HUMSS 9 Concept Paper

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HUMSS Subject (Specialized)

1. Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems

2. Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences (DIAS)
3. Creative Writing
4. Creative Nonfiction
5. Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences
6. Philippine Politics and Governance
7. Megatrends and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture
8. Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship
Concept Paper
Concept paper, meaning

● A concept paper aims to clarify a concept which can be about any topic from
any fields. It can also be a short summary that tells the reader what the project
is, why it is important, and how it will be carried out. Its aim is to capture the
thoughts and ideas while the research proposal captures the ideas in a
structured manner for approval to research.
● In technical terms, a concept paper provides an overview of the project.
Concept paper helps us to have a detailed knowledge on what is the process of
paper works, projects, business proposals, research paper, etc. Concept paper
is very useful for both students during university projects and entrepreneurs
working on a business proposal.
Patterns of development

1. Defining: Giving the meaning of the concept

2. Describing: Characterizing the concept by providing its characteristics.
3. Comparing: Equating with other concepts to ascertain similarities
between concepts.
4. Making an analogy: This is similar to comparing, but also includes any
deduction about of what has been compared.
5. Contrasting: Pairing or linking it with another concept with the purpose
of identifying the differences between the concepts.
6. Classifying: Arranging concepts into groups, based on ways they are
7. Illustrating: Giving proof or evidence, so the reader could understand
the concept.
8. Narrating: Talking about the concept elaborately in a narrative manner.
9. Explaining a process: Explaining the different aspects of the process.
10. Analyzing cause and effect: Giving a critical explanation about the
causes and effects of the idea or concept.
11. Listing: Enumerating, trying to take a rundown about what these kinds
of concepts are.
Ways to explain the concept:
1. Definition – It is a method of identifying a given term and making its
meaning clearer: its main purpose is to clarify and explain concepts, ideas, and
Definition can be presented in 3 ways: informal, formal, or extended.
1. Information definition – Done through brief explanation.
2. Formal definition – Explains a term by indicating where that term came
from and the quality that makes the term different from others.
3. Extended definition – It is composed of at least one paragraph,
providing full description and complete information.
Example of Informal and Formal Definition

Informal: Culture is present in every family, community, and even

organizations. Every group has their own ways of doing things or practice.

Formal: Culture is the way of life, especially the general customs and
beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time

Informal: Vitamin C can be found in oranges and it helps us to stay healthy.

Formal: Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. It is needed for normal

growth and development.
Example of Formal and Extended Definition
Formal: Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. It is needed for normal
growth and development.

Extended: Vitamin C is needed for the growth and repair of tissues in all
parts of your body. It is used to form an important protein used to make
skin, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels, heal wounds and form scar
tissue, repair and maintain cartilage, bones, and teeth, and aid in the
absorption of iron.
2. Explication – It is a method of explanation in which sentences,
verses, quotes, or passages are taken for a literary or academic work
and then interpreted and explained in a detailed manner.

3. Clarification – It is a method in which the points are organized from

a general abstract idea to specify and concrete examples are given.
Two outlines of concept paper:

1. Concept paper for a project

2. Concept paper for academic research
Parts of the Concept Paper
(Project Proposal)

V. SUPPORT OR BUDGET (Project Needs & Cost)

● Font Style: Time New Roman

● Bold: Numeral numbers and Parts of the paper
● Font size: 12
● Spacing: 1.5
● Margin: Normal
● Justify
● Page number: bottom (center) of the paper
● Short coupon bond
SOCIAL ISSUES (concept paper)

● Mental Health ● Land / Water pollution

● Teenage Pregnancy ● Climate change
● Malnutrition / Poverty ● Youth Illiteracy
● Bullying / Cyberbullying
● Information Literacy
● Plastic pollution

● The section will be divided into 2 groups. (19 members each group)
● 1 leader and 1 assistant leader

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