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ITT 420

Chapter 6

Helpdesks and support

Prepared by:
Raihana Md Saidi

Thomas A. Limoncelli,Christina J. Hogan,Strata R. Chalup

The Practice of System and Network Administration
3rd, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2016
ISBN: 9780133415100
ITT 420

Chapter 6 Objectives
 Describe customer support and helpdesks: what they are,
how to organize them, how to manage them.
 Identify the process of handling an incident report which
involved involves understanding a person’s needs,
proposing solutions, working with the customer to
provide a solution.
 Discuss the process of debugging which consist of
understanding the problem, finding the cause, making the
change that makes the problem solved.
ITT 420

Chapter 6 Outline
 Customer Support
 Handling an Incident Report
 Debugging
 Fixing Things Once
 Documentation
Customer Support

Having a helpdesk
 Physical (walk-up counter) or virtual (phone or
 The transition from ad hoc to formal helpdesk can
be uncomfortable to customers.
 SAs should expect this push-back and do their best
to ease the transition.
 Communicating the new helpdesk procedures
clearly is important.
 Self-help systems are also popular but should not
be considered a replacement for systems that
involve human interaction
Customer Support

Offering a Friendly Face

 Physical helpdesk – interior design should be
pleasant and welcoming.
 Web-based virtual helpdesk – welcoming, design
that uses soothing colors, readable fonts
 Faces of the staff members also should be
welcoming and friendly, as should their
 A good-natured supervisor who can laugh and is
always friendly will attract similar staff, who will
reflect such an attitude with customers.
Customer Support

Reflecting Corporate Culture

 The look and feel of your helpdesk should reflect corporate
 Take the time to consider the culture and “look” of your
helpdesk as compared to that of the customers they serve.
 Try to evolve to a culture that suits the customers served.
 i.e : dress codes and ways of conducting business, creative,
very relaxed protocol.
Customer Support

Having enough staff

 Sizing a helpdesk staff is very difficult because it
changes from situation to situation.
 First-tier SAs have a similar skill level as second-tier
SAs at other helpdesks, to meet the more highly
technical level of questions. Ratio 40:1.
 E-commerce sites usually have a separate helpdesk for
internal questions and a “customer-facing” helpdesk.
Ratio can be 10,000:1 or 1,000,000:1
 Rather than focus on customer-to-attendant ratios, it is
better to focus on call volume ratios and time-to-call
Customer Support

Defining Scope of Support

 Having a written scope-of-support policy is one of
the best gifts management can give to an SA
 What is being supported?
 Who will be supported?
 Where are the customers?
 When is support provided?
 How long should the average request take to complete?

 Overworked SAs often do not have a written

scope-of-support policy.
Customer Support

Specifying How to Get Help

 Scope-of-support document is a document that
specifies how to get help: by phone, email, a ticket
system, default Windows background wallpaper
CompanyName IT helpdesk: [phone number] [email address] [web site]
 To help the staff save time.
 If customers have not been given clear directions on
the proper way to get help, they will contact SAs
directly, interrupting them at inappropriate time.
 Even worse, SAs may be contacted at home!
Customer Support

Defining Processes for Staff

 Very large helpdesks use scripts as part of their
 Every service supported has an associated flow of
dialogue to follow to support that service.
 For example, the script for someone calling to request
remote access service captures the appropriate
information and tells the operator what to do, be it
enable remote access directly or forward the request
to the appropriate service organization.
 The script for a request to reset a password would, for
security reasons, require callers to prove who they
are, possibly by knowing a unique piece of personal
information, before a new password would be set.
Customer Support

Establishing an Escalation Process

 Escalation is a process by which an issue is moved from the
current staff person to someone with more expertise.
 First line of operators should be able to handle 80 percent to
90 percent of all calls and escalate the remaining calls to a
second tier of support.
 Second tier may have more experience, more training, and,
possibly, other responsibilities.
 Larger organizations may have four or more tiers; the higher
tiers may include the people who built or currently maintain
the service in question.
Customer Support

Establishing an Escalation Process

Customer Support

Defining “Emergency” in Writing

 Every customer claims to have an emergency that requires
immediate attention.
 SAs may feel that customers are using this claim to boss them
around, which decreases morale and increases stress levels.
 Having a written policy empowers SAs to know when to push
back and gives them a document to point to when they need it.
 If the customer still disagrees with this assessment, the SA can
pass the issue up to someone in management, who can make
the decision.
 SA focus on technical duties and lets management focus on
setting priorities and providing resources.
 Every company should be able to define what constitutes an
Customer Support

Supplying Request-Tracking Software

 Every helpdesk needs some kind of software to help it
manage requests.
 Helpdesk software should permit some kind of priority to be
assigned to tickets.
 Helps SAs manage their time.
 An SA should be able to easily list the top-priority issues that
have been assigned.
 Collects logs about which kinds of requests are made and by
 Statistical analysis of such logs can be useful in managing the
 Can also automate the collection of data on customer
Customer Support

