Lesson 2

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Practical Research 2

Part 2-Lesson 2
Let us have a little review...
What is Quantitative Research?

What makes Quantitative Research different from

Qualitative Research?

What characterizes Quantitative Research?

Let’s Continue with the lesson...
Did you know that there are two kinds of Quantitative Research?

and Non-Experimental

Non-Experimental Experimental

True Experimental Quasi-

Descriptive Correlational
A Question for you…
What Do You Think Is The
Difference Between The Two
Kinds Of Quantitative
Non- Experimental Research

• Describes a situation or phenomenon

• Relationship between two or more variables without any

interference from the proponent

• Researchers collect data without making changes or

applying treatments
Non- Descriptive Research

• Describes the nature, characteristics, components of the

population or the phenomenon

• There will be no manipulation of variables nor search for

cause and effect will be applicable

• Determines the frequency in which it occurs and find the

attributes of the presently existing situation/problem
Examples of Descriptive Research

How many hours senior high school students spend on online games?

How many malnourished children have failed in the achievement test?

How healthy is the food served during lunch time in public schools?
A Question for you…
What Other Examples Can You
Share About Descriptive
Non- Correlational Research

• It investigates relationships between two variables

• Measures the degree of the relationship or associations

• Shows the strength of the relationships that exists between or

among variables

• Example: Performance in Science and Scores in Practical

Research 2
Examples of Correlational Research

Sex and mathematical ability

Age and leadership style

Occupation and Life Span

A Question for you…
Does Correlational Research
Needs Its Data To Be
Manipulated Or Changes?
Experimental Research

• This type of research is centrally concerned in

constructing research that is high causal (internal)
• It means to know the “why”
• It is scientific approach, so it needs hypotheses testing
• Researchers collect data with making changes or
introducing treatments
Experimental True Experimental Research

• It can be identified with three characteristics:

1. Randomly formed groups
2. Manipulation of the treatment; and
3. Comparison among the groups (control group and
experimental group)

• To test the true cause and effect relationships of the variables

involved in the study
Experimental True Experimental Research

• One group Posttest only Design

single group ---> intervention---> posttest

• Two groups Posttest only Design

Experimental group---> intervention---> posttest
Control Group---> no intervention---> posttest

• Pretest - Posttest Design

Experimental group---> pretest---> intervention--->

Control Group--->pretest---> no intervention---> posttest

Experimental Quasi-Experimental Research

• This kind of research is almost the same as the True

Experimental design.
• The only difference is the absence of random assignment of
subjects to other conditions
• You have a target population/respondents
• Some subjects still receive intervention

• Example: The effect of Remedial program to Beginners

A Question for you…
Is The Difference Between True
Experimental Research And
Quasi-experimental Research
So Big? Why?
Quantitative Research:
The Strengths

Provides estimates population at large sample

Indicates the extensiveness of attitude held by people

Provides results which could be condensed to statistics

Allows statistical comparison between various groups

Quantitative Research:
The Strengths

Has precision, is definitive and standardized

Measures the level of occurrence, actions and trends.

Can answer the question, How many and How often

Objective since it provides numerical data

A Question for you…
If There Are Strengths, There
Should Be Weaknesses, What
Do You Think Are The
Weaknesses Of Quantitative
Quantitative Research:
The Weaknesses

Time consuming considering a large sample

Statistical computations are complex for some

Too much methodology may dismay researchers, especially on randomization in

the selection sample
Quantitative Research:
The Weaknesses

Not all quantitative data are extensively discussed and interpreted

It is costly. Since it has a large population size, the expenses will be greater in
reaching out to the respondents.
What makes Quantitative
Research Important?
• Quantitative research offers details about the
objectives of the study that is taking place and how
will it be achieved so that an informed assessment of
the methods to obtain results of the research problem
can also be done.

• It offers tremendous help in studying samples and

populations. It discusses in detail relevant questions,
for instance, where did the data come from, where
are the existing gaps in the data, how robust is it and
what were the exclusions within the data research.
What makes Quantitative
Research Important?
• It establishes relationship between two or more
• Objective and reliable data collection
• Identifying the research problem
• The methodologies used
• Helps in testing theories
• Statistical analysis
A Question for you…
Do you think Quantitative
research is important in the
different fields? Why do you
think so?
Importance of Biology

• Using quantitative research in biology had often

revealed counterintuitive phenomena and insights while
at the same time leading to novel research directions.

• With our world facing increasingly complex

environmental issues, quantitative techniques can reduce
the numerous uncertainties by providing a reliable
representation of reality, enabling us to proceed toward
potential solutions
Importance of Medicine

• Quantitative research is essential in finding the right

treatment to cure or treat a particular disease.
• Scientists use quantitative research to create medical
devices that can help in the treatment of an illness.
• Quantitative research produces factual and reliable
outcome data.
Importance of Business

• Quantitative research gives busy entrepreneurs the

ability to collect large volumes of data quickly and
efficiently, providing a generalized view of your target
demographic beyond your survey participants.
• The analysis and result of a survey can also be processed
with speed too.
Thank You

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