:

 mode time out or primary failure (level 1 failures)
 level 2B or 3 failure

FDIR configuration at PEAM start depends on failure level

 level 1 : FDIR surveillance configuration remains as in
previous mode
 level 2B or 3: configuration is reset (PM reset), except data

stored in SGM

Therefore, the PEAM FDIR description is divided into two sections:

 PEAM triggered by level 1 failure
 PEAM triggered by level 2B or 3 failure

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P E A M _ U _E _ S
P E A M w a rm EAM
recovery A O C S em ergency
s ta rt m ode

7- PEAM FDIR (After

warm start e m e rg en c y
E P lost s urve illa n ce

Level 1 failure)
s ta tu s CMD (A 300Z =no)
w arm c old
re g is te r re g is te r s ta rt s ta rt

Layer 1
S witch to redundant set
recover of equipm ent E A M _ U _E _ S _3 G
level 2A recovery level
2B , 3 current m ode not
m aintainable

H PCLK re s ta rt
s urve illa n ce s urve illa n ce c urre n t m od e
p ro ce s sing p ro ce s sing E arth c ap tu re s urve illa n ce
e na b le p ro ce s sing


no subm ode detected

s ub m o d e ch a ng e:
n o su b m o de

A O C S m o de
m ode tim e out
n ot s uc c es s fu l
Layer 2

m ode S w itc h to re du n da n t
m ode
tim e ou t tim e out s et o f e q uip m en t
p ro ce s sing

lim it
equipm ent single
failure detected
S w itc h to re du n da n t

s et o f e q uip m en t
Layer 3

e qu ip m e nt s ing le a ttitud e lim it UPS
failu re proc e ss in g failu re proc e ss in g w he e ls

A O C S m o de s u cc e ss ful
equipm ent single
Layer 4

IR E S W h ee ls PSS UPS
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SGM P E A M _ U _E _ S
P E A M w a rm em ergency
recovery A O C S
sta rt m ode EAM
e m e rg en cy

warm start
section surve illa n ce

w arm cold

(After Level 2B/3 sta rt sta rt

E P lo st
(A 3 00 Z = n o)

Layer 1
level 2A E A M _ U _E _ S _3 G

current m ode not

re sta rt
m aintainable
surve illa n ce
p ro ce ssing
curre n t m od e
surve illa n ce
p ro ce ssing

no subm ode detected

sub m o d e ch a ng e:
n o su b m o de

A O C S m o de
m ode tim e out
n ot successfu l
Layer 2

m ode S w itch to re du n da n t
m ode
tim e ou t tim e out set o f e q uip m en t
p ro ce ssing
Layer 3

Layer 4

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PEAM FDIR summary

Start condition Start condition

PEAM triggered by level 1 failure PEAM triggered by level 2B or 3 failure
Layer Failure level Failure name action Layer Failure level Failure name action
4 1 equipment single failure switch to the redundant equipment 4 1 ALL SURVEILLANCE DISABLED
3 1 equipment single failure disable/enable input/output
attitude limit failure disable/enable input/output + switch to 2 1 mode time out failure =>
no submode detected no submode detected sent to current mode
redundant set of equipment + disable attitude
surveillance processing (layer 1)
1 1 current mode not =>switch to the redundant mode: EAM + EAM
2 1 mode time out failure => switch to redundant set of equipment + switch to
maintainable emergency signal sent
no submode detected the redundant submode (no submode) =>
2a WD1 failure PM redundant warm start => PEAM warm start
no submode detected sent to current mode 2b WD2 failure PM redundant cold start => PEAM cold start
surveillance processing (layer 1) 3 EP, RM power, WD3 failure PM redundant cold start => PEAM cold start +
1 1 HPCLK failure HPCLK failure =>switch to the redundant clock switch to redundant set of equipment
1 1 EP lost during PEAM EAM emergency signal sent
current mode not current mode not maintainable =>switch to the (A300Z=no)
maintainable redundant mode: EAM
: Relevant for PEAM level 2A, 2B only
2a WD1 failure PM nominal warm start => PEAM warm start
2b WD2 failure PM nominal cold start => PEAM cold start
3 EP, RM power, WD3 failure PM red cold start => PEAM cold start + switch to
the redundant set of equipment
1 1 EP lost during PEAM EAM emergency signal sent

