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Religion and Politics

1. Be familiar with the common teachings of world’s major religions
2. Identify challenges to understanding religious diversity
3. Understand how religions influence politics
Major World Religions
Image: Carrie Osgood
Source: World Economic Forum. (2019). These are all the world’s major religions in one map. Retrieved March 13, 2023, from
China and India are huge religious outliers
Image: Carrie Osgood
Source: World Economic Forum. (2019). These are all the world’s major religions in one map. Retrieved March 13, 2023, from
Image: Carrie Osgood
Source: World Economic Forum. (2019). These are all the world’s major religions in one map. Retrieved March 13, 2023, from
Lots of grey area in Europe
Image: Carrie Osgood
Source: World Economic Forum. (2019). These are all the world’s major religions in one map. Retrieved March 13, 2023, from
Islam in the North, Christianity in the South Image: Carrie Osgood
Source: World Economic Forum. (2019). These are all the world’s major religions in one map. Retrieved March 13, 2023, from
Different majorities across Asia
Image: Carrie Osgood
Source: World Economic Forum. (2019). These are all the world’s major religions in one map. Retrieved March 13, 2023, from
Class Participation: Reflection Questions (pair)
Instructions (20 points):
- Answer the following questions by referring to online resources (e.g., JSTOR)
- Discuss your findings within the group
- Organize your thoughts (concept map may help)
- Write your output in paragraph form (with headings and subheadings, must have intro, body and
- You are given 20 minutes to finish this activity.
- 15 seconds for sharing of outputs (to be orally delivered)


1. Why do you think it is important to understand others’ religions?

2. How do you think our lack/insufficient understanding of others’ cultures affect development?
3. What are the common teachings of the major world religions (Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and
Pillars of Islam

1. Shabada (profession of faith)

2. Salat (prayer)
3. Zakat (almsgiving)
4. Sawm (fasting during Ramadan)
5. Hajj (pilgrimage)
Four Permissible Goals in Life

1. Kama (desire for pleasure)

2. Artha (Power and substance)
3. Dharma (Righteousness and Discipline)
4. Moksha (Liberation or salvation)
Caste system

1. Brahmin (priesthood)
2. Ksatriya (aristocratic nobility and warriors)
3. Vaisya (includes peasants, merchants, and professionals)
4. Shudra (non-Aryans or not of Indo-European origin)

Outcasts or the untouchables

Four Noble Truths

1. Life is suffering
2. Suffering is caused by ignorance
3. Sorrow ends when a person is enlightened
4. Enlightenment is achieved by a course of disciplined and moral conduct
Noble Eightfold Path

1. Right View or Right Understanding

2. Right Thought (freedom from improper thoughts)
3. Right Speech (meaningful, purposeful and timely speech)
4. Right Action (avoidance of bodily harm)
5. Right Occupation or Livelihood (morally acceptable livelihood)
6. Right Effort (prevention of evil)
7. Right Mindfulness (need to remain alert at all times)
8. Right Concentration or Meditation (clear and composed mental condition)
Liberation Theology
- Justice for the less fortunate and the oppressed
- Poverty as evil and and offense against God (Gutierrez, 1971)
- “God takes the side of the poor and that poverty is the result of human failure
to to construct a world of justice.” (Gutierrez, 1971)
Are you now able to do it?
1. Be familiar with the common teachings of world’s major religions
2. Identify challenges to understanding religious diversity
3. Understand how religions influence politics

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