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The Perks of Being a

by: Stephen Chbosky
Today’s Agenda
What is an allusion?
 To Kill a Mockingbird
 This Side of Paradise
Art and your identity
What is an allusion, exactly?
A literary device that stimulates ideas, associations,
and extra information in the reader’s mind with only
a word or two.
Allusions in writing help the reader to visualize
what's happening by evoking a mental picture.
The reader must be aware of the allusion and must
be familiar to what it is referring.
The author includes an allusion for a significant
reason. Don’t simply read past it! The allusion will
most likely come back to haunt you!
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Date Published: July 11, 1960
Short Summary:
 Takes place during three years (1933-35)
 At the start of the novel, Scout, the young narrator, is
six years old, although everything is told in the form of a
flashback. So, there is a grown-up Scout telling us about
her past through the voice of a little girl.
 Tom Robinson, a black man, is accused of raping a
young, white woman, and Atticus Finch is appointed to
defend Tom.
 Scout wants to help her father, Atticus, but he does not
want Scout to be present during the trial
 Despite evidence of Tom’s innocence, the jury
convicts him, and he is shot and killed trying to
escape from prison.
 Bildungsroman (18th c): novel of education that

follows the psychological and moral growth of

 Southern life and racial injustice
 Gender roles
 Loss of innocence
This Side of Paradise
by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Date Published: 1920
Short Summary:
 Divided into three parts : Book One, Interlude, Book Two
 The lives of post-World War I youth
 Protagonist Amory Blaine is a student at Princeton
University and serves in the army in WWI
 After the war, Amory falls in love with a New York socialite
named Rosalind Connage. Their relationship cannot last
because he is poor
 Novel ends with the famous statement, “I know myself, but
that is all”
 Love warped by greed
 Love warped by status-seeking
Why are these novels
important to The Perks of
Being a Wallflower?
What are the connections
between the novels and Charlie?
Personal connections
Today’s Agenda
Finish up from last class
Introduce Final Project
Partnered work
Exit card
Remember to read pages 27-46 for next class
The Perks of Being a
Final Project
“I am starting to see a real trend in the kind of
books Bill gives me to read. And just like the tape of
songs, it is amazing to hold each of them in the palm
of my hand. They are all my favorites. All of them”
(The Perks of Being a Wallflower, 63).

Creating YOUR own

Anthology of Self-Discovery
Exit Card

Explain why the picture is

relevant to YOUR identity or
what you have learnt about
yourself by engaging
with this art piece.

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