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 1- SBM : Stand By Mode p5

 2- SAM : Sun Acquisition Mode p10

 3- EAM : Earth Acquisition Mode p20

 4- ABM : Apogee Boost Mode p38

 5- NM & HPSKM: Normal Mode & High Precision Station Keeping Mode p45

 6- SKM : Station Keeping Mode p71

 7- PEAM : Pitch Earth Acquisition Mode p85

 8- AMM : Antenna Mapping Mode p101

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8- Antenna Mapping Mode (AMM)
 Antenna Mapping Mode is designed to perform the Antenna Pattern measurements from
one single ground station during the In-Orbit Testing

 The required bias capability ( ± 12° in Roll & Pitch ) being out of the IRES linear F.O.V a
specific mode based upon integrating gyros has to be used: AMM_3G_S_W

 This mode provides 3 axes stabilisation of S/C ( roll,pitch,yaw ) during the I.O.T

 There is only one subsubmode in AMM: subsubmode 1

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8- AMM

 There are 4 submodes in AMM depending on the configuration:

 AMM_U_E_S : AMM with thrusters control and with IRES and PSS
 AMM_E_S_W : AMM with wheel control and with IRES and PSS
 AMM_U_3G_S : AMM with thrusters control and with MIMU and PSS
 AMM_3G_S_W : AMM with wheel control and with MIMU and PSS

 The nominal AMM used are AMM_E_S_W if biases stay in IRES linear FOV and
AMM_3G_S_W otherwise.

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8- AMM specific parameters
• At AMM_E_S_W switching, one has to verify automatic IRES mode switch to wide scan
• Select the rate bias in accordance with the bias to send
Rate to reach bias setting:
 bias rate X NM in deg/s (max recommended value = 0.01°/s)
 bias rate Y NM in deg/s (max recommended value = 0.01°/s)
 bias rate Z NM in deg/s (max recommended value = 0.01°/s)

• Send bias on the 3 axes at the same time if required, or separately.

Bias setting:
 commanded constant bias X in deg
 commanded constant bias Y in deg
 commanded constant bias Z in deg

• There is no maximum step to take into account. The only limitation is due to the IRES linear
• The mapping mission defines other constraints such as maximum steps and bias setting at a time

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8- AMM specific parameters

 MIMU has to be calibrated and compensated before mode command sending
 Then one has to select the rate bias in accordance with the bias to send.
 Then one can send bias on one axis at a time. Stabilisation after bias setting is needed to
send another bias on another axis.
 There is no maximum step to take into account. The only limitation is due to the AMM
features which allows bias up to ± 12° around roll and pitch axis.
 The mapping mission defines other constraints such as maximum steps and bias setting at a

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8- AMM

Return to Normal Mode

 Reset SKM wheel unloading delay time

 Switch to SKM_U_E_S
 SKM wheel unloading required
 Set SKM wheel run up required
 Perform wheel unloading
 Switch to SKM_U_E_S_W
 Wait for automatic transition to NM

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P E A M _U _E _S
A M M w arm recovery A O CS PEAM
start m ode em ergenc
HP C LK m ode

warm start
section PEAM
em ergency
status CMD w arm cold surveillance
register register start start

Layer 1
P E A M _U _E _S
recover recovery S w itch to re d u n d a n t
y level se t o f e q u ip m e n t
level 2A 2B , 3
current m ode not
recovery level
m aintainable
H P C LK restart
surveillance surveillance current m ode
processing processing E arth capture surveillance
enable processing


no subm ode detected

subm ode change:

