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By: Click to edit Master subtitle style Abuga-a, Sheena Queen Cabaring, Ernie Dave


A rigid external immobilizing device that is molded to the contours of the body.

A cast is used specifically to: Immobilize a reduced fracture Correct a deformity Apply uniform pressure to underlying tissue Support and stabilize weakened joints

Types Of Cast, Molds And Indications



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Airplane cast for humerus and shoulder joint with compound fracture. Basket cast for severe leg trauma with open wound or inflammation. Body cast for lower dorso-lumbar spine affectation. Boot leg cast for hip and femoral fracture. Cast brace for fracture of femur (distal curve) with flexion and extension. Collar cast for cervical affectation. Cylindrical leg cast for fractured patella.

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Delbit cast for fracture of tibia or fibula. Double hip spica cast for fracture of hip and femur. Double hip spica mold cervical affectation with callus formation. Frog cast for congenital hip dislocation. Functional cast for fractured humerus with abduction and adduction. Hanging cast for fractured shaft of the humerus. Internal rotator splint for post hip operation.

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Long arm circular cast for fractured radius or ulna Long arm posterior mold for fractured radius or ulna with compound affectation. Long leg circular cast for fractured tibia-fibula. Long leg posterior mold for fracture tibia-fibula with compound affectation. Minerva cast for upper dorsal or cervical affectation. Munster cast for fractured radius or ulna with callus formation. Night splint for post polio.

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Pantalon cast for pelvic bone fracture Patella tendon bearing cast for fractured tibia-fibula with callus formation. Quadrilateral (ischial weight bearing) cast for shaft of femur with callus formation. Rizzers jacket for scoliosis Short arm circular cast for wrist and fingers. Short arm posterior mold for wrist and fingers with compound affectation. Short leg circular cast for ankle and foot fracture.


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Short leg posterior mold for ankle and foot with compound affectation. Shoulder spica for humerus and shoulder joint. Single hip spica for hip and 1 femur. Single hip spica mold for pelvic fracture with callus formation. 1 and hip spica for hip and femur. 1 and spica mold for hip and femur with compound affectation.

The short arm cast may be used for:

The long arm cast may be used for:

The long leg cast may be used for:

Two different kinds of casting materials are used to make the hard part present outside. They are: Fiberglass This comes in a variety of colors with several patterns and designs on it. These casts are are beneficial in cases where the bone is not out of its alignment. It is ideal in cases where the process of healing has already been started. Benefits: Light in weight, can be worn longer, more breathable in comparison to plaster casts, more sturdy and resistant to sudden shocks and require less maintenance.

Plaster This is white in color and is used in most cases. This type of cast is ideally used where repositioning of the bone is performed (i.e.- fracture reduction). Benefits: Plaster can be moulded easily, perfect moulding will enable precise support to the bones. Limitations: Bulky and heavy in weight causing discomfort, must be left dry always, plaster getting wet can cause skin problems in the patient.

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