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ATP Fcst Checking in SAP

• major control  order could only be released with fcst in

SAP. (buffer margin of + 5 %)

• With this fcst ATP checking in place, when CS issues any

sale order from customer, there will be alert message from SAP
when they save the sale order without enough fcst for this

• The Sale order could also be saved in system but will be

blocked (at items level) by system so that no planned/production
order will be generated.

Prepared By –Teresa lai

ATP Fcst Checking in SAP
• Sale order item level blocking example….

“ZP” ---- normal, no issue, planned order could be generated

“CN”---- item blocked by insufficient fcst, MRP will not generated planned order too.

Prepared By –Teresa lai

Updates for PP ???
1. Converted planned order & loading reference to the sale order first
a. First date on sale order screen …
b. First date on CO41 screen

c. First date on
PO :
d. “First date” on ZRPP001(outstanding sale order) report :
= add 2 new columns at the last 2 column as below .

CN 2/3/2006
CN 2/3/2006
CN 2/1/2006
CN 2/1/2006
CN 2/1/2006
CN 2/1/2006
CN 2/1/2006
CN 2/1/2006
CN 2/1/2006
CN 2/1/2006
CN 2/1/2006
CN 2/1/2006
CN 2/1/2006
CN 2/1/2006
CN 2/1/2006
CN 2/1/2006
CN 2/1/2006
Loading remark
• we could use the ZRPP001 report to know what is the lots are currently blocked by Fcst ATP
and if we have capacity to release this today. We could communicate with CS team to change
the fcst by noon time and then we could commit that fcst under the daily fcst review cycle.
Then CS could change the “CN” back to “ZP” so that we could release the lots and also to
max. the daily loading capacity.

• Loading should reference to the sale order first date in ascending order (ie last column in the

• If we need to release those lots with the First date belong to next or coming months, please
check with material control first to confirm the material availability even the material ATP
showing no MSPT. This is because the currently material that assigned to this sale order item
may be actually need to reserve for some other customers with this month fcst.

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