S w itch to redundant
no subm ode set of equipm ent
A O C S m ode prim ary failure

Block Diagram
m ode tim e out detected
not successful

Layer 2
m ode m ode prim ary failure
tim e out tim e surveillance
out processing

attitude lim it
equipm ent single failure yaw lim it failure

S w itch to redundant
set of equipm ent

Layer 3

equipm ent single attitude lim it Yaw lim it UPS
failure processing failure processing failure processing w heels

A O C S m ode successful
equipm ent single
Layer 4


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Layer Failure level Failure name action
4 1 equipment single failure switch to the redundant equipment
3 1 equipment single failure disable/enable input/output
information is sent to primary failure surveillance
processing (layer 2)
attitude limit failure disable attitude surveillance
yaw limit failure disable yaw surveillance
disable/enable input/output + switch to redundant
set of equipment
information is sent to primary failure surveillance
processing (layer 2)
2 1 mode time out failure switch to redundant set of equipment + switch to
redundant submode if primary failure disabled ( no
submode) => no submode detected sent to
current mode surveillance processing (layer1)
mode time out failure or switch to redundant set of equipment
attitude limit failure or
yaw limit failure or
equipment failure =>
primary failure =>
no submode detected no submode detected sent to current mode
surveillance processing (layer 1)
1 1 HPCLK failure HPCLK failure =>switch to the redundant clock
current mode not current mode not maintainable =>switch to the
maintainable redundant mode: PEAM
2a WD1 failure PM nominal warm start => AMM warm start
2b WD2 failure PM nominal cold start => PEAM cold start
3 EP, RM power, WD3 failure PM red cold start => PEAM cold start + switch to
the redundant set of equipment

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On Orbit Propagator

IRES Inhibition management

PSSH Switching management

Eclipse Management

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9- Misc - On Board Propagator (OOP)

 OOP is used to provide orbit information to OBSW

 It is mainly involved in Yaw computation providing the reference of the Sun direction
in S/C frame (Sref). OSBW try to bring Sun Body (Sun direction measured by PSSH) to
the Sref.
 OOP provides following information (for TM and OBSW purpose)
 AP87G : OOP mean RAAN
 AP86G : OOP mean perigee argument
 AP80G : OOP SC mean anomaly
 AP82Q : OOP SC mean drift
 AP85G : OOP mean inclination
 AP84P : OOP mean eccentricity
 AP88G : OOP SC longitude
 AP89G : OOP SC latitude
 AP01P : sun reference vector X
 AP02P : sun reference vector Y
 AP03P : sun reference vector Z

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9- Misc - On Board Propagator (OOP)

 OOP needs to be updated each 15 days (prior 1st cycle maneuver)

 To update OOP, ground has to compute some orbital parameters thanks to ranging
campaign and specific tool:

Loading of orbital parameters:

 Fixed parameters

• PAP73W : Satellite cross section exposed to Sun

• PAP63W : Longitude acceleration of nominal SC position
• PAP74W : Satellite reflectivity coefficient
• PAP75W : Satellite mass
• PAP51N = enabled : update fixed parameters enable

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9- Misc - OOP
Loading of orbital parameters:
 Cyclic orbital parameters :

• PAP52N : Year of Greenwich date

• PAP53N : Month of Greenwich date
• PAP54N : Day of Greenwich date
• PAP55N : Hour of Greenwich date
• PAP56N : Minute of Greenwich date
• PAP57N : Second of Greenwich date
• PAP58N : Millisecond of Greenwich date
• PAP61W : SC mean right ascension
• PAP66W : Mean argument of perigee  OPERATIONAL CONSTRAINT :
• PAP62W : Satellite mean drift at epoch Valid cyclic orbital parameters at exact
time loaded in PAP55N, PAP56N,
• PAP64W : Mean eccentricity
• PAP65W : Mean inclination
• PAP60W : SC mean anomaly
• PAP67W : Mean right ascension of ascending node
• PAP50N : Updated cyclic orbit parameters enable
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9- Misc - OOP
 After OOP update in RAM, it is necessary to load these parameters in SGM (in case of
PM restart)

 OOP is able to take into account DV generated during maneuver to update on board orbit.

