Artificial Intelligence

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1. What is Artificial Intelligence ?
2. History of AI
3. Characteristics of AI
4. Types of AI
5. Advantages of AI for better life
6. Impacts of AI
7. How to overcome impacts
8. Conclusion

9. References
01. What is Artificial
Intelligence ?
 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is intelligence
demonstrated by machines, as opposed to natural
intelligence displayed by animals including

 The capability of machine to imitate intelligent

human behavior.
02. History of AI
 The history of AI began in antiquity with stories.

 The philosophers who thought of the system of

human thinking as the mechanical manipulation of
symbols was the start of AI.

 Eventually scientists have invented programmable

digital computer in 1940 and as a result of it
scientists thought of electronic brain.

 The modern AI technology was founded at workshop held on Dartmouth College, USA
in 1956.
03. Characteristics of AI
1) Deep learning
 This is a technique that computers to do what comes naturally for human.
 This was used in automatic text generator, computer vision.
Ex- Self driving cars- Tesla

2) Facial recognition
 Compares the knowledge with a database of known faces to seek out a match.

3) Data Ingestion
 Just not gather data it will analyze and compare with previous experiences.
4) Quantum Computing

5) Chatbots

6) Cloud Computing
 Ability to store data

7) Automate Simple and Repetitive Tasks

 Ability to do a thing over and over again
04. Types of AI
• There are 7 main types of AI

1) Narrow AI
 This type of artificial intelligence represents all the existing AI, including even the most complicated .
Refers to AI systems that can only perform a specific task autonomously using human-like capabilities
 This AI type is only for programed activities therefor the capability of performance is limited. Therefore
this is called narrow AI.

2) General AI
 This AI type is capable of learn, understand, function like human being.
 This will not take long time to train.
• 3) Strong AI
 This type is the most developed and scientists tell that this is the pinnacle of AI research.
 Overwhelmingly greater memory, faster data processing and analysis, and decision-making capabilities
are the reasons for the top of the types.

4) Reactive machines
 These are the oldest forms of AI systems that have extremely limited capability.
 These machines do not have the ability to learn.

5) Limited memory
 These can only capable of learning from historical data to make decision.
6) Theory of mind
 Interacting with by discerning their needs, emotions, beliefs, and thought processes.
 This can understand human needs, emotions.

7) Self awareness
 This type is hypothetically exists.
05. Advantages of AI

I. Can get new inventions. Without a problem scientist can do experiment using AI
II. More useful than robots. AI are program for thinking but robots are program to do . They cannot do
anything by there own.
III.Reduce human error
IV. Can get maximum work in industry.
V. Ability to work 24 hours and 7 days
VI.Can get maximum product and profit
06. Impacts of AI
I. In future there will be a huge change in society.
II. Workers will lose the jobs due to replacement of AI.
III.There will be a gap between two people. In the middle there will be a AI so that face to face
communication will be lost.
IV. Human feelings like love, caring will be diminish in minds.
V. Due to unemployment there will be wealth inequality.
VI. Environmental pollution.
VII. In present people are controlling AI but in future AI will control people.
07. How to overcome impacts

 Developing policies to assure that development of AI will be directed at augmenting humans and the
common good.
 Giving priority for educational, political, economical developing AI . So that the over manufacturing
will be limited.
 Before inventing a new AI , first check on its harmfulness for both environment and humans.
08. Conclusion

 AI is at the center of a new enterprise to build computational models of intelligence. The main
assumption is that intelligence (human or otherwise) can be represented in terms of symbol structures
and symbolic operations which can be programmed in a digital computer.
 Aspects of intelligent behaviour, such as solving problems, making inferences, learning, and
understanding language, have already been coded as computer programs, and within very limited
domains, such as identifying diseases of soybean plants
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