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● Assesses physical activities, exercises and
eating habits PE10PF -IIa - h -39
● Engages in moderate to vigorous physical
activities that can lead to improved physical
fitness; PE10PF -IIc - h -45

Fitness is a universal concern.
 Is not only for athletes, sportsmen, PE teachers
and fitness instructors but also a concern for
students, parents and other members of the
 The condition of being physically fit and healthy.
Basic Stretching
Warm – Up
Neck Stretch
•Bend your head forward and
slightly to the right.
•With your right hand, gently
pull your head downward to
stretch your neck.
•Hold for about 16 counts.
Repeat on the opposite side.
Shoulder Rolls
•Stand in upright
position. Roll shoulders
in circular motion
forward to backward
Side Arm Stretch
Stand in upright position.
Extend the right arm to the left.
Use the left arm/hand to gently
push the right arm towards the
body to straighten and stretch
it. Hold the stretch for 16
counts. Repeat on left arm.
Tricep Stretch
•Extend one hand down the center
of your back, fingers pointing
•Use the other hand to grasp the
elbow and stretch your tricep
•Hold the stretch for 16 counts.
Repeat on the opposite arm.
Hamstring Stretch
•Stand with your feet shoulder-
width apart, one foot extended half
a step forward.
•Keeping the front leg straight,
bend your rear leg, resting both
hands on the bent thigh.
•Stretch the hamstring muscles.
Hold the stretch for 16 counts.
Repeat on the opposite leg.
Quadricep Stretch
•Stand near a wall or a piece of
sturdy exercise equipment for
•Grasp your ankle and gently
pull your heel up and back until
you feel a stretch in front of
your thigh.
•Hold for about 16 counts.
Switch legs and repeat.
•Sit on the floor. Extend your legs in front of your
body. Outer Thigh Stretch
•Bend right knee, cross right foot over left knee and
place on the floor.
•Place left elbow on right knee.
•Keep abdominal muscles tight and back straight. Keep
shoulders back and chin up.
•Place right arm behind your right hip on floor for
•Gently twist waist and shoulders to the right, looking
behind the right shoulder.
•Feel the stretch in the right outer thigh.
•Inhale (breathe in) through your nose, and exhale
(breathe out) through your mouth, as you complete
this stretch.
•Hold this stretch for 16 counts.
•Repeat on the opposite side to stretch your left outer
Inner Thigh Stretch
•Stand upright, with both feet facing
forward, double shoulder-width apart.
•Place your hands on your hips, in order
to keep your back straight, slowly exhale,
taking your body weight across to one side.
•Avoid leaning forward, or taking the knee
of the bent leg over your toes. As you
increase the stretch, the foot of the bent leg
should point slightly outward.
•Repeat on the opposite side.
Calf Stretch
•Begin this calf stretch with your
hands against the wall and your
leg to be stretched behind you.
•Keep your heel down, knee
straight and feet pointing forwards.
Gently lunge forwards until you
feel a stretch in the back of your
calf or knee
.•Hold for 16 counts and repeat
with the other leg.
Knee Bends/Squat
•Plant your feet flat on the ground, about shoulder-
width apart.
•Point your feet slightly outward, not straight ahead.
•Look straight ahead. Bend your knees as if you
were going to sit back in a chair, keeping your heels
on the floor.
•Never let your knees extend beyond your toes.
•Pull in your abdominal muscles and keep your lower
back in a near neutral position (a slightly arched
back might be unavoidable).
•In a controlled manner slowly lower yourself down
so that your upper legs are nearly parallel with the
floor. Extend your arms for balance.
Other Warm-Up Exercises
a. Hip Circles f. Jog in Place
b. Alternate Cross g. Jumping Jacks
Kicks Front h. Breathing Exercises
i. Lower Back Stretch
c. March on the Spot j. Shin Stretch
d. Standing Knee Lifts
e. Alternate Toe
Touches Side
Healthy Lifestyle Guidelines
1. Perform around 20-30 minutes of moderately intense
physical activity on most days of the week. It can an
accumulation of minutes for each day.
2. Eat a healthy breakfast everyday.
3. Manage stress effectively.
4. Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night.
5. Perform simple flexibility exercises involving all joints
of the body.
6. Eat a healthy diet that is rich in whole-wheat grains, fruits,
and vegetables and is low in saturated and trans fats.
7. Do not use tobacco in any form and avoid second hand
8. Maintain your recommended body weight through adequate
nutrition and exercise.
9. Have at least one close friend or relative in whom you can
confide in and to whom you can express your feelings openly.
10. Be aware of your surroundings and take personal safety
measures at all times.
 Being physically active can help you achieve a
healthy weight and prevent excessive weight gain.
However, physical activity is also important to all
other aspects of your health. Benefits include
sleeping better at night, decreasing your chances
of becoming depressed, and helping you look
good. When you are not physically active, you
are more likely to have health problems, including
heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and high blood
 The amount of physical activity needed
to manage body weight depends on
calorie intake and varies a lot from
person to person. Some adults will need
to do more physical activity than others
to manage body weight.
Simple Truth
 Simple Truth There is no quick and easy way to
take off excess body fat and keep it off for good.
Weight management is accomplished by making a
lifetime commitment to be physically active and have
proper food selection. When taking part in a
weight/fat reduction program, you also have to
decrease your caloric intake, be physically active,
and implement strategies to modify unhealthy eating

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