 For specific operation or in case of OOP failure, a Simplified On Orbit Propagator

(SOOP) can be used. To perform the orbit propagation, SOOP does not take into account
DV generated and external disturbance torque.

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9- Misc - IRES Inhibition Management
Manual inhibition
 By dedicated telecommand (nominally used in LEOP, not in OOC)

Inhibition by tables (Moon interferences)

 Interference occurrences stored in S/W tables (up to 10 occurrences)
 Commands to set a moon interference :

• tables update : QAN01N to QAN97N

– QANx1N : Year (4 digits)  OPERATIONAL CONSTRAINT :
– QANx2N : Day (day of year) Events should be loaded in
– QANx3N : Hour chronological order
– QANx4N : Minute
– QANx5N : Second
– QANx6N : Duration (in seconds)
– QANx7N : bolometer to be inhibited (1 to 4)
(x stands for 0 to 9 : 1st to 10th inhibition)
• PA31HN : bolometers Moon inhibition enabled
• PA31FN : bolometers Auto inhibition enabled
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Automatic inhibition (sun case)
 OOP must be active (OOP provide the Sun position in S/C frame)
 Commands to activate automatic bolometer inhibition/de-inhibition :

• PA31FN : bolometers auto inhibition enabled

• PA31GN : bolometers Sun inhibition enabled

x: 0.76 , y: 8.181 x: 15.047 , y: 8.181
x: 0.697 , y: 7.081 x: 11.697 , y: 7.081

-6 x: -0.223 , y: 6.161 x: 12.617 , y: 6.161

-5 x: 0.697 , y: 5.241 x: 11.697 , y: 5.241

x: 0.76 , y: 4.141 x: 15.047 , y: 4.141


-2 -1 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Earth Radius X ires (°)
Y ires (°) Bolometer field of vue
SW inibition zone in Narrow scan

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PSSH switching strategy : S/W algorithm

Centre of
recovery zone

PSSH i, j switch bias (°)


PSSHi to PSSHj switching if, during 7 consecutive samples (0.7 sec) :

| Sun azimuth in PSSHi| - |Sun azimuth in PSSHj| > 2 * (PSSH i,j switch bias)

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9- Misc - ECLIPSE
Earth eclipse:
 T/O : OOP not used => manual management through:

• PAP21W : time to eclipse begin (in seconds from present position)

• PAP22W : time to eclipse end (in seconds from present position)
• PAP20N = true : eclipse computation enabled
 G/O : eclipse occurrence is computed by the OOP each 1 sec. If required, eclipse
management will be performed by the OOP


S/C re re-rs


• When eclipse season is detected (criteria on Sry only), Srefy

time until eclipse (AP93H) is computed SUN

• When eclipse or penumbra is detected (criteria on both Srx Xs/c EARTH Srefx
and Sry), time until eclipse is set to 0, time to end of
eclipse (AP94H) is computed, and eclipse flag (AH24Z) is
set to Yes Ys/c
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9- Misc - ECLIPSE
Moon eclipse : for NM only
 In NM, the sun eclipses by moon are not provided by the OOP.
 In that case, the OBSW uses tables to switch from NM_U_E_S_W to NM_U_E_W
(default) or NM_U_E_3G_W.

 Eclipse occurrences stored in S/W tables (up to 5 eclipses)

 Commands:
• tables update : QAQ01N to QAQ46N
• QAQ00Z : Enable operational mode change in case of eclipse by moon
• QAQ50L : operational mode during eclipse by moon (default: NM_U_E_W)

When an eclipse by Moon happens during a colinearity
period, Exit time should be delayed in order to avoid a
come back in NM_U_E_S_W during colinearity.

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END OF AOCS training

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