A Project On: Group - 12 Namit Aggarwal Sahil Pandey Karan Wadhwa Rishub Jain V. Chaithanya Varun Gupta

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A Project on

Group 12 Namit Aggarwal Sahil Pandey Karan Wadhwa Rishub Jain V. Chaithanya Varun Gupta

Introduction Marketing Strategies Failure of Dairy Products SWOT Analysis

An Indian based largest bakery products manufacturer with 38% market share. Principal activity is the manufacture and sale of biscuits, bread, rusks, cakes and dairy products. Established in 1892, with an investment of Rs. 295 in Central Kolkata. Strode into the 21st Century as one of India's biggest brands and the pre-eminent food brand of the country.


Marketing Strategy
Strong quality of the product and customer satisfaction. Growing relationship with customer and customer retention. Focus on competitors activity. A growing emphasis on global thinking and local marketing planning A growing emphasis on global thinking and local marketing planning Promotional Strategy

4 Ps of Marketing
Product: Britannia launched Tiger biscuits to combat ParleG and 40% of total rural and urban markets. Britannia introduced biscuits with low cholesterol, sugar and fats. Pricing: Market-Penetration Pricing for the products like tiger. Aims to upgrade the unorganized sector consumer.

Promotion: The Lagaan Match was voted India's most successful promotional activity of the year 2001. The colors they use denote festivity. Place: Britannia uses both PUSH and PULL strategies. It has the most widely distributed network in the biscuit industry.

THE ORIGIN OF 'Eat Healthy, Think Better'

Consumers seek foods that complement their lifestyles while offering convenience, variety and economy, over and above health and nutrition. Britannia had the ability to resonate with the changes in consumer needs-needs that have varied significantly across its 100+ year epoch

THE ORIGIN OF 'Eat Healthy, Think Better (cont)

IN 2002 Re-birth- new corporate identity 'Eat Healthy, Think Better' lead to new mission: 'Make every third Indian a Britannia consumer .

Britannia saw the writing on the wall. Its "Swasth Khao Tan Man Jagao(Eat Healthy, Think Better) encapsulating the core essence of Britannia - healthy, nutritious, optimistic and combining it with a delightful product range to offer variety and choice to consumers .

Tiger Banana - Britannia Tiger Banana packed with IRON ZOR and goodness of Banana is accessible to all, being available in convenient packs priced at Rs.2, Rs.4 and Rs.10. IRON ZOR helps make mind sharper and body stronger. NutriChoice SugarOut - Sounds like yesterday when people commented that healthy foods meant "compromising on the taste. The product is not just sweet but tastes great, and yet contains no added sugar.

Treat Fruit Rollz - Want to know a little secret? They make the best tiffin treats!Fruit Rollz is indeed a yummy snacking option for kids, while keeping the Moms assured about the goodness provided by the fruit filling. Britannia 50-50 Pepper Chakkar - The tangy and distinctive pepper flavored biscuit, is truly a case of leveraging the marketing mix to best advantage.


Britannia has tried to venture into many milk based products like package milk, butter, cheese, Ghee etc. But Amul being a market leader in this product range had a brand image which Britannia was not able to break. Thus many of these products failed.

Dairy Transformations

To get a market share in the milk based products Britannia had to reposition itself. They made the packaging more attractive. They also launched new products like different type of cheese (e.g. gourmet cheese) and flavored milk(e.g. Tiger Zor Milk).

Porters Analysis





Competitive rivalry
Its competitors in the biscuit segment are:Parle (30% market share), Bakemans (8%), Ampro (6%) and Kwality (4%). Britannia is the market leader in value terms, but Parle controls 44% of the total volume compared to Britannias 34%. However, Britannia recently bought over Kwalitys brands thus indirectly increasing its market share

Britannia had a weak presence in the largest biscuits segment Glucose (36% of total biscuit market), aimed at the lower end of consumers. It launched Tiger in this segment during 1997. Bread contributes about 5% to Britannias topline. The Indian bread market is largely dominated by the unorganised sector. Besides Britannia, Modern Foods is the only other national player in the branded segment.

Food Strategies
Biscuit :- Target customers to capture growth in each category by segmenting the market both along convetional lines & through segmentation. Dairy :- Enter selective segments to establish a presence so that portfolio includes premium as well as popular brands. Bread :- Continue with this category despite being a low margin market since its presence is a logical extension of its expertise in bakery products.

SWOT Analysis
STRENGTHS: Widely accepted in all generations . Provide good instant remedy for hunger in the form of readymade food. Preserve the non seasonal food and makes it available throughout the year. Brand name.

WEAKNESS: Decrease nutritional value. Increases the cost of food products. Industry and technology requires high investment. Regular usage of processed food can cause alteration in health.

OPPORTUNITIES: Progressing economy of India. Improved living standard. Increase disposable income and busy lifestyle. Good quality of goods (in terms of nutrition) Inflow of foreign reserves and funds for the govt. Other avenues like ready to eat foods. Provide competition to foreign companies.

THREATS: Sometimes provide poor quality of product for more profit Lack of technology. Unable to utilize all resources efficiently.


Britannia can launch Chocolates.

Key factors behind the product

The Confectioneries market is valued at Rs. 3500 crore of which just Rs. 1400 crore is from organized sector . In 2010, the major players controlled 32%of the market while in 2011, the share of major players in confectioneries market has been increased to 40%and the rest 60% of the market is controlled by smaller players.

Close tie ups with the small companies in confectioneries business. As it is a new entrant in this business.

Feasibility of the New Launch

They have specialized manufacturing unit. Good brand Image. Access to distribution channels.


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