Statistical Improvements
 Historical statistics become much
more valuable when dealing with upper management for
budgeting and planning purposes.
 Better case for your budget if you can show multiyear
trends of customer growth, call volume, types of calls,
technologies used, services provided, and customer
 When you are asked to support a new technology or
service, you can use past data to predict what the
support costs may be.
Customer Support

After-Hours and 24/7 Coverage

 Customers are asking for 24/7 coverage more often.
 Full three-shift staff may be required in some
 No matter how SAs are contacted after hours, the person
must be compensated.
 Some organizations have a salary incentive for on-call
 Other organizations issue

compensation time either

officially or unofficially.
Customer Support

Different Helpdesks for Different Needs

 It may make sense to have two separate helpdesks: one
for requesting new services and another for reporting
problems that arise after the service.
 Third group deals with installing the new service,
especially if it requires physical work.
 The benefit of dividing the helpdesk this way is that the
two or three groups can be placed under different
 A supervisor can effectively manage only a certain
number of people.
 Different groups can be separately trained for the
different skills required for their task.
Handling an Incident Report

Process overview
 Structured process defining how customer requests are
gathered, evaluated, fixed, and verified, Tom
(Limoncelli 1999).
 Customer requests are the trouble tickets, calls, problem
reports, etc.
Handling an Incident Report

Method for processing customer requests are:

 Phase A: The Greeting (“Hello!”)
 – Step 1: The Greeting
 Phase B: Problem Identification (“What’s wrong?”)
 – Step 2: Problem Classification
 – Step 3: Problem Statement
 – Step 4: Problem Verification
 Phase C: Planning and Execution (“Fix it.”)
 – Step 5: Solution Proposals
 – Step 6: Solution Selection
 – Step 7: Execution
 Phase D: Verification (“Verify it.”)
 – Step 8: Craft Verification
 – Step 9: Customer Verification/Closing
Handling an Incident Report

4 phases 9 steps

Phase A

Phase B

Phase C

Phase D
Handling an Incident Report

Optimizing Customer Care

 Model-Based Training
 Holistic Improvement
 Increased Customer Familiarity
 Special Announcements for Major Outages
 Trend Analysis
 Customers Who Know the Process
 An Architecture That Reflects the Process
Handling an Incident Report
Handling an Incident Report

Understanding the Customer’s Problem

 Customers may be trying to read their email and aren’t
able to.
 They may report this in many ways: “My mail program is
broken” or “I can’t reach the mail server” or “My
mailbox disappeared!” Any of those statements may be
true, but the problem also could be a network problem, a
power failure in the server room, or a DNS problem.
 These issues may be beyond the scope of what the
customer understands or should need to understand.
 Therefore, it is important to gain a high-level
understanding of what the customer is trying to do.

Fixing the Cause, Not the Symptom

 To build sustainable reliability, SAs must find and fix the
cause of the problem, not simply work around the
problem or find a way to recover from it quickly.
 Although workarounds and quick recovery times are
good things, and sometimes necessary, fixing the root
cause of a problem is better.
 “I had to exit and restart an application or service”
 Deleting the log files fixes the symptoms, but
activating a script that would rotate and
automatically delete the logs would fix the problem.

Being Systematic
 Process of elimination entails removing different parts
of the system until the problem disappears. The problem
must have existed in the last portion removed.
 Successive refinement involves adding components to
the system and verifying at each step that the desired
change happens.

Six Classes of Network Bugs

 Six classes of bugs can limit network performance:
 Packet losses, corruption, congestion, bad hardware
 IP routing, long round-trip times
 Packet reordering
 Inappropriate buffer space
 Inappropriate packet sizes
 Inefficient applications
 Any one of these problems can hide all other problems.
This is why solving performance problems requires a
high level of expertise.

Training Is the Most Important Tool

 Formal training has a number of benefits:
1. Off-site training takes you away from the interruptions of
your job and lets you focus on learning new skills.
2. Formal training usually covers all the features, not only
the ones with which you’ve had time to experiment.
3. Instructors often reveal bugs or features that the vendor
may not want revealed in print.
4. Access to a lab of machines allows you to try things that,
because of production requirements, you couldn’t
otherwise try.
5. You can list the training on your resume; this can be more
impressive to prospective employers than actual
experience, especially if you receive certification.

Understanding the Underlying Technology

 Unix systems have a reputation for being very easy to debug,
most likely because so many experienced Unix SAs have in-
depth knowledge of the inner workings of the system. Unix
systems come with documentation about their internals; early
users had access to the source code itself. Much of the system
is driven by scripts that can be read easily to gain an
understanding of what is going on behind the scenes.
 Microsoft Windows developed an early reputation for being a
difficult system to debug when problems arose. Rhetoric from
the Unix community claimed that it was a black box with no
way to get the information you needed to debug problems. In
reality, there were mechanisms, but the only way to learn
about them was through vendor-supplied training.

Choosing the Right Tools

 The best tool is one that provides the simplest solution to
the problem at hand, and can be easily combined with
other tools. The more sophisticated a tool is, the more
likely it will get in its own way or simply be too big to
carry to the problem.
 Example: NFS mounting problems can be debugged with
three simple tools: ping, traceroute, and
Fixing Things Once

Avoiding Temporary Fixes

 Sometimes, constraints on time or resources require a
quick fix until a complete fix can be scheduled.
 Sometimes, a complete fix can require an unacceptable
interruption of service in certain situations, and a
temporary fix has to suffice until a maintenance window
can be scheduled.
 Sometimes, temporary fixes are required because of
resource issues. Maybe software will have to be written
or hardware installed to fix the problem.
Fixing Things Once

Avoiding Temporary Fixes (cont)

 If a disk is being filled by logs, a permanent fix might be
to add software that would rotate logs. It may take time to
install such software, but in the meantime old logs can be
manually deleted.
 The full log disk can be tempting on a busy day to
manually delete the older logs and move on to the next
task without recording the fact that the issue needs to be
revisited to implement a permanent fix.
Fixing Things Once

 One type of automation fixes symptoms and alerts an SA
so that he or she can fix it permanently. The other type of
automation fixes things permanently, on its own.
 Automation that fixes problems can be worrisome.
 Automation should be extremely careful in what it does
and should keep logs so that its work can be audited.
 Automation often fixes symptoms without fixing the root
cause. In that situation, it is critical that the automation
provide an alert that it has done something so that an SA
can implement a permanent fix.

What to Document
 The things that are most important to document tend to
be either things that are complicated and unpleasant or
things that you explain all the time.
 A job description usually has two parts: the list of
responsibilities and the list of required skills.
 Generate the list of responsibilities by enumerating the
processes that you dislike and that have been
 Generate the list of required skills by drilling down into
each document and cataloging the skills and

A Simple Template for Getting Started

1. Title: A simple title that others will understand.
2. Metadata: The document’s author’s contact
information, and the revision date or history.
3. What: A description of the contents of the document or
the goal that someone can achieve by following the
4. How: The steps to take to accomplish the goal.

Easy Sources for Documentation

1. Saving Screenshots
2. Capturing the Command Line
3. Leveraging Email
4. Mining the Ticket System

The Power of Checklists

 Some typical checklists include:
 Tasks to be done for each new hire
 Tasks to be done for each employee termination
 Installation tasks for each operating system used at a location
 Processes for archiving and for off-site storage of data as
required by the legal department
 Process for securing the OS before deploying a machine

Wiki Systems
 A wiki is a web-based documentation repository that makes it
easy for anyone with appropriate access to add and edit
 Documents may contain plaintext, text with HTML, or text
with wiki-specific embedded formatting tags or commands.
 A wiki usually has a built-in source code control system to
check document files in and out and to retain revision history.
 More advanced wiki environments include user authentication,
automated tagging of updates (date, time, user), per-user
locking of files, access control by user or group, and various
degrees of granularity of read/modify/publish permissions on
individual document directories or subdirectories.

 People today would prefer to search than read through an
index or table of contents.
 Most wiki systems now have a full text search capability.
 Another way to make a documentation system
searchable is to have one long table of contents that
contains titles and descriptions. People can use their web
browser’s ability to search within a page to find what
they need.
 The description can include synonyms for technical
terms, as well as the technical name for something, the
brand name, and the common name.

A Content-Management System
 A publication system for web sites.
 The CMS releases the article at a specific time, placing it on the web
site, updating tables of contents, and taking care of other details. For
an IT site, the CMS might permit plug-ins that give portal features,
such as summaries of recent outages.
 A CMS specifically consists of three layers:
 The repository layer is generally a database but may also be a
structured file system with metadata. The content is stored in this
 The history layer implements version control, permissions, audit
trails, and such functionality as assigning a global document
identifier to new documents.
 The presentation layer is the user interface.

Additional Documentation Uses

 Self-help desk: This area contains current status, major upcoming changes,
and the ability to create tickets. It also contains links to other sources, such as
the HOWTOs, FAQs, and monitoring system.
 Internal group-specific documents: Each group may want to have internal
documentation that describes how to perform tasks that only that group can
 How-to documents: A how-to or HOWTO document is a short document that
describes how to accomplish a particular task.
 Frequently asked questions: The FAQs list the most common queries about
a particular topic, along with their answers. The answers may point to a
HOWTO document or self-help tools.
 Reference lists: Reference lists are accumulated lists of things that are not
accessed often but that serve a specific purpose. Procedures: Have a
repository for procedures, checklists, run books, and scripts.
 Technical library: Store vendor documentation, technical
End of chapter